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(Adobe Illustrator (R) Version 5.0 Level 2 Emulation) %%Version: 1.2 0 %%CreationDate: (04/10/93) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved) userdict /Adobe_level2_AI5 26 dict dup begin put /packedarray where not { userdict begin /packedarray { array astore readonly } bind def /setpacking /pop load def /currentpacking false def end 0 } if pop userdict /defaultpacking currentpacking put true setpacking /initialize { Adobe_level2_AI5 begin } bind def /terminate { currentdict Adobe_level2_AI5 eq { end } if } bind def mark /setcustomcolor where not { /findcmykcustomcolor { (AI8_CMYK_CustomColor) 6 packedarray } bind def /findrgbcustomcolor { (AI8_RGB_CustomColor) 5 packedarray } bind def /setcustomcolor { exch aload pop dup (AI8_CMYK_CustomColor) eq { pop pop 4 { 4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat 5 -1 roll pop setcmykcolor } { dup (AI8_RGB_CustomColor) eq { pop pop 3 { 1 exch sub 3 index mul 1 exch sub 3 1 roll } repeat 4 -1 roll pop setrgbcolor } { pop 4 { 4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat 5 -1 roll pop setcmykcolor } ifelse } ifelse } def } if /setAIseparationgray { false setoverprint 0 setgray /setseparationgray where{ pop setseparationgray }{ /setcolorspace where{ pop [/Separation (All) /DeviceCMYK {dup dup dup}] setcolorspace 1 exch sub setcolor }{ setgray }ifelse }ifelse } def /gt38? mark {version cvr cvx exec} stopped {cleartomark true} {38 gt exch pop} ifelse def userdict /deviceDPI 72 0 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt put userdict /level2? systemdict /languagelevel known dup { pop systemdict /languagelevel get 2 ge } if put /level2ScreenFreq { begin 60 HalftoneType 1 eq { pop Frequency } if HalftoneType 2 eq { pop GrayFrequency } if HalftoneType 5 eq { pop Default level2ScreenFreq } if end } bind def userdict /currentScreenFreq level2? {currenthalftone level2ScreenFreq} {currentscreen pop pop} ifelse put level2? not { /setcmykcolor where not { /setcmykcolor { exch .11 mul add exch .59 mul add exch .3 mul add 1 exch sub setgray } def } if /currentcmykcolor where not { /currentcmykcolor { 0 0 0 1 currentgray sub } def } if /setoverprint where not { /setoverprint /pop load def } if /selectfont where not { /selectfont { exch findfont exch dup type /arraytype eq { makefont } { scalefont } ifelse setfont } bind def } if /cshow where not { /cshow { [ 0 0 5 -1 roll aload pop ] cvx bind forall } bind def } if } if cleartomark /anyColor? { add add add 0 ne } bind def /testColor { gsave setcmykcolor currentcmykcolor grestore } bind def /testCMYKColorThrough { testColor anyColor? } bind def userdict /composite? 1 0 0 0 testCMYKColorThrough 0 1 0 0 testCMYKColorThrough 0 0 1 0 testCMYKColorThrough 0 0 0 1 testCMYKColorThrough and and and put composite? not { userdict begin gsave /cyan? 1 0 0 0 testCMYKColorThrough def /magenta? 0 1 0 0 testCMYKColorThrough def /yellow? 0 0 1 0 testCMYKColorThrough def /black? 0 0 0 1 testCMYKColorThrough def grestore /isCMYKSep? cyan? magenta? yellow? black? or or or def /customColor? isCMYKSep? not def end } if end defaultpacking setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_typography_AI5 1.0 1 %%Title: (Typography Operators) %%Version: 1.0 1 %%CreationDate:(6/10/1996) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved) currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_typography_AI5 68 dict dup begin put /initialize { begin begin Adobe_typography_AI5 begin Adobe_typography_AI5 { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end end end Adobe_typography_AI5 begin } def /terminate { currentdict Adobe_typography_AI5 eq { end } if } def /modifyEncoding { /_tempEncode exch ddef /_pntr 0 ddef { counttomark -1 roll dup type dup /marktype eq { pop pop exit } { /nametype eq { _tempEncode /_pntr dup load dup 3 1 roll 1 add ddef 3 -1 roll put } { /_pntr exch ddef } ifelse } ifelse } loop _tempEncode } def /havefont { systemdict /languagelevel known { /Font resourcestatus dup { exch pop exch pop } if } { systemdict /FontDirectory get 1 index known { pop true } { systemdict /fileposition known { dup length 6 add exch Ss 6 250 getinterval cvs pop Ss exch 0 exch getinterval status { pop pop pop pop true } { false } ifelse } { pop false } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /TE { StandardEncoding 256 array copy modifyEncoding /_nativeEncoding exch def } def /subststring { exch 2 index exch search { exch pop exch dup () eq { pop exch concatstring } { 3 -1 roll exch concatstring concatstring } ifelse exch pop true } { pop pop false } ifelse } def /concatstring { 1 index length 1 index length 1 index add string dup 0 5 index putinterval dup 2 index 4 index putinterval 4 1 roll pop pop pop } def % /TZ { dup type /arraytype eq { /_wv exch def } { /_wv 0 def } ifelse /_useNativeEncoding exch def 2 index havefont { 3 index 255 string cvs dup (_Symbol_) eq { pop 2 index findfont } { 1 index 0 eq { dup length 1 sub 1 exch getinterval cvn findfont } { pop 2 index findfont } ifelse } ifelse } { dup 1 eq { 2 index 64 string cvs dup (-90pv-RKSJ-) (-83pv-RKSJ-) subststring { exch pop dup havefont { findfont false } { pop true } ifelse } { pop dup (-90ms-RKSJ-) (-Ext-RKSJ-) subststring { exch pop dup havefont { findfont false } { pop true } ifelse } { pop pop true } ifelse } ifelse { 1 index 1 eq { /Ryumin-Light-Ext-RKSJ-V havefont {/Ryumin-Light-Ext-RKSJ-V} {/Courier} ifelse } { /Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H havefont {/Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H} {/Courier} ifelse } ifelse findfont [1 0 0.5 1 0 0] makefont } if } { /Courier findfont } ifelse } ifelse _wv type /arraytype eq { _wv makeblendedfont } if dup length 10 add dict begin mark exch { 1 index /FID ne { def } if cleartomark mark } forall pop /FontScript exch def /FontDirection exch def /FontRequest exch def /FontName exch def counttomark 0 eq { 1 _useNativeEncoding eq { /Encoding _nativeEncoding def } if cleartomark } { /Encoding load 256 array copy modifyEncoding /Encoding exch def } ifelse FontName currentdict end definefont pop } def /tr { _ax _ay 3 2 roll } def /trj { _cx _cy _sp _ax _ay 6 5 roll } def /a0 { /Tx { dup currentpoint 3 2 roll tr _psf newpath moveto tr _ctm _pss } ddef /Tj { dup currentpoint 3 2 roll trj _pjsf newpath moveto trj _ctm _pjss } ddef } def /a1 { W B } def /e0 { /Tx { tr _psf } ddef /Tj { trj _pjsf } ddef } def /e1 { W F } def /i0 { /Tx { tr sp } ddef /Tj { trj jsp } ddef } def /i1 { W N } def /o0 { /Tx { tr sw rmoveto } ddef /Tj { trj swj rmoveto } ddef } def /r0 { /Tx { tr _ctm _pss } ddef /Tj { trj _ctm _pjss } ddef } def /r1 { W S } def /To { pop _ctm currentmatrix pop } def /TO { iTe _ctm setmatrix newpath } def /Tp { pop _tm astore pop _ctm setmatrix _tDict begin /W { } def /h { } def } def /TP { end iTm 0 0 moveto } def /Tr { _render 3 le { currentpoint newpath moveto } if dup 8 eq { pop 0 } { dup 9 eq { pop 1 } if } ifelse dup /_render exch ddef _renderStart exch get load exec } def /iTm { _ctm setmatrix _tm concat _shift