5.1. Install the plugin

5.1.1. GNU/Linux Debian

You should already have the following lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list file :

deb http://www.videolan.org/pub/videolan/debian $(ARCH)/
deb-src http://www.videolan.org/pub/videolan/debian sources/

Install the mozilla-plugin-vlc package :

# apt-get update
# apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc

5.1.2. Compile the sources yourself

Install the Mozilla development package (mozilla-dev under Debian) .

Install the required librairies like for a normal VLC install (from the sources, or from the packages with the development packages).

Download the sources of the lastest release : get the file vlc-version.tar.gz from the VLC sources download page. Uncompress-it, configure-it, compile and install Téléchargez les sources de la dernière version : récupérez le fichier vlc-version.tar.gz depuis la page de téléchargement des sources de VLC. Décompressez-le, configurez-le, compilez et installez :

% tar xvzf vlc-version.tar.gz
% cd vlc-version
% ./configure --enable-mozilla
% make
% su
Password:  [Root Password]
# make install