\begindata{text,538425776} \textdsversion{12} \template{help} \define{global } \define{footnote attr:[Flags OverBar Int Set] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point -2]} \chapter{Creating a Table of Contents in EZ} \leftindent{This help file introduces you to the \bold{Table of Contents} option available in the EZ text editor. The \bold{Table of Contents} option is a recent addition to EZ, and some features may not work as well as you would like. If you experience any difficulty in executing the procedures discussed, keep in mind that this option is still being developed. This help document assumes that you are reasonably familiar with some of the basic formatting options in EZ. It contains the following sections: \leftindent{What the Table of Contents Does Working with the Table of Contents Window Editing Titles Numbering and Renumbering Titles Printing and Previewing the Table of Contents Preferences for the Table of Contents Pop-up Menu Meanings Related Tools} } \section{What the Table of Contents Does}\leftindent{ The EZ text editor provides for tables of contents on two different levels. On one hand, EZ enables you to print a hardcopy version of the table when you print the original document. In addition to the hardcopy table, EZ provides an interactive Table of Contents window that allows you to view and edit the titles that appear in the hardcopy table of contents. The Table of Contents window also allows you to view and scan terms which will appear in your document's index pages. For more information on indexes, see the \italic{\helptopic{ez-index}} help file. For a normal EZ document, both the printed and interactive tables of contents are composed of document titles formatted with \bold{Chapter}, \bold{Section}, \bold{Subsection}, or \bold{Paragraph} styles. If you would like a particular title to appear in the table of contents, you must format it with one of these styles, or specify other styles in your preference file (see the section below). Tables of Contents can also be created for different types of EZ files, such as those created with \italic{\helptopic{ctext} }, \italic{\helptopic{ptext} }, \italic{\helptopic{mtext} }, and \italic{\helptopic{ltext} }extensions. EZ simply looks for text that has been formatted with the \bold{Function} formatting style. For more information, refer to the corresponding help files. Neither the printed table or the Table of Contents window depends on the other to function properly. For example, you can get a printed table of contents by using the interactive Table of Contents window, or you can simply add a line to your preference file which allows you to automatically print a table. Most of the sections that follow are devoted to explaining options available in the interactive Table of Contents window. If all you want to do is print a table of contents, skip directly to the \bold{Preferences for the Table of Contents} section. }\section{Working with the Table of Contents Window}\leftindent{ \bold{Creating a Table of Contents window}. To automatically create a Table of Contents window for the current document, choose the \bold{Table of Contents} option from EZ's \italic{Page} menu. A new window is opened entitled "ez Buffer: Contents_\italic{filename}" where \italic{filename} is the current EZ document. The Table of Contents window is a read only buffer. This means that you cannot make direct changes in the table of contents as you would in a normal EZ file. \bold{Moving around with the Table of Contents window}. In addition to helping you view, edit and print a table of contents, the Table of Contents window can also help you to move about lengthy documents as you edit them. To move directly to a specific title in the document window, click once on the corresponding title in the Table of Contents window. The text in the original document window scrolls to reveal that title. In this manner, you can move directly to different portions of a document without fumbling with the scroll bar. Once the TOC window has the input focus, it is then possible to use the keyboard to traverse the contents. Each time you position the text caret on a new procedure name, the associated procedure in the source document is brought into view. For even greater viewing pleasure, see the description of the ContentsScrollTop preference in the section \bold{\italic{Preferences for the Table of Contents}} below. \bold{Closing the Table of Contents window}. To close the Table of Contents window, choose \bold{Close Contents} from that window's front menu card. Most of the sections that follow assume that the Table of Contents window is open. }\section{Numbering and Renumbering Titles}\leftindent{ The titles listed in the Table of Contents window can be easily numbered using EZ's \bold{enumerate} option. EZ numbers titles according to a numbering scheme where: \leftindent{1 indicates the current \bold{Chapter}, 2 indicates the current \bold{Section}, 3 indicates the current \bold{Subsection}, and 4 indicates the current \bold{Paragraph}.