Title: wifi-manager.tcz Description: minimalistic wifi manager Version: 2.6 Author: Bruno "GNUser" Dantas Original-site: n/a Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 32K Extension_by: gnuser Tags: wireless wifi manager Comments: ---------- ----- Prerequisite ----- The iw utility must be able to detect your wireless interface. To check, run this command (substitute wlan0 with wlan1 if appropriate): $ iw dev wlan0 info If the command outputs "No such device", you need to first load the driver and/or firmware for your wireless interface. ----- Configuration ----- $ cp /usr/local/share/wifi-manager/wifi-manager.conf ~/.config/ edit ~/.config/wifi-manager.conf ----- CLI usage ----- Scan and connect to wifi: $ sudo wifi-connect View last scan's results: $ cat /tmp/APs ----- GUI usage ----- You need to have a system tray/notification area of your choice, plus yad: $ tce-load -wi yad Create systray icon: $ wifi-monitor & Scan and connect to wifi: $ sudo wifi-connect -or- click systray icon View last scan's results: $ cat /tmp/APs ---------- Change-log: 2022/12/22 first version 2023/01/02 updated 1.6 -> 1.7 2023/03/06 updated 1.7 -> 1.8 2023/03/16 updated 1.8 -> 2.0 2023/08/30 updated 2.0 -> 2.2 2023/09/03 updated 2.2 -> 2.5 Current: 2023/10/24 updated 2.5 -> 2.6