{| class="wikitable" style="background-color: #fff;text-align: center"
! VPN Installed on the Host OS (outside any virtual machines)
! VPN Installed on {{project_name_gateway_long}}
! VPN Installed on both the Host and {{project_name_gateway_short}}
! All {{project_name_short}} Traffic Routing
| User
→ Host
's VPN → Tor
→ Internet
| User
→ Gateway
's VPN → Tor
→ Internet
| User
→ Host
's VPN → Gateway
's VPN → Tor
→ Internet
! All Host Traffic Routing
| User
→ Host
's VPN → Internet
| User
→ Internet
| User
→ Host
's VPN → Internet
! {{project_name_gateway_short}} Compromise
| Host's VPN Affords Protection
| Nil Protection
| Host's VPN Affords Protection
To decide the best configuration in your circumstances, consider:
* Is it necessary to hide all traffic from the ISP? [
All traffic generated by the host OS and all applications running on the host. For example, Firefox, NTP, and anything else. This also includes traffic generated by {{project_name_short}}.
] Then install the VPN on the host.
* Should the VPN provider be able to see all traffic? Then install the VPN on the host.
* Should the VPN provider be limited to seeing Tor traffic, but not clearnet traffic? Then install the VPN on {{project_name_gateway_short}}.