# A complete keymap of useful ircII commands # I couldn't live without it.. # ..and if you would learn to use it.. # ... REALLY use it (never type /query...) # .. you'd one day ask yourself how you could # ever irc without it.. :) # # lynx91,92 bind meta1-^i parse clear bind meta1-, parse flush bind meta1-a parse input "Away: " away $$* bind meta1-c parse names $C bind meta1-d parse countrywho bind meta1-e parse input "Exec: " exec $$* bind meta1-f parse join -i bind meta1-g parse ^query $D;^set -status_user bind meta1-h parse localwho bind meta1-i parse invite $, $C bind meta1-j parse whois $: bind meta1-k parse part $C;^window kill bind meta1-l parse list -min 3 -topic -public bind meta1-m parse ^query $.;^set -status_user bind meta1-n parse names -public -min 2 bind meta1-o parse who -o bind meta1-p parse mode $C +p bind meta1-q parse ^query;^set -status_user bind meta1-r parse ^query $,;^set -status_user bind meta1-s parse input "Server: " server $$* bind meta1-t parse input "Topic: " topic $$* bind meta1-u parse lusers bind meta1-w parse if ( [$C] == 0 ) { echo You haven't joined a channel } { who $C } bind meta1-x parse whois $, bind meta1-y parse set scroll toggle bind meta1-z parse set hold_mode toggle