#  http_integrity.monitor
#  http_integrity.monitor [-u url] [-n num_threads] [-a anchor_tag_types]
#    [-t link_timeout] [-T page_timeout] host...
#  Use try to connect to a http server and verify the integrity of the
#  page and objects within that page (e.g. to make sure that there are
#  no broken images).
#  For use with "mon".
# ./http_integrity.monitor -u "/index.html" host1 host2 host3
#  -u  URL path to retrieve from each host.
#  -s  Use SSL to connect to the host.
#  -n  Max number of requests to issue at one time. Defaults to 8.
#      Increasing this number may produce faster load times, depending
#      on the performance of the site and the speed of the link.
#      Decreasing this number may produce slower load times, again,
#      depending on the performance of the site and the speed of the link.
#      Experiment to find what works best for you.
#  -t  Timeout, in seconds, to wait for data when downloading any given
#      link. Must be an integer.
#  -T  Timeout, in seconds, to issue an error for if the time to load
#      the page, plus any associated images/applets/etc., exceeds this
#      number. Can be a floating point number.
#  -a  Types of anchor tag items to retrieve, in a space separated quoted
#      list. Default is "img applet". Case matters.