aload pop _lineorientation 1 eq { exch } if translate _scale aload pop _lineorientation 1 eq _yokoorientation 1 eq or { exch } if scale } def /Tm { _tm astore pop iTm 0 0 moveto } def /Td { _mtx translate _tm _tm concatmatrix pop iTm 0 0 moveto } def /iTe { _render -1 eq { } { _renderEnd _render get dup null ne { load exec } { pop } ifelse } ifelse /_render -1 ddef } def /Ta { pop } def /Tf { 1 index type /nametype eq { dup 0.75 mul 1 index 0.25 mul neg } if /_fontDescent exch ddef /_fontAscent exch ddef /_fontSize exch ddef /_fontRotateAdjust _fontAscent _fontDescent add 2 div neg ddef /_fontHeight _fontSize ddef findfont _fontSize scalefont setfont } def /Tl { pop neg 0 exch _leading astore pop } def /Tt { pop } def /TW { 3 npop } def /Tw { /_cx exch ddef } def /TC { 3 npop } def /Tc { /_ax exch ddef } def /Ts { 0 exch _shift astore pop currentpoint iTm moveto } def /Ti { 3 npop } def /Tz { count 1 eq { 100 } if 100 div exch 100 div exch _scale astore pop iTm } def /TA { pop } def /Tq { pop } def /Tg { pop } def /TG { pop } def /Tv { /_lineorientation exch ddef } def /TV { /_charorientation exch ddef } def /Ty { dup /_yokoorientation exch ddef 1 sub neg Tv } def /TY { pop } def /T~ { Tx } def /Th { pop pop pop pop pop } def /TX { pop } def /Tk { _fontSize mul 1000 div _lineorientation 0 eq { neg 0 } { 0 exch } ifelse rmoveto pop } def /TK { 2 npop } def /T* { _leading aload pop _lineorientation 0 ne { exch } if Td } def /T*- { _leading aload pop _lineorientation 0 ne { exch } if exch neg exch neg Td } def /T- { _ax neg 0 rmoveto _lineorientation 1 eq _charorientation 0 eq and { 1 TV _hyphen Tx 0 TV } { _hyphen Tx } ifelse } def /T+ { } def /TR { _ctm currentmatrix pop _tm astore pop iTm 0 0 moveto } def /TS { currentfont 3 1 roll /_Symbol_ findfont _fontSize scalefont setfont 0 eq { Tx } { Tj } ifelse setfont } def /Xb { pop pop } def /Tb /Xb load def /Xe { pop pop pop pop } def /Te /Xe load def /XB { } def /TB /XB load def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking % /X^ { currentfont 5 1 roll dup havefont { findfont _fontSize scalefont setfont } { pop exch } ifelse 2 index 0 eq { Tx } { Tj } ifelse pop pop setfont } def /T^ /X^ load def %%EndResource %%BeginProcSet: Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 1.3 0 userdict /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 known not { userdict /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 53 dict put } if userdict /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 get begin /initialize { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 begin Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 { dup type /arraytype eq { dup xcheck { bind } if } if pop pop } forall } def /terminate { end } def currentdict /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars known not { /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars 41 dict def } if Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin /plateindex -1 def /_newproc null def /_proc1 null def /_proc2 null def /sourcearray 4 array def /_ptispace null def /_ptiname null def /_pti0 0 def /_pti1 0 def /_ptiproc null def /_ptiscale 0 def /_pticomps 0 def /_ptibuf 0 string def /_gtigray 0 def /_cticmyk null def /_rtirgb null def /XIEnable true def /XIType 0 def /XIEncoding 0 def /XICompression 0 def /XIChannelCount 0 def /XIBitsPerPixel 0 def /XIImageHeight 0 def /XIImageWidth 0 def /XIImageMatrix null def /XIRowBytes 0 def /XIFile null def /XIBuffer1 null def /XIBuffer2 null def /XIBuffer3 null def /XIDataProc null def /XIColorSpace /DeviceGray def /XIColorValues 0 def /XIPlateList false def end /ci6colorimage /colorimage where {/colorimage get}{null} ifelse def /ci6image systemdict /image get def /ci6curtransfer systemdict /currenttransfer get def /ci6curoverprint /currentoverprint where {/currentoverprint get}{{_of}} ifelse def /ci6foureq { 4 index ne { pop pop pop false }{ 4 index ne { pop pop false }{ 4 index ne { pop false }{ 4 index eq } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6testplate { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin /plateindex -1 def /setcmykcolor where { pop gsave 1 0 0 0 setcmykcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 exch sub 0 1 0 0 setcmykcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 exch sub 0 0 1 0 setcmykcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 exch sub 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 exch sub grestore 1 0 0 0 ci6foureq { /plateindex 0 def }{ 0 1 0 0 ci6foureq { /plateindex 1 def }{ 0 0 1 0 ci6foureq { /plateindex 2 def }{ 0 0 0 1 ci6foureq { /plateindex 3 def }{ 0 0 0 0 ci6foureq { /plateindex 5 def } if } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse pop pop pop pop } if plateindex end } def /ci6concatprocs { /packedarray where { pop dup type /packedarraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or }{ false } ifelse { /_proc2 exch cvlit def /_proc1 exch cvlit def _proc1 aload pop _proc2 aload pop _proc1 length _proc2 length add packedarray cvx }{ /_proc2 exch cvlit def /_proc1 exch cvlit def /_newproc _proc1 length _proc2 length add array def _newproc 0 _proc1 putinterval _newproc _proc1 length _proc2 putinterval _newproc cvx } ifelse } def /ci6istint { type /arraytype eq } def /ci6isspot { dup type /arraytype eq { dup length 1 sub get /Separation eq }{ pop false } ifelse } def /ci6spotname { dup ci6isspot {dup length 2 sub get}{pop ()} ifelse } def /ci6altspace { aload pop pop pop ci6colormake } def /ci6numcomps { dup /DeviceGray eq { pop 1 }{ dup /DeviceRGB eq { pop 3 }{ /DeviceCMYK eq { 4 }{ 1 } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6marksplate { dup /DeviceGray eq { pop plateindex 3 eq }{ dup /DeviceRGB eq { pop plateindex 5 ne }{ dup /DeviceCMYK eq { pop plateindex 5 ne }{ dup ci6isspot { /findcmykcustomcolor where { pop dup length 2 sub get 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 5 -1 roll findcmykcustomcolor 1 setcustomcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 ne }{ pop plateindex 5 ne } ifelse }{ pop plateindex 5 ne } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6colormake { dup ci6numcomps exch 1 index 2 add 1 roll dup 1 eq {pop}{array astore} ifelse exch } def /ci6colorexpand { dup ci6spotname exch dup ci6istint { ci6altspace exch 4 1 roll }{ 1 3 1 roll } ifelse } def /ci6colortint { dup /DeviceGray eq { 3 1 roll 1 exch sub mul 1 exch sub exch }{ dup /DeviceRGB eq { 3 1 roll {1 exch sub 1 index mul 1 exch sub exch} forall pop 3 array astore exch }{ dup /DeviceCMYK eq { 3 1 roll {1 index mul exch} forall pop 4 array astore exch }{ 3 1 roll mul exch } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6colortocmyk { dup /DeviceGray eq { pop 1 exch sub 0 0 0 4 -1 roll 4 array astore }{ dup /DeviceRGB eq { pop aload pop _rgbtocmyk 4 array astore }{ dup /DeviceCMYK eq { pop }{ ci6altspace ci6colortint ci6colortocmyk } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6makeimagedict { 7 dict begin /ImageType 1 def /Decode exch def /DataSource exch def /ImageMatrix exch def /BitsPerComponent exch def /Height exch def /Width exch def currentdict end } def /ci6stringinvert { 0 1 2 index length 1 sub { dup 2 index exch get 255 exch sub 2 index 3 1 roll put } for } def /ci6stringknockout { 0 1 2 index length 1 sub { 255 2 index 3 1 roll put } for } def /ci6stringapply { 0 1 4 index length 1 sub { dup 4 index exch get 3 index 3 1 roll 3 index exec } for pop exch pop } def /ci6walkrgbstring { 0 3 index dup length 1 sub 0 3 3 -1 roll { 3 getinterval {} forall 5 index exec 3 index } for 5 {pop} repeat } def /ci6walkcmykstring { 0 3 index dup length 1 sub 0 4 3 -1 roll { 4 getinterval {} forall 6 index exec 3 index } for 5 { pop } repeat } def /ci6putrgbtograystr { .11 mul exch .59 mul add exch .3 mul add cvi 3 copy put pop 1 add } def /ci6putcmyktograystr { exch .11 mul add exch .59 mul add exch .3 mul add dup 255 gt { pop 255 } if 255 exch sub cvi 3 copy put pop 1 add } def /ci6rgbtograyproc { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin sourcearray 0 get exec XIBuffer3 dup 3 1 roll /ci6putrgbtograystr load exch ci6walkrgbstring end } def /ci6cmyktograyproc { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin sourcearray 0 get exec XIBuffer3 dup 3 1 roll /ci6putcmyktograystr load exch ci6walkcmykstring end } def /ci6separatecmykproc { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin sourcearray 0 get exec XIBuffer3 0 2 index plateindex 4 2 index length 1 sub { get 255 exch sub 3 copy put pop 1 add 2 index } for pop pop exch pop end } def /ci6compositeimage { dup 1 eq { pop pop image }{ /ci6colorimage load null ne { ci6colorimage }{ 3 1 roll pop sourcearray 0 3 -1 roll put 3 eq {/ci6rgbtograyproc}{/ci6cmyktograyproc} ifelse load image } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6knockoutimage { gsave 0 ci6curtransfer exec 1 ci6curtransfer exec eq { 0 ci6curtransfer exec 0.5 lt }{ 0 ci6curtransfer exec 1 ci6curtransfer exec gt } ifelse {{pop 0}}{{pop 1}} ifelse systemdict /settransfer get exec ci6compositeimage grestore } def /ci6drawimage { ci6testplate -1 eq { pop ci6compositeimage }{ dup type /arraytype eq { dup length plateindex gt {plateindex get}{pop false} ifelse }{ { true }{ dup 1 eq {plateindex 3 eq}{plateindex 3 le} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse { dup 1 eq { pop pop ci6image }{ dup 3 eq { ci6compositeimage }{ pop pop sourcearray 0 3 -1 roll put /ci6separatecmykproc load ci6image } ifelse } ifelse }{ ci6curoverprint { 7 {pop} repeat }{ ci6knockoutimage } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6proctintimage { /_ptispace exch store /_ptiname exch store /_pti1 exch store /_pti0 exch store /_ptiproc exch store /_pticomps _ptispace ci6numcomps store /_ptiscale _pti1 _pti0 sub store level2? { _ptiname length 0 gt version cvr 2012 ge and { [/Separation _ptiname _ptispace {_ptiproc}] setcolorspace [_pti0 _pti1] ci6makeimagedict ci6image }{ [/Indexed _ptispace 255 {255 div _ptiscale mul _pti0 add _ptiproc}] setcolorspace [0 255] ci6makeimagedict ci6image } ifelse }{ _pticomps 1 eq { { dup { 255 div _ptiscale mul _pti0 add _ptiproc 255 mul cvi put } ci6stringapply } ci6concatprocs ci6image }{ { dup length _pticomps mul dup _ptibuf length ne {/_ptibuf exch string store}{pop} ifelse _ptibuf { exch _pticomps mul exch 255 div _ptiscale mul _pti0 add _ptiproc _pticomps 2 add -2 roll _pticomps 1 sub -1 0 { 1 index add 2 index exch 5 -1 roll 255 mul cvi put } for pop pop } ci6stringapply } ci6concatprocs false _pticomps /ci6colorimage load null eq {7 {pop} repeat}{ci6colorimage} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6graytintimage { /_gtigray 5 -1 roll store {1 _gtigray sub mul 1 exch sub} 4 1 roll /DeviceGray ci6proctintimage } def /ci6cmyktintimage { /_cticmyk 5 -1 roll store {_cticmyk {1 index mul exch} forall pop} 4 1 roll /DeviceCMYK ci6proctintimage } def /ci6rgbtintimage { /_rtirgb 5 -1 roll store {_rtirgb {1 exch sub 1 index mul 1 exch sub exch} forall pop} 4 1 roll /DeviceRGB ci6proctintimage } def /ci6tintimage { ci6testplate -1 eq { ci6colorexpand 3 -1 roll 5 -1 roll {0}{0 exch} ifelse 4 2 roll dup /DeviceGray eq { pop ci6graytintimage }{ dup /DeviceRGB eq { pop ci6rgbtintimage }{ pop ci6cmyktintimage } ifelse } ifelse }{ dup ci6marksplate { plateindex 5 lt { ci6colortocmyk plateindex get dup 0 eq ci6curoverprint and { 7 {pop} repeat }{ 1 exch sub exch {1 0}{0 1} ifelse () ci6graytintimage } ifelse }{ pop exch {0}{0 exch} ifelse 0 3 1 roll () ci6graytintimage } ifelse }{ ci6curoverprint { 8 {pop} repeat }{ pop pop pop {pop 1} 0 1 () /DeviceGray ci6proctintimage } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /XINullImage { } def /XIImageMask { XIImageWidth XIImageHeight false [XIImageWidth 0 0 XIImageHeight neg 0 0] /XIDataProc load imagemask } def /XIImageTint { XIImageWidth XIImageHeight XIBitsPerPixel [XIImageWidth 0 0 XIImageHeight neg 0 0] /XIDataProc load XIType 3 eq XIColorValues XIColorSpace ci6tintimage } def /XIImage { XIImageWidth XIImageHeight XIBitsPerPixel [XIImageWidth 0 0 XIImageHeight neg 0 0] /XIDataProc load false XIChannelCount XIPlateList ci6drawimage } def /XG { pop pop } def /XF { 13 {pop} repeat } def /Xh { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin gsave /XIType exch def /XIImageHeight exch def /XIImageWidth exch def /XIImageMatrix exch def 0 0 moveto XIImageMatrix concat XIImageWidth XIImageHeight scale /_lp /null ddef _fc /_lp /imagemask ddef end } def /XH { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin grestore end } def /XIEnable { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars /XIEnable 3 -1 roll put } def /XC { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin ci6colormake /XIColorSpace exch def /XIColorValues exch def end } def /XIPlates { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin /XIPlateList exch def end } def /XI { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin gsave /XIType exch def cvi dup 256 idiv /XICompression exch store 256 mod /XIEncoding exch store pop pop /XIChannelCount exch def /XIBitsPerPixel exch def /XIImageHeight exch def /XIImageWidth exch def pop pop pop pop /XIImageMatrix exch def XIBitsPerPixel 1 eq { XIImageWidth 8 div ceiling cvi }{ XIImageWidth XIChannelCount mul } ifelse /XIRowBytes exch def XIEnable { /XIBuffer3 XIImageWidth string def XICompression 0 eq { /XIBuffer1 XIRowBytes string def XIEncoding 0 eq { {currentfile XIBuffer1 readhexstring pop} }{ {currentfile XIBuffer1 readstring pop} } ifelse }{ /XIBuffer1 256 string def /XIBuffer2 XIRowBytes string def {currentfile XIBuffer1 readline pop (%) anchorsearch {pop} if} /ASCII85Decode filter /DCTDecode filter /XIFile exch def {XIFile XIBuffer2 readstring pop} } ifelse /XIDataProc exch def XIType 1 ne { 0 setgray } if XIType 1 eq { XIImageMask }{ XIType 2 eq XIType 3 eq or { XIImageTint }{ XIImage } ifelse } ifelse }{ XINullImage } ifelse /XIPlateList false def grestore end } def end %%EndProcSet %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 1.3 0 %%Title: (Adobe Illustrator (R) Version 8.0 Full Prolog) %%Version: 1.3 0 %%CreationDate: (3/7/1994) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1998 