Title:          Xprogs.tcz
Description:    Xprogs from tinycore
Version:        6.0
Author:         various
Original-site:  tinycorelinux.net
Copying-policy: OpenSource
Size:		128KB
Extension_by:   roberts
Tags:	        Xprogs tinycore fltk
Comments:       This is the Xprogs from tinycore
Change-log:     ----
        	2011/02/12 from tinycore base.
        	2011/03/10 Updated for v.3.5.1
		2011/05/11 Bug fix for support of alternate supported window managers.
		2011/09/17 Updated as found in tinycore 4.x
		2012/01/07 Adjusted for permission issues.
		2012/02/17 new scmbrowser and appbrowser update.
		2012/02/19 corrected depends tab bug
		2012/03/18 Xprogs for Core v4.4
		2012/04/24 Xprogs for Core v4.5
		2012/04/24 Xprogs for Core v4.5.1
		2012/06/17 Xprogs for Core v4.5.5
		2012/06/30 Ensure call to busybox md5sum
		2012/11/01 Xprogs for Core v4.7
		2012/11/26 Xprogs for Core v4.7.1 - Added some missing buttons
		2012/11/26 Xprogs for Core v4.7.2 - Added support for xonly boot code.
                2013/05/26 Xprogs for Core v5.0
		2013/09/21 updated flrun (juanito)
		2014/05/30 Updated Apps with revised delete button (Curaga)
                2014/11/04 Updated against fltk 1.3 (Curaga)
                2014/11/29 updated mirrorpicker (juanito)
                2015/02/02 updated apps gui search (juanito)
                2018/03/11 refactored with Xlibs (juanito)
                2018/05/23 adjusted desktop files (juanito)
Current:        2019/02/11 updated exittc (juanito)