} For example, the number 1.3 would represent the third section of the first chapter of a document. \bold{Numbering the entire table}. To number the entire table of contents, move to the Table of Contents window and select \bold{Enumerate} from the \italic{Contents} menu card. The appropriate numbers are inserted in both the Table of Contents and document windows. To remove these numbers from the entire table of contents, select \bold{Denumerate} from the \italic{Contents} menu card. Numbers are again removed from both windows. \bold{Numbering or renumbering portions of the table}. There may be times when you will want to number or renumber specific portions of the table of contents. This can become necessary when an entire document represents only a particular chapter or section of some larger work. To number or renumber a portion of the table of contents, highlight the desired titles in the Table of Contents window and select \bold{Enumerate} from the \italic{Contents} menu card. The message, \leftindent{Starting number} is displayed in a dialogue box. If the selected titles are not already numbered, the number 0 appears at the prompt. If the selection is currently numbered, the number of the first selected title appears at the prompt. You have the option of accepting the given starting number or of defining your own. \leftindent{To define the starting number for the selected titles, delete the given number and replace it with your own. }Clicking on the \bold{accept} button accepts the starting number shown in the dialogue box. Beginning with the selected number, highlighted titles are numbered in both windows according to the numbering scheme discussed above. Clicking \bold{cancel} aborts the entire process. To remove the numbering from a portion of the table, highlight the desired titles and select \bold{Denumerate} from the \italic{Contents} menu. If no titles are highlighted, numbers are removed from the entire table. } \section{Editing Titles}\section{ }\leftindent{ Although titles appear in both the document and Table of Contents windows, you need not make two separate corrections when changing title entries. Instead, EZ allows you to work on an original document while either manually or automatically updating titles in the Table of Contents window. \bold{Editing existing titles}. To edit an existing table of contents title, make the desired insertions and/or deletions to the corresponding title in the original document. EZ makes changes in the document's Table of Contents window as you type. At present, EZ does not allow you to change the formatting style of titles located in the Table of Contents window or the printed table of contents pages. However, you can change the formatting style of titles appearing in the original document using \italic{lookz}. For more information, see the \italic{\helptopic{lookz}} help file. \bold{Creating new titles}. To place a new title in the existing Table of Contents window, first add the appropriate title to the original document window. Next, move to the Table of Contents window and choose \bold{Update Contents} from the \italic{Contents} menu card. The new title is inserted into the Table of Contents window at the proper location. \bold{Deleting existing titles}. To completely remove a title from both the table of contents and document windows, select the title in the original document window and choose \bold{Cut} from the front menu card. The title is removed from both windows. Notice that in the Table of Contents window, a blank space appears in the position of the deleted title. This empty space is left to remind you that a previous title is now missing, and that any existing numbers that label the table of contents are incorrect. Also, the space serves to mark your place in the document just in case you wish to replace the deleted title with a new one. To complete the deletion process, move to the Table of Contents window and select \bold{Update Contents} from the \italic{Contents} menu card. The blank space is erased and any numbering errors are fixed.}\leftindent{ } \section{Printing and Previewing the Table of Contents} \leftindent{ While editing a document, the interactive Table of Contents window displays a simple listing of titles to be included in the printed table. However, the printed version of table of contents is formatted differently, with page number references appearing next to the appropriate titles. \bold{Previewing the table of contents}. To see how both the document and its table of contents will appear in the final printout, choose the \bold{Preview} option from the Table of Contents window's \italic{File} menu. EZ opens a separate Preview window that displays a picture of the final document as it will appear when printed. The table of contents is found on the last previewed page. For more information, see the \italic{\helptopic{preview} }help document. \bold{Printing the table of contents}. To print a document and its table of contents, choose \bold{Print} from the Table of Contents window's \italic{File} menu. The document's table of contents is printed on the last page. As an alternative, you can automatically print tables of contents by editing your preference file (see the below section). To print the document without the table of contents, choose \bold{Print} from the document window's \italic{File} menu.