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved) currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI5_vars 112 dict dup begin put /_?cmyk false def /_eo false def /_lp /none def /_pf { } def /_ps { } def /_psf { } def /_pss { } def /_pjsf { } def /_pjss { } def /_pola 0 def /_doClip 0 def /cf currentflat def /_lineorientation 0 def /_charorientation 0 def /_yokoorientation 0 def /_tm matrix def /_renderStart [ /e0 /r0 /a0 /o0 /e1 /r1 /a1 /i0 ] def /_renderEnd [ null null null null /i1 /i1 /i1 /i1 ] def /_render -1 def /_shift [0 0] def /_ax 0 def /_ay 0 def /_cx 0 def /_cy 0 def /_leading [ 0 0 ] def /_ctm matrix def /_mtx matrix def /_sp 16#020 def /_hyphen (-) def /_fontSize 0 def /_fontAscent 0 def /_fontDescent 0 def /_fontHeight 0 def /_fontRotateAdjust 0 def /Ss 256 string def Ss 0 (fonts/) putinterval /_cnt 0 def /_scale [1 1] def /_nativeEncoding 0 def /_useNativeEncoding 0 def /_tempEncode 0 def /_pntr 0 def /_tDict 2 dict def /_hfname 100 string def /_hffound false def /Tx { } def /Tj { } def /CRender { } def /_AI3_savepage { } def /_gf null def /_cf 4 array def /_rgbf 3 array def /_if null def /_of false def /_fc { } def /_gs null def /_cs 4 array def /_rgbs 3 array def /_is null def /_os false def /_sc { } def /_pd 1 dict def /_ed 15 dict def /_pm matrix def /_fm null def /_fd null def /_fdd null def /_sm null def /_sd null def /_sdd null def /_i null def /_lobyte 0 def /_hibyte 0 def /_cproc null def /_cscript 0 def /_hvax 0 def /_hvay 0 def /_hvwb 0 def /_hvcx 0 def /_hvcy 0 def /_bitfont null def /_bitlobyte 0 def /_bithibyte 0 def /_bitkey null def /_bitdata null def /_bitindex 0 def /discardSave null def /buffer 256 string def /beginString null def /endString null def /endStringLength null def /layerCnt 1 def /layerCount 1 def /perCent (%) 0 get def /perCentSeen? false def /newBuff null def /newBuffButFirst null def /newBuffLast null def /clipForward? false def end userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 known not { userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 100 dict put } if userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 get begin /initialize { Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 dup begin Adobe_Illustrator_AI5_vars begin /_aicmykps where {pop /_?cmyk _aicmykps def}if discardDict { bind pop pop } forall dup /nc get begin { dup xcheck 1 index type /operatortype ne and { bind } if pop pop } forall end newpath } def /terminate { end end } def /_ null def /ddef { Adobe_Illustrator_AI5_vars 3 1 roll put } def /xput { dup load dup length exch maxlength eq { dup dup load dup length 2 mul dict copy def } if load begin def end } def /npop { { pop } repeat } def /hswj { dup stringwidth 3 2 roll { _hvwb eq { exch _hvcx add exch _hvcy add } if exch _hvax add exch _hvay add } cforall } def /vswj { 0 0 3 -1 roll { dup 255 le _charorientation 1 eq and { dup cstring stringwidth 5 2 roll _hvwb eq { exch _hvcy sub exch _hvcx sub } if exch _hvay sub exch _hvax sub 4 -1 roll sub exch 3 -1 roll sub exch } { _hvwb eq { exch _hvcy sub exch _hvcx sub } if exch _hvay sub exch _hvax sub _fontHeight sub } ifelse } cforall } def /swj { 6 1 roll /_hvay exch ddef /_hvax exch ddef /_hvwb exch ddef /_hvcy exch ddef /_hvcx exch ddef _lineorientation 0 eq { hswj } { vswj } ifelse } def /sw { 0 0 0 6 3 roll swj } def /vjss { 4 1 roll { dup cstring dup length 1 eq _charorientation 1 eq and { -90 rotate currentpoint _fontRotateAdjust add moveto gsave false charpath currentpoint 5 index setmatrix stroke grestore _fontRotateAdjust sub moveto _sp eq { 5 index 5 index rmoveto } if 2 copy rmoveto 90 rotate } { currentpoint _fontHeight sub 5 index sub 3 index _sp eq { 9 index sub } if currentpoint exch 4 index stringwidth pop 2 div sub exch _fontAscent sub moveto gsave 2 index false charpath 6 index setmatrix stroke grestore moveto pop pop } ifelse } cforall 6 npop } def /hjss { 4 1 roll { dup cstring gsave false charpath currentpoint 5 index setmatrix stroke grestore moveto _sp eq { 5 index 5 index rmoveto } if 2 copy rmoveto } cforall 6 npop } def /jss { _lineorientation 0 eq { hjss } { vjss } ifelse } def /ss { 0 0 0 7 3 roll jss } def /vjsp { 4 1 roll { dup cstring dup length 1 eq _charorientation 1 eq and { -90 rotate currentpoint _fontRotateAdjust add moveto false charpath currentpoint _fontRotateAdjust sub moveto _sp eq { 5 index 5 index rmoveto } if 2 copy rmoveto 90 rotate } { currentpoint _fontHeight sub 5 index sub 3 index _sp eq { 9 index sub } if currentpoint exch 4 index stringwidth pop 2 div sub exch _fontAscent sub moveto 2 index false charpath moveto pop pop } ifelse } cforall 6 npop } def /hjsp { 4 1 roll { dup cstring false charpath _sp eq { 5 index 5 index rmoveto } if 2 copy rmoveto } cforall 6 npop } def /jsp { matrix currentmatrix _lineorientation 0 eq {hjsp} {vjsp} ifelse } def /sp { matrix currentmatrix 0 0 0 7 3 roll _lineorientation 0 eq {hjsp} {vjsp} ifelse } def /pl { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } def /setstrokeadjust where { pop true setstrokeadjust /c { curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll curveto } def /V /v load def /y { 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { lineto } def /L /l load def /m { moveto } def } { /c { pl curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll pl curveto } def /V /v load def /y { pl 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { pl lineto } def /L /l load def /m { pl moveto } def } ifelse /d { setdash } def /cf { } def /i { dup 0 eq { pop cf } if setflat } def /j { setlinejoin } def /J { setlinecap } def /M { setmiterlimit } def /w { setlinewidth } def /XR { 0 ne /_eo exch ddef } def /H { } def /h { closepath } def /N { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse /_doClip 0 ddef } if newpath } { /CRender { N } ddef } ifelse } def /n { N } def /F { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _pf grestore _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse newpath /_lp /none ddef _fc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _pf } ifelse } { /CRender { F } ddef } ifelse } def /f { closepath F } def /S { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _ps grestore _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _ps } ifelse } { /CRender { S } ddef } ifelse } def /s { closepath S } def /B { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq gsave F grestore { gsave S grestore _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { S } ifelse } { /CRender { B } ddef } ifelse } def /b { closepath B } def /W { /_doClip 1 ddef } def /* { count 0 ne { dup type /stringtype eq { pop } if } if newpath } def /u { } def /U { } def /q { _pola 0 eq { gsave } if } def /Q { _pola 0 eq { grestore } if } def /*u { _pola 1 add /_pola exch ddef } def /*U { _pola 1 sub /_pola exch ddef _pola 0 eq { CRender } if } def /D { pop } def /*w { } def /*W { } def /` { /_i save ddef clipForward? { nulldevice } if 6 1 roll 4 npop concat pop userdict begin /showpage { } def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash /setstrokeadjust where {pop false setstrokeadjust} if newpath 0 setgray false setoverprint } def /~ { end _i restore } def /_rgbtocmyk { 3 { 1 exch sub 3 1 roll } repeat 3 copy 1 4 1 roll 3 { 3 index 2 copy gt { exch } if pop 4 1 roll } repeat pop pop pop 4 1 roll 3 { 3 index sub 3 1 roll } repeat 4 -1 roll } def /setrgbfill { _rgbf astore pop /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _rgbf aload pop setrgbcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc hvashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc hvawidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /setrgbstroke { _rgbs astore pop /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _rgbs aload pop setrgbcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /O { 0 ne /_of exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /R { 0 ne /_os exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /g { /_gf exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _gf setgray /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc hvashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc hvawidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /G { /_gs exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _gs setgray /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /k { _cf astore pop /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _cf aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc hvashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc hvawidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /K { _cs astore pop /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _cs aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /Xa { _?cmyk { 3 npop k }{ setrgbfill 4 npop } ifelse } def /XA { _?cmyk { 3 npop K }{ setrgbstroke 4 npop } ifelse } def /Xs { /_gf exch ddef 5 npop /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _gf setAIseparationgray /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc hvashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc hvawidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /XS { /_gs exch ddef 5 npop /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _gs setAIseparationgray /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /Xx { exch /_gf exch ddef 0 eq { findcmykcustomcolor }{ _?cmyk {true}{/findrgbcustomcolor where{pop false}{true}ifelse}ifelse { 4 1 roll 3 npop findcmykcustomcolor }{ 8 -4 roll 4 npop findrgbcustomcolor } ifelse } ifelse /_if exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _if _gf 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc hvashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc hvawidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /XX { exch /_gs exch ddef 0 eq { findcmykcustomcolor }{ _?cmyk {true}{/findrgbcustomcolor where{pop false}{true}ifelse}ifelse { 4 1 roll 3 npop findcmykcustomcolor }{ 8 -4 roll 4 npop findrgbcustomcolor } ifelse } ifelse /_is exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _is _gs 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /x { /_gf exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_if exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _if _gf 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc hvashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc hvawidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /X { /_gs exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_is exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _is _gs 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /XK { 3 -1 roll pop 0 eq { 1 exch sub 3 {dup 3 1 roll mul 5 1 roll} repeat mul 4 1 roll K } { 1 exch sub 4 1 roll 3 {1 exch sub 3 index mul 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat 4 -1 roll pop XA } ifelse } def /Xk { 3 -1 roll pop 0 eq { 1 exch sub 3 {dup 3 1 roll mul 5 1 roll} repeat mul 4 1 roll k } { 1 exch sub 4 1 roll 3 {1 exch sub 3 index mul 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat 4 -1 roll pop Xa } ifelse } def /A { pop } def /annotatepage { userdict /annotatepage 2 copy known {get exec} {pop pop} ifelse } def /XT { pop pop } def /Xt { pop } def /discard { save /discardSave exch store discardDict begin /endString exch store gt38? { 2 add } if load stopped pop end discardSave restore } bind def userdict /discardDict 7 dict dup begin put /pre38Initialize { /endStringLength endString length store /newBuff buffer 0 endStringLength getinterval store /newBuffButFirst newBuff 1 endStringLength 1 sub getinterval store /newBuffLast newBuff endStringLength 1 sub 1 getinterval store } def /shiftBuffer { newBuff 0 newBuffButFirst putinterval newBuffLast 0 currentfile read not { stop } if put } def 0 { pre38Initialize mark currentfile newBuff readstring exch pop { { newBuff endString eq { cleartomark stop } if shiftBuffer } loop } { stop } ifelse } def 1 { pre38Initialize /beginString exch store mark currentfile newBuff readstring exch pop { { newBuff beginString eq { /layerCount dup load 1 add store } { newBuff endString eq { /layerCount dup load 1 sub store layerCount 0 eq { cleartomark stop } if } if } ifelse shiftBuffer } loop } if } def 2 { mark { currentfile buffer {readline} stopped { % assume error was due to overfilling the buffer }{ not { stop } if endString eq { cleartomark stop } if }ifelse } loop } def 3 { /beginString exch store /layerCnt 1 store mark { currentfile buffer {readline} stopped { % assume error was due to overfilling the buffer }{ not { stop } if dup beginString eq { pop /layerCnt dup load 1 add store } { endString eq { layerCnt 1 eq { cleartomark stop } { /layerCnt dup load 1 sub store } ifelse } if } ifelse }ifelse } loop } def end userdict /clipRenderOff 15 dict dup begin put { /n /N /s /S /f /F /b /B } { { _doClip 1 eq { /_doClip 0 ddef _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse } if newpath } def } forall /Tr /pop load def /Bb {} def /BB /pop load def /Bg {12 npop} def /Bm {6 npop} def /Bc /Bm load def /Bh {4 npop} def end /Lb { 6 npop 7 2 roll 5 npop 0 eq { 0 eq { (%AI5_BeginLayer) 1 (%AI5_EndLayer--) discard } { /clipForward? true def /Tx /pop load def /Tj /pop load def currentdict end clipRenderOff begin begin } ifelse } { 0 eq { save /discardSave exch store } if } ifelse } bind def /LB { discardSave dup null ne { restore } { pop clipForward? { currentdict end end begin /clipForward? false ddef } if } ifelse } bind def /Pb { pop pop 0 (%AI5_EndPalette) discard } bind def /Np { 0 (%AI5_End_NonPrinting--) discard } bind def /Ln /pop load def /Ap /pop load def /Ar { 72 exch div 0 dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt dup 1 lt { pop 1 } if setflat } def /Mb { q } def /Md { } def /MB { Q } def /nc 4 dict def nc begin /setgray { pop } bind def /setcmykcolor { 4 npop } bind def /setrgbcolor { 3 npop } bind def /setcustomcolor { 2 npop } bind def currentdict readonly pop end /XP { 4 npop } bind def /XD { pop } bind def end setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_cshow 2.0 8 %%Title: (Writing System Operators) %%Version: 2.0 8 %%CreationDate: (1/23/89) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1992-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved) currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_cshow 14 dict dup begin put /initialize { Adobe_cshow begin Adobe_cshow { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end Adobe_cshow begin } def /terminate { currentdict Adobe_cshow eq { end } if } def /cforall { /_lobyte 0 ddef /_hibyte 0 ddef /_cproc exch ddef /_cscript currentfont /FontScript known { currentfont /FontScript get } { -1 } ifelse ddef { /_lobyte exch ddef _hibyte 0 eq _cscript 1 eq _lobyte 129 ge _lobyte 159 le and _lobyte 224 ge _lobyte 252 le and or and _cscript 2 eq _lobyte 161 ge _lobyte 254 le and and _cscript 3 eq _lobyte 161 ge _lobyte 254 le and and _cscript 25 eq _lobyte 161 ge _lobyte 254 le and and _cscript -1 eq or or or or and { /_hibyte _lobyte ddef } { _hibyte 256 mul _lobyte add _cproc /_hibyte 0 ddef } ifelse } forall } def /cstring { dup 256 lt { (s) dup 0 4 3 roll put } { dup 256 idiv exch 256 mod (hl) dup dup 0 6 5 roll put 1 4 3 roll put } ifelse } def /clength { 0 exch { 256 lt { 1 } { 2 } ifelse add } cforall } def /hawidthshow { { dup cstring show _hvax _hvay rmoveto _hvwb eq { _hvcx _hvcy rmoveto } if } cforall } def /vawidthshow { { dup 255 le _charorientation 1 eq and { -90 rotate 0 _fontRotateAdjust rmoveto cstring _hvcx _hvcy _hvwb _hvax _hvay 6 -1 roll awidthshow 0 _fontRotateAdjust neg rmoveto 90 rotate } { currentpoint _fontHeight sub exch _hvay sub exch _hvax sub 2 index _hvwb eq { exch _hvcy sub exch _hvcx sub } if 3 2 roll cstring dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg _fontAscent neg rmoveto show moveto } ifelse } cforall } def /hvawidthshow { 6 1 roll /_hvay exch ddef /_hvax exch ddef /_hvwb exch ddef /_hvcy exch ddef /_hvcx exch ddef _lineorientation 0 eq { hawidthshow } { vawidthshow } ifelse } def /hvwidthshow { 0 0 3 -1 roll hvawidthshow } def /hvashow { 0 0 0 6 -3 roll hvawidthshow } def /hvshow { 0 0 0 0 0 6 -1 roll hvawidthshow } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_shading_AI8 1.0 0 %%Title: (Adobe Illustrator 8 Shading Procset) %%Version: 1.0 0 %%CreationDate: (12/17/97) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved) userdict /defaultpacking currentpacking put true setpacking userdict /Adobe_shading_AI8 10 dict dup begin put /initialize { Adobe_shading_AI8 begin Adobe_shading_AI8 bdprocs Mesh /initialize get exec } def /terminate { currentdict Adobe_shading_AI8 eq { end } if } def /bdprocs { { dup xcheck 1 index type /arraytype eq and { bind } if pop pop } forall } def /X! {pop} def /X# {pop pop} def /Mesh 40 dict def Mesh begin /initialize { Mesh bdprocs Mesh begin /emulate? /AI8MeshEmulation where { pop AI8MeshEmulation }{ systemdict /shfill known not } ifelse def end } def /bd { shadingdict begin } def /paint { emulate? { end }{ /_lp /none ddef _fc /_lp /none ddef /AIColorSpace AIColorSpace tocolorspace store /ColorSpace AIColorSpace topsspace store version_ge_3010.106 not systemdict /setsmoothness known and { 0.0001 setsmoothness } if composite? { /DataSource getdatasrc def Matrix concat currentdict end shfill }{ AIColorSpace makesmarks AIPlateList markingplate and not isoverprint and { end }{ /ColorSpace /DeviceGray store /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1] store /DataSource getplatesrc def Matrix concat currentdict end shfill } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /shadingdict 12 dict def shadingdict begin /ShadingType 6 def /BitsPerCoordinate 16 def /BitsPerComponent 8 def /BitsPerFlag 8 def end /datafile null def /databuf 256 string def /dataptr 0 def /srcspace null def /srcchannels 0 def /dstchannels 0 def /dstplate 0 def /srctodstcolor null def /getplatesrc { /srcspace AIColorSpace store /srcchannels AIColorSpace getnchannels store /dstchannels 1 store /dstplate getplateindex store /srctodstcolor srcspace makesmarks { dstplate 4 eq { {1 exch sub} }{ {srcspace tocmyk 3 dstplate sub index 1 exch sub 5 1 roll 4 {pop} repeat} } ifelse }{ {srcchannels {pop} repeat 1} } ifelse store /datafile getdatasrc store /rdpatch168 load DataLength () /SubFileDecode filter } def /getdatasrc { /rdcmntline load /ASCII85Decode filter } def /rdpatch168 { /dataptr 0 store 49 rdcount 4 { dup {pop srcchannels getint8} if dup {pop srctodstcolor dstchannels putint8 true} if } repeat {databuf 0 dataptr getinterval}{()} ifelse } def /rdpatch3216 { /dataptr 0 store 97 rdcount 4 { dup {pop srcchannels getint16} if dup {pop srctodstcolor dstchannels putint16 true} if } repeat {databuf 0 dataptr getinterval}{()} ifelse } def /rdcount { dup 0 gt { datafile databuf dataptr 4 -1 roll getinterval readstring exch length dataptr add /dataptr exch store }{ true } ifelse } def /getint8 { mark true 3 -1 roll { dup {pop datafile read} if dup {pop 255 div true} if } repeat { counttomark 1 add -1 roll pop true }{ cleartomark false } ifelse } def /putint8 { dup dataptr add /dataptr exch store dataptr exch { 1 sub exch 255 mul cvi databuf 2 index 3 -1 roll put } repeat pop } def /getint16 { mark true 3 -1 roll { dup {pop datafile read} if dup {pop 256 mul datafile read} if dup {pop add 65535 div true} if } repeat { counttomark 1 add -1 roll pop true }{ cleartomark false } ifelse } def /putint16 { dup 2 mul dataptr add /dataptr exch store dataptr exch { 2 sub exch 65535 mul cvi dup 256 idiv databuf 3 index 3 -1 roll put 256 mod databuf 2 index 1 add 3 -1 roll put } repeat pop } def /srcbuf 256 string def /rdcmntline { currentfile srcbuf readline pop (%) anchorsearch {pop} if } def /getplateindex { 0 [cyan? magenta? yellow? black? customColor?] {{exit} if 1 add} forall } def /aicsarray 4 array def /aicsaltvals 4 array def /aicsaltcolr aicsaltvals def /tocolorspace { dup type /arraytype eq { mark exch aload pop aicsarray 0 3 -1 roll put aicsarray 1 3 -1 roll put dup aicsarray 2 3 -1 roll put gettintxform aicsarray 3 3 -1 roll put counttomark aicsaltvals 0 3 -1 roll getinterval /aicsaltcolr exch store aicsaltcolr astore pop pop aicsarray } if } def /subtintxform {aicsaltcolr {1 index mul exch} forall pop} def /addtintxform {aicsaltcolr {1 sub 1 index mul 1 add exch} forall pop} def /gettintxform { /DeviceRGB eq {/addtintxform}{/subtintxform} ifelse load } def /getnchannels { dup type /arraytype eq {0 get} if colorspacedict exch get begin Channels end } def /makesmarks { composite? { pop true }{ dup dup type /arraytype eq {0 get} if colorspacedict exch get begin MarksPlate end } ifelse } def /markingplate { composite? { pop true }{ dup type /arraytype eq { dup length getplateindex gt {getplateindex get}{pop false} ifelse } if } ifelse } def /tocmyk { dup dup type /arraytype eq {0 get} if colorspacedict exch get begin ToCMYK end } def /topsspace { dup dup type /arraytype eq {0 get} if colorspacedict exch get begin ToPSSpace end } def /colorspacedict 5 dict dup begin /DeviceGray 4 dict dup begin /Channels 1 def /MarksPlate {pop black?} def /ToCMYK {pop 1 exch sub 0 0 0 4 -1 roll} def /ToPSSpace {} def end def /DeviceRGB 4 dict dup begin /Channels 3 def /MarksPlate {pop isCMYKSep?