#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Created by Ben Okopnik on Thu Jul 16 16:38:06 CDT 2009 use strict; my ($loc, $seen, $name, %h); # Where's the link file? $loc = "/var/www/linuxgazette.net/cool_links.html"; # Because I'm lazy, I'll just reuse the 'mailparse' routine while (<>) { chomp; $seen++ if /^$/; if ($seen){ push @{$h{body}}, $_; } else { if (/^From\s+(.*)$/){ $h{Envelope_From} = $1; next; } if (/^([^\s:]+):\s*(.*)$/){ $name = $1; $h{$name} = $2; } else { s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/ $1/; $h{$name} .= $_; } } } my ($link, $text); for (@{$h{body}}){ chomp; next if /^\s*$/; if (m#^\s*(f|ht)tp:#){ $link = $_; last; } else { $text .= $_; } } open Fh, ">>$loc" or die "$loc: $!\n"; print Fh "<p><a href='$link'>$text</a></p>\n\n"; close Fh;