} \section{ Preferences for the Table of Contents }\leftindent{ There are a number of preferences used to change the way in which EZ creates and prints the table of contents. If you would like to use any of the following preferences, you must add the specified lines to your \italic{preferences} file. For more information, see the \italic{\helptopic{preferences}} help file. \bold{Changing included titles}. To specify the title formats included in both the Table of Contents window and the printed table of contents, add the line \leftindent{*.ContentsList:} to your preferences file, followed by a listing of the desired formatting styles. For example, the line \leftindent{*.ContentsList:chapter,section,subsection,paragraph,function} would represent EZ's default preference setting. \bold{Automatically enumerating the table of contents}. To have your table of contents numbered automatically upon printing, add the line, \leftindent{*.AutoEnumerate:yes} to your preferences file. \bold{Automatically printing the table of contents}. To automatically print tables of contents, add the line \leftindent{*.PrintContents:yes} to your preferences file. A table of contents will be included in each printed document, regardless of whether or not you open a Table of Contents window. \bold{Automatically scrolling a selected procedure to the top of the screen}. To automatically scroll a selected procedure to the top of the screen, add the line *.ContentsScrollTop:yes to your preferences file. Whenever you place the text caret on a new procedure in the TOC window, the associated procedure in the source document will be scrolled to the top of the window. }\section{Pop-up menu meanings }\leftindent{ }\italic{Contents Menu Card}\leftindent{ \bold{Enumerate:} Numbers the selected titles in both the document and Table of Contents windows. \bold{Denumerate:} Removes numbering from the selected titles in both the document and Table of Contents windows. \bold{Update Contents:} Recreates the table of contents list to include any newly created titles in the original document. } \leftindent{ }\italic{Index menu card}\leftindent{ \bold{Index Term:} Formats all occurrences of a specified word with the index style. For more information, see the \italic{\helptopic{ez-index}} help file. \bold{Index from File}\bold{: }Formats all occurrences of terms included in the specified index file with index style. For more information, see the \italic{\helptopic{ez-index}} help file. \bold{Index to File}\bold{:} Writes the current index listing to the specified index file. For more information, see the \italic{\helptopic{ez-index}} help file. \bold{Preview Index:} Creates a preview window that shows a picture of the current index as it will appear when printed. For more information, see the \italic{\helptopic{ez-index}} help file. \bold{Print Index:} Prints the current index to the specified printer. For more information, see the \italic{\helptopic{ez-index}} help file. \bold{Italic Index: }Makes all terms formatted with index style appear italicized in the document window. For more information, see the \italic{\helptopic{ez-index}} help file. \bold{Plain Index: }Removes the italic appearance of terms formatted with index style. For more information, see the \italic{\helptopic{ez-index}} help file. \bold{Expose Inv. Index:} Makes readable all invisible index terms. For more information, see the \italic{\helptopic{ez-index}} help file. \bold{Hide Inv. Index:} Hides all occurrences of invisible index terms in the document window. For more information, see the \italic{\helptopic{ez-index}} help file. } \section{Program Author} \leftindent{ Tom Neundorffer, ITC}\leftindent{ } \section{Related tools} Select (highlight) one of the italicized names and choose "Show Help on Selected Word" from the pop-up menu to see the help file for: \leftindent{\italic{\helptopic{ez} \helptopic{ez-footnotes} \helptopic{ez-index} \helptopic{ptext} \helptopic{ctext} \helptopic{ltext} \helptopic{mtext} \helptopic{preview} \helptopic{printing} \helptopic{preferences}}} \begindata{bp,537558784} \enddata{bp,537558784} \view{bpv,537558784,333,0,0} Copyright 1992 Carnegie Mellon University and IBM. All rights reserved. \smaller{\smaller{$Disclaimer: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of IBM, Carnegie Mellon University, and other copyright holders, not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, AND THE OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, OR ANY OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $ }}\enddata{text,538425776}