} def /ToCMYK {pop _rgbtocmyk} def /ToPSSpace {} def end def /DeviceCMYK 4 dict dup begin /Channels 4 def /MarksPlate {pop isCMYKSep?} def /ToCMYK {pop} def /ToPSSpace {} def end def /Separation 4 dict dup begin /Channels 1 def /MarksPlate { /findcmykcustomcolor where { pop dup 1 exch ToCMYK 5 -1 roll 1 get findcmykcustomcolor 1 setcustomcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 ne }{ pop false } ifelse } def /ToCMYK { dup 2 get mark exch 4 2 roll 3 get exec counttomark -1 roll tocmyk 5 -1 roll pop } def /ToPSSpace {} def end def /Process 4 dict dup begin /Channels 1 def /MarksPlate { isCMYKSep? { 1 exch ToCMYK 4 array astore getplateindex get 0 ne }{ pop false } ifelse } def /ToCMYK { dup 2 get mark exch 4 2 roll 3 get exec counttomark -1 roll tocmyk 5 -1 roll pop } def /ToPSSpace { 4 array copy dup 0 /Separation put } def end def end def /isoverprint { /currentoverprint where {pop currentoverprint}{_of} ifelse } def /version_ge_3010.106 { version {cvr} stopped { pop false }{ 3010.106 ge } ifelse } def end end defaultpacking setpacking %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup %%IncludeFont: Courier userdict /_useSmoothShade false put userdict /_aicmykps true put userdict /_forceToCMYK true put Adobe_level2_AI5 /initialize get exec Adobe_cshow /initialize get exec Adobe_Illustrator_AI5_vars Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 Adobe_typography_AI5 /initialize get exec Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 /initialize get exec Adobe_shading_AI8 /initialize get exec Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 /initialize get exec [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 128/Adieresis/Aring/Ccedilla/Eacute/Ntilde/Odieresis /Udieresis/aacute/agrave/acircumflex/adieresis/atilde/aring/ccedilla/eacute /egrave/ecircumflex/edieresis/iacute/igrave/icircumflex/idieresis/ntilde /oacute/ograve/ocircumflex/odieresis/otilde/uacute/ugrave/ucircumflex /udieresis/dagger/degree/cent/sterling/section/bullet/paragraph/germandbls /registered/copyright/trademark/acute/dieresis/.notdef/AE/Oslash /.notdef/plusminus/.notdef/.notdef/yen/mu/.notdef/.notdef /.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/ordfeminine/ordmasculine/.notdef/ae/oslash /questiondown/exclamdown/logicalnot/.notdef/florin/.notdef/.notdef /guillemotleft/guillemotright/ellipsis/space/Agrave/Atilde/Otilde/OE/oe /endash/emdash/quotedblleft/quotedblright/quoteleft/quoteright/divide /.notdef/ydieresis/Ydieresis/fraction/currency/guilsinglleft/guilsinglright /fi/fl/daggerdbl/periodcentered/quotesinglbase/quotedblbase/perthousand /Acircumflex/Ecircumflex/Aacute/Edieresis/Egrave/Iacute/Icircumflex /Idieresis/Igrave/Oacute/Ocircumflex/.notdef/Ograve/Uacute/Ucircumflex /Ugrave/dotlessi/circumflex/tilde/macron/breve/dotaccent/ring/cedilla /hungarumlaut/ogonek/caron TE %AI55J_Tsume: None %AI3_BeginEncoding: _Courier Courier [/_Courier/Courier 0 0 1 TZ %AI3_EndEncoding AdobeType [161/degree 173/notequal 176/infinity/plusminus/lessequal/greaterequal 181/mu/partialdiff/summation/product/pi/integral 189/Omega 195/radical 197/approxequal 198/Delta 214/divide/lozenge 240/apple /_Symbol_/Symbol 0 0 0 TZ %AI5_BeginPalette 0 0 Pb 1 1 1 1 ([Registration]) 0 Xs ([Registration]) Pc PB %AI5_EndPalette %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI8_PluginGroupInfo (Adobe Path Blends) (Adobe Blends Plugin) (Live Blends) %AI8_PluginGroupInfo (Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) (Adobe Pattern Brush Plugin) (Art Brush Tool) %AI8_PluginGroupInfo (Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool) (Adobe Art Brush Plugin) (Art Brush Tool) %AI8_PluginGroupInfo (Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) (Undo New Calligraphic Brush) (Calligraphic Brush Tool) %AI8_PluginGroupInfo (Adobe Scatter Brush Tool) (Adobe Scatter Brush Plugin) (Scatter Brush Tool) %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %%EndSetup %AI5_BeginLayer 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 79 128 255 0 50 Lb (Layer 1) Ln 0 A 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR -7954 -0.9849 m 8429 -0.9849 L (N) * 0.0073 7927 m 0.0073 -8456 L (N) * 450.0156 7927 m 450.0156 -8456 L (N) * -7954 -432.9854 m 8429 -432.9854 L (N) * 1 Ap 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 347.8535 -241.75 m 347.8535 -177.8501 L 136.2744 -177.8501 L 136.2744 -241.7344 L S u 0 O 1 g 154.7319 -200.7915 m 117.5957 -200.7915 L 117.5957 -186.8428 L 154.7319 -186.8428 L 154.7319 -200.7915 L b 0 To 1 0 0 1 136.272 -195.8857 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -13.4998 0 Td 0 Tr 0 g 1 w %_ 0 50 XQ /_Courier 9 7.2269 -2.2409 Tf 0 Ts 100 100 Tz 0 Tt %_0 0 100 100 Xu %AI55J_GlyphSubst: GlyphSubstNone 0 TA %_ 0 XL 0 TY 0 TV 36 0 Xb XB 0 0 5 TC 100 100 200 TW 25 TG 0 0 0 Ti 1 Ta 0 1 2 2 3 Th 0 Tq 240 Tg 10 0 Tl 0 Tc 0 Tw (zonea) Tx (\r) TX TO U u 1 g 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 366.3223 -200.7915 m 329.1855 -200.7915 L 329.1855 -186.8428 L 366.3223 -186.8428 L 366.3223 -200.7915 L b 0 To 1 0 0 1 347.8613 -195.8857 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -13.4998 0 Td 0 Tr 0 g 1 w (zonec) Tx (\r) TX TO U 0 Ap 8429 -149.4844 m (N) * -7954 -149.4844 m (N) * u 1 Ap 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 218.9785 -250.7813 m 218.9785 -241.7422 L 19.6992 -241.7422 L 19.6992 -250.7656 L S 0 Ap 108.6924 -241.7109 m 108.6924 -250.7656 l S 163.8281 -241.7109 m 163.8281 -250.7656 l S u 0 To 1 0 0 1 19.6968 -259.7783 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -10.7998 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (sbin) Tx (\r) TX TO 1 Ap 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 38.1567 -264.6836 m 1.0205 -264.6836 L 1.0205 -250.7354 L 38.1567 -250.7354 L 38.1567 -264.6836 L s U u 0 To 1 0 0 1 108.6982 -259.7783 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -8.0999 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (usr) Tx (\r) TX TO 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 127.1587 -264.6836 m 90.022 -264.6836 L 90.022 -250.7354 L 127.1587 -250.7354 L 127.1587 -264.6836 L s U u 0 To 1 0 0 1 163.8457 -259.7783 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -8.0999 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (etc) Tx (\r) TX TO 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 182.3066 -264.6836 m 145.1699 -264.6836 L 145.1699 -250.7354 L 182.3066 -250.7354 L 182.3066 -264.6836 L s U u 0 To 1 0 0 1 218.9863 -259.7783 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -8.0999 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (var) Tx (\r) TX TO 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 237.4473 -264.6836 m 200.3105 -264.6836 L 200.3105 -250.7354 L 237.4473 -250.7354 L 237.4473 -264.6836 L s U U 334.1934 -123.0156 m 334.1934 -113.9775 L 19.7007 -113.9775 L 19.7007 -123 L S 0 Ap 241.959 -104.9297 m 241.959 -282.6875 l S 108.6938 -113.9463 m 108.6938 -123.001 l S 288.0586 -113.9463 m 288.0586 -123.001 l S u 0 To 1 0 0 1 19.6982 -132.0132 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -10.7998 