d P H - ̀\ `D$4 `U PI I P `[ ̀ and Kai Uwe Rommel. Type '%s -L' for the software License. Copyright (C) 1990-1993 Mark Adler, Richard B. Wales, Jean-loup Gailly RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. IMPLIED. IN NO EVENT WILL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES PROVIDED AS IS AND COME WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR LIKE ANYTHING ELSE THAT'S FREE, ZIP AND ITS ASSOCIATED UTILITIES ARE not sold for profit. redistribute this executable so long as it is not modified and that it is Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or zipnote error zipnote error: %s (%s) US]tCv tu h `UR`T Rh h ` `=|U t|U R `=xU txU R> xU Rr `=U tU RZ `Sy `aborting U `9 `w j h ` _ ` `hd j ]zipnote warning: %s%s UURURh h ` `]zipnote US1ېh P R ` `9 `wj h `I_ ` `Cv1ېP R `Cv]] zipnote -w foo.zip < foo.tmp ... then you edit the comments, save, and exit ... ed foo.tmp zipnote foo.zip > foo.tmp Example: -h show this help -L show software license -b use "path" for the temporary zip file -w write the zipfile comments from stdin the default action is to write the comments in zipfile to stdout Usage: zipnote [-w] [-b path] zipfile ZipNote %s (%s) Sept 18th 1993 2.0.1 US1ېh P R ` `9 `wj h ` _ ` `Cv1ېh2 hA 0P R9 ` `9 `w j h `_ ` `Cv]]ÐUWVS u UBU@t\u: `9 `wj\h `/_ ` \ `CwDߡ `9 `w&% Ph `_ ` `NW t0 `9 `wj h `_ ` `e[^_] UWVS}u; t8\ux t@@C8 u Q `V `Du P `Ãu BV 8 t RQSp `PG `P> `Q_1e[^_]use -b before zip file name unknown option zip file cannot be stdin was processing arguments can only specify one zip file need to specify zip file %c %s (comment above this line) %c%s (zip file comment below this line) a unexpected input unknown entry name was building new comments wb rb was copying an entry new zip file left as: was replacing the original zip file U WVS#= }uj Y_/: xU U |U ht j `ht j `Dž 1 9u M8-i x O C; + $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ th J H[j _j _Dž h jC; sh >uL=U u#UR U u9h j h5 j$M T 1F9u =U uhS jk ƅtU RV=T u U Qj urT t8SHRj@hl _K$QSDRhs j@h _ [Xuh j@h _ V QU Rj Q_h U Q_ǃuU RjW3_ U Q4 T W_ @u.h P ` @u th j|t#KHQR_t[Xuuh jF{$ tKDQ(_j_CD W_t3@t*WCDPpƃth VǐSDRk_C$[Xj_U S_t+ShU ƃth V|ϐ U Q_V h U R3 xU P_|U u xU Qj h U R_ǃu U Qj =U tEU RQW3 ƃt( uxU U PVT t/RWS20 ƃth Vr[XuW_Q_ǃuxU Rj >T t.QS# ƃtxU RV [XuӋQ#_ÃuxU Rj )QU R V QWSU Rw+ ƃt xU QV|U R_t xU Qj sxU R U Q 0 ƃt5xU Rh s xU Q+_xU h* V"xU R_xU QU R21 U Q_U j _UUE @HP@HP3 ].zip UVSuV&_u Pc_Ãu1=VS_j.j/S#_u@P _uh S_؍e[^]- rb %d zero-length name for entry # zip: reading %s bad extended local header for extended local header not found for compressed size %ld, actual size %ld for %s has been would be zip warning: %s %s truncated. Retry with option -qF to truncate, with -FF to attempt full recovery extraneous central header signature local and central headers differ for offset %d--local = %02x, central = %02x local offset in central header incorrect for names in local and central differ for made by version %d.%d on system type %d: needs unzip %d.%d on system type %d: local flags = 0x%04x, central = 0x%04x: undefined bits used in flags = 0x%04x: unknown compression method %u: starts on disk %u: unknown internal attributes = 0x%04x: unknown external attributes = 0x%08lx: has %d bytes of extra data: local extra (%d bytes) != central extra (%d bytes): missing end signature--probably not a zip file (did you remember to use binary mode when you transferred it?) multiple disk information ignored count in end of central directory incorrect central directory size is incorrect (made by stzip?) central directory start is incorrect has a preamble of %ld bytes garbage at end of zip file ignored UtWVSU T V =U t U 9 e h Q~_O h U R_EЃ0 ET E U uЋvE9pwP _EtUЋRuFtPtE뼐]ԋEPjjURh_EuauE ƉuUu U}PKt5}PKt,jjEP;_EtUR uȉ5U ME Uu j\_ǃ EPjjUR_Et =T =T c fUԊEff fW =T t fT GTfU֊Eff fUfW,fWf]fU؊Eff fWMU uE OMU uE OMU uE OMU uE OUu WUEU ЉG GG$ fG( fG* 1Ƀ=T t O0GL GP E =T | wut]ԉ}E UCBUMuwG ƉwWw Uf]֊Eff Ww UGW Eu>GX GXE} MAu Qd_GHb t Ou Q>_G<< URjuVGHP%_EuC tURjwVG