turnkey-django-14.2 (1) turnkey; urgency=low 

  * Installed security updates.

  * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all
    appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.

 -- Jeremy Davis <jeremy@turnkeylinux.org>  Wed, 03 May 2017 09:02:10 +1000

turnkey-django-14.1 (1) turnkey; urgency=low

  * Installed security updates.

  * Installed updated packages from TurnKey repo
      - includes relevant Webmin packages (v1.780)

  * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all
    appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.

 -- Jeremy Davis <jeremy@turnkeylinux.org>  Tue, 01 Mar 2016 16:28:44 +1100

turnkey-django-14.0 (1) turnkey; urgency=low

  * Upgraded to latest Jessie version of Django (1.7.7).

  * Complete rewrite of TurnKey example app following Django docs.
  * Hardened default SSL settings

  * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all
    appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.

 -- Jeremy Davis <jeremy@turnkeylinux.org>  Thu, 25 Jun 2015 15:55:58 +1000

turnkey-django-13.0 (1) turnkey; urgency=low

  * Django:

    - Latest Debian Wheezy package version of Django.
    - Updated legacy settings [#65, #117].
    - Removed hardcoded version in online documentation link.

  * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all
    appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.

 -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org>  Thu, 10 Oct 2013 17:42:13 +0300

turnkey-django-12.1 (1) turnkey; urgency=low

  * Latest upstream source version of Django.

  * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all
    appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.

 -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org>  Sun, 07 Apr 2013 08:00:00 +0200

turnkey-django-12.0 (1) turnkey; urgency=low

  * Django:

    - Upgraded to latest upstream package.
    - Database name and username changed to 'django' (simplicity).

  * Added ipython (convenience).

  * Major component versions

    python-django   1.2.3-3+squeeze2
    apache2         2.2.16-6+squeeze7
    mysql-server    5.1.63-0+squeeze1
    phpmyadmin      4:3.3.7-7

  * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all
    appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.

 -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org>  Wed, 01 Aug 2012 08:00:00 +0200

turnkey-django-11.3 (1) turnkey; urgency=low

  * Installed security updates.
  * Enabled etckeeper garbage collection by default.
  * Upgraded to latest inithooks version (adhoc re-initialization via turnkey-init)

 -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org>  Mon, 05 Dec 2011 10:48:44 +0000

turnkey-django-11.2 (1) turnkey; urgency=low

  * Installed security updates.
  * Added HubDNS package and firstboot configuration.

 -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org>  Fri, 15 Jul 2011 07:47:08 +0000

turnkey-django-11.1 (1) turnkey; urgency=low

  * Django:

    - Transitioned to mod_wsgi from mod_python (performance).
    - Tweaked settings.py to be more dynamic.
    - Configured email settings.
    - Added settings_dev.py (sets DEBUG=y and uses SQLite if DEVELOPMENT=y).

    - Completely restructured Django project:
      - Project moved to /var/www/project (was /var/www/django-sites[/apps]).
      - Admin symlink moved to /media/admin from admin_media.
      - Apache site renamed to django (was django-sites).

    - Added python-django-doc and configured for offline access.

  * Set Django admin email and password on firstboot (convenience, security).

  * Set MySQL root password on firstboot (convenience, security).

  * Force MySQL to use Unicode/UTF8.

  * Set postfix MTA myhostname to localhost (bugfix).

  * Major component versions:

    python-django   1.1.1-2ubuntu1
    mysql-server    5.1.41-3ubuntu12.8
    sqlite          2.8.17-6build2
    apache2         2.2.14-5ubuntu8.4
    python2.6       2.6.5-1ubuntu6

  * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all
    appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.

 -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org>  Sun, 19 Dec 2010 15:01:05 +0200

turnkey-django-2009.10 (2) hardy; urgency=low

  * Installed all security updates (see manifest for package versions).

  * Install security updates on firstboot (except when running live).

  * Bugfix: Updated apt preferences for auto-security updates (LP#550307).

  * Trick webmin into not checking for upgrades (managed by apt).

  * Updated di-live mysql mechanism and secret regeneration.

  * Included latest version of inithooks and updated scripts.

  * Included wget as per common request.

 -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org>  Mon, 29 Mar 2010 09:02:11 +0200

turnkey-django-2009.10 (1) hardy; urgency=low

  * Upgraded Django and pinned to update directly from Debian (security).

  * Added Turnkey web control panel (replaces welcome page). Also provides
    example Django application using template and static media urls.

  * Added postfix MTA (bound to localhost) to allow sending of email from
    web applications (e.g., password recovery). Also added webmin-postfix
    module for convenience.

  * di-live (installer) MySQL component:

    - Added support for complex passwords (LP#416515)
    - Added CLI options (user/pass/query/chroot)

  * Bugfix: Removed build systems hostname from mysql user table.

  * Regenerates all secrets during installation / firstboot (security).

  * Major component versions:

    python-django   1.0.2-1+lenny1
    mysql-server    5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4
    apache2         2.2.8-1ubuntu0.11
    python2.5       2.5.2-0ubuntu1

  * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all
    appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.

 -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org>  Tue, 29 Sep 2009 15:39:41 +0200

turnkey-django-2009.03 (1) hardy; urgency=low

  * improved django passwords and secrets generation mechanism (security)

    - database password is now randomly generated, and regenerated
      during installation
    - regenerate more secure secret key during installation

  * major component versions

    python-django   1.0.2-1
    mysql-server    5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4
    apache2         2.2.8-1ubuntu0.5
    python2.5       2.5.2-2ubuntu4.1

 -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org>  Thu, 26 Mar 2009 16:31:46 +0200

turnkey-django-2009.02 (1) hardy; urgency=low

  * added SSL support

  * regenerate django secret key during installation

  * added useful links to the default web root (e.g., the "it works!" page)

  * major component versions:

    python-django   1.0.2-1
    mysql-server    5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4
    apache2         2.2.8-1ubuntu0.3
    python2.5       2.5.2-2ubuntu4.1

  * support configuring mysql root password during installation
  * set empty mysql root password in live/demo mode (for convenience)

  * note: please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all
    appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.

 -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org>  Thu, 29 Jan 2009 14:31:35 +0200