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (sbin) Tx (\r) TX TO 1 Ap 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 38.1582 -136.9189 m 1.022 -136.9189 L 1.022 -122.9702 L 38.1582 -122.9702 L 38.1582 -136.9189 L s U u 0 To 1 0 0 1 108.6997 -132.0132 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -8.0999 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (usr) Tx (\r) TX TO 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 127.1602 -136.9189 m 90.0234 -136.9189 L 90.0234 -122.9702 L 127.1602 -122.9702 L 127.1602 -136.9189 L s U u 0 O 1 g 260.4121 -136.9189 m 223.2754 -136.9189 L 223.2754 -122.9702 L 260.4121 -122.9702 L 260.4121 -136.9189 L b 0 To 1 0 0 1 241.9512 -132.0132 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -16.1998 0 Td 0 Tr 0 g 1 w (export) Tx (\r) TX TO U u 0 To 1 0 0 1 241.9512 -100.064 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -2.7 0 Td 0 Tr (/) Tx (\r) TX TO 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 260.4121 -104.9697 m 223.2754 -104.9697 L 223.2754 -91.021 L 260.4121 -91.021 L 260.4121 -104.9697 L s U u 0 To 1 0 0 1 288.0762 -132.0132 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -8.0999 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (etc) Tx (\r) TX TO 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 306.5371 -136.9189 m 269.4004 -136.9189 L 269.4004 -122.9702 L 306.5371 -122.9702 L 306.5371 -136.9189 L s U u 0 To 1 0 0 1 334.2012 -132.0132 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -8.0999 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (var) Tx (\r) TX TO 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 352.6621 -136.9189 m 315.5254 -136.9189 L 315.5254 -122.9702 L 352.6621 -122.9702 L 352.6621 -136.9189 L s U u 0 O 1 g 260.4121 -200.7915 m 223.2754 -200.7915 L 223.2754 -186.8428 L 260.4121 -186.8428 L 260.4121 -200.7915 L b 0 To 1 0 0 1 241.9512 -195.8857 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -13.4998 0 Td 0 Tr 0 g 1 w (zoneb) Tx (\r) TX TO U u 1 g 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 260.4121 -159.8579 m 223.2754 -159.8579 L 223.2754 -145.9092 L 260.4121 -145.9092 L 260.4121 -159.8579 L b 0 To 1 0 0 1 241.9512 -154.9521 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -13.4998 0 Td 0 Tr 0 g 1 w (zones) Tx (\r) TX TO U u 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 324.6611 -291.7168 m 324.6611 -282.6777 L 159.2427 -282.6777 L 159.2427 -291.7012 L S 0 Ap 214.375 -282.6465 m 214.375 -291.7012 l S 269.5107 -282.6465 m 269.5107 -291.7012 l S u 0 To 1 0 0 1 159.2402 -300.7129 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -10.7998 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (sbin) Tx (\r) TX TO 1 Ap 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 177.7002 -305.6191 m 140.564 -305.6191 L 140.564 -291.6699 L 177.7002 -291.6699 L 177.7002 -305.6191 L s U u 0 To 1 0 0 1 214.3809 -300.7129 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -8.0999 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (usr) Tx (\r) TX TO 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 232.8413 -305.6191 m 195.7046 -305.6191 L 195.7046 -291.6699 L 232.8413 -291.6699 L 232.8413 -305.6191 L s U u 0 To 1 0 0 1 269.5283 -300.7129 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -8.0999 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (etc) Tx (\r) TX TO 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 287.9893 -305.6191 m 250.8525 -305.6191 L 250.8525 -291.6699 L 287.9893 -291.6699 L 287.9893 -305.6191 L s U u 0 To 1 0 0 1 324.6689 -300.7129 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -8.0999 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (var) Tx (\r) TX TO 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 343.1299 -305.6191 m 305.9932 -305.6191 L 305.9932 -291.6699 L 343.1299 -291.6699 L 343.1299 -305.6191 L s U U u 430.5449 -250.7871 m 430.5449 -241.748 L 265.127 -241.748 L 265.127 -250.7715 L S 0 Ap 320.2588 -241.7168 m 320.2588 -250.7715 l S 375.3945 -241.7168 m 375.3945 -250.7715 l S u 0 To 1 0 0 1 265.124 -259.7842 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -10.7998 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (sbin) Tx (\r) TX TO 1 Ap 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 283.584 -264.6895 m 246.4473 -264.6895 L 246.4473 -250.7412 L 283.584 -250.7412 L 283.584 -264.6895 L s U u 0 To 1 0 0 1 320.2646 -259.7842 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -8.0999 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (usr) Tx (\r) TX TO 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 338.7246 -264.6895 m 301.5879 -264.6895 L 301.5879 -250.7412 L 338.7246 -250.7412 L 338.7246 -264.6895 L s U u 0 To 1 0 0 1 375.4121 -259.7842 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -8.0999 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (etc) Tx (\r) TX TO 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 393.873 -264.6895 m 356.7363 -264.6895 L 356.7363 -250.7412 L 393.873 -250.7412 L 393.873 -264.6895 L s U u 0 To 1 0 0 1 430.5527 -259.7842 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -8.0999 0 Td 0 Tr 0 O 0 g 1 w (var) Tx (\r) TX TO 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 449.0137 -264.6895 m 411.877 -264.6895 L 411.877 -250.7412 L 449.0137 -250.7412 L 449.0137 -264.6895 L s U U 0 Ap 1 w [6 3 ]0 d 283.5391 -257.7246 m 292.5879 -257.7246 l 292.3223 -323.6133 l 48.4873 -323.6133 l 48.4873 -132.2559 l 38.1406 -132.2559 l S 38.1235 -127.5884 m 58.9028 -127.5884 l 58.9028 -314.6152 l 159.1431 -314.6152 l 159.1431 -305.5938 l S 2 w 90.0391 -132.25 m 79.7056 -132.25 l 79.7056 -332.6211 l 214.3706 -332.6211 l 214.3706 -305.5781 l S 90.0547 -127.5781 m 69.3091 -127.5781 l 69.3091 -341.6182 l 347.8516 -341.6182 l 347.8516 -257.7246 l 338.6953 -257.7246 l S 99.3516 -250.7656 m 99.3516 -136.8906 l S 1 w 10.3438 -250.7656 m 10.3438 -136.8906 l S u 1 Ap 0 O 1 g 0.5 w []0 d 154.7402 -223.7422 m 117.6035 -223.7422 L 117.6035 -209.7939 L 154.7402 -209.7939 L 154.7402 -223.7422 L b 0 To 1 0 0 1 136.2793 -218.8369 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -2.7 0 Td 0 Tr 0 g 1 w (/) Tx (\r) TX TO U u 1 g 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 260.4121 -223.7422 m 223.2754 -223.7422 L 223.2754 -209.7939 L 260.4121 -209.7939 L 260.4121 -223.7422 L b 0 To 1 0 0 1 241.9512 -218.8369 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -2.7 0 Td 0 Tr 0 g 1 w (/) Tx (\r) TX TO U u 1 g 0 R 0 G 0.5 w 366.3184 -223.7422 m 329.1816 -223.7422 L 329.1816 -209.7939 L 366.3184 -209.7939 L 366.3184 -223.7422 L b 0 To 1 0 0 1 347.8574 -218.8369 0 Tp 0 Tv TP -2.7 0 Td 0 Tr 0 g 1 w (/) Tx (\r) TX TO U LB %AI5_EndLayer-- %%PageTrailer gsave annotatepage grestore showpage %%Trailer Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 /terminate get exec Adobe_shading_AI8 /terminate get exec Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 /terminate get exec Adobe_typography_AI5 /terminate get exec Adobe_cshow /terminate get exec Adobe_level2_AI5 /terminate get exec %%EOF