2009-06-28  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	Release 0.7.4

	Fix GStrv properties in bindings
	Fixes bug 587068.

	webkit-1.0: Update to WebKitGTK+ 1.1.10

2009-06-28  Jaap A. Haitsma  <jaap@haitsma.org>

	Gst.Navigation requires Gst.Element
	Patch by Victor Manuel Jaquez Leal <vjaquez@igalia.com>
	Fixes bug #584912

2009-06-26  Jaap A. Haitsma  <jaap@haitsma.org>

	Add .doap file
	Patch by Julien Fontanet
	Fixes bug #586856

2009-06-26  Matias De la Puente  <mfpuente.ar@gmail.com>

	gtksourceview-2.0: Fix gtk_source_language_manager binding

2009-06-26  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	D-Bus: Support registering objects with low-level connections

2009-06-25  Matias De la Puente  <mfpuente.ar@gmail.com>

	gtk+-2.0: Fix gtk_file_chooser_get_files binding
	Fixes bug 585865.

	gio-2.0: Fix g_file_replace_contents{,_finish} bindings
	g_file_replace_contents{,_finish}.new_etag transfers ownership,
	according to the docs. Fixes bug 585612.

2009-06-25  Víctor Manuel Jáquez Leal  <vjaquez@igalia.com>

	gstreamer-0.10: Fix gst_iterator_fold binding
	Fixes bug 585588.

	gstreamer-pbutils-0.10: Fix gst_install_plugins_async binding
	Fixed gst_install_plugins_async function parameters, fixes bug 585586.

2009-06-25  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	vapigen: Use GObject profile

2009-06-25  lariamat  <interflug1@gmx.net>

	gio-2.0: Fix g_data_input_stream_read_*_finish bindings
	Fixes bug 585266.

2009-06-25  Michael B. Trausch  <mike@trausch.us>

	posix: Fix getpgid binding
	The getpgid function call takes a single parameter, the PID of the
	process the user is interested in getting the PGID for, per POSIX and
	Linux man pages.

2009-06-25  Jukka-Pekka Iivonen  <jp0409@jippii.fi>

	Add postgres bindings
	Fixes bug 583357.

2009-06-25  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	Add parenthesis to macro substitutions where necessary
	Based on patch by Yu Feng.

2009-06-25  Matias De la Puente  <mfpuente.ar@gmail.com>

	gtksourceview-2.0: Fix SourcePrintCompositor binding
	Fixes bug 585894.

2009-06-25  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	Fix type declaration for static fields

	Fix use of nullable GLib.Value

2009-06-21  Jaap A. Haitsma  <jaap@haitsma.org>

	x, y are output parameter in get_tooltip_context methods
	Fixes bug #586487

2009-06-17  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	Inherit ref_function_void CCode attribute
	Fixes bug 586077.

2009-06-16  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	POSIX: Do not accept `construct' in parser

	Treat casts of C constants as constants

2009-06-16  Víctor Manuel Jáquez Leal  <vjaquez@igalia.com>

	gstreamer-0.10: Replace deprecated # syntax by owned
	Fixes bug 585587.

2009-06-15  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	D-Bus: Check ownership for property getters in clients
	Properties used in D-Bus clients require owned get accessor.

	D-Bus: Fix variable conflict with server properties

	gtk+-2.0: Add gtk_tree_view_row_expanded binding
	Fixes bug 536480.

	D-Bus: Test arrays

	D-Bus: Test properties

	D-Bus: Support array properties in clients

	D-Bus: Fix memory leaks in server properties
	Free allocated memory used for properties in D-Bus servers.

	Fix notify warning for array properties

	Fix type checks for virtual and abstract properties
	Take ownership into account when checking inherited properties.

2009-06-14  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	Generate C89 compatible code for string switch statements
	Based on patch by Ali Sabil.

	Fix implicit casts involving Gst.Value
	Based on patch by Víctor Manuel Jáquez Leal, fixes bug 585018.

	D-Bus: Support array properties in servers
	Fixes bug 585434.

	Fix abstract and virtual array properties

	Support array properties
	Fixes bug 536706.

2009-06-12  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	gtk+-2.0: Fix GtkWidget.window binding

	gtksourceview-2.0: Regenerated with GtkSourceView 2.7.1

2009-06-07  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	gstreamer-0.10: Fix gst_tag_list_get_date* bindings
	Fixes bug 582250.

2009-06-06  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	GAsync: Fix freeing of return value

2009-06-06  Didier 'Ptitjes  <ptitjes@free.fr>

	GAsync: Fix missing cast when creating GSimpleAsyncResult object

2009-06-06  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	Fix error handling of inner object creation expressions
	Fixes bug 569770.

2009-06-06  Didier 'Ptitjes  <ptitjes@free.fr>

	Propagate uncaught errors in try statements
	Fixes bug 579388.

	Fix unreachable catch clause detection
	Fixes part of bug 579388.

2009-06-06  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	Fix type checking for ref and out arguments
	Fixes bug 570058.

	Report error for recursive value types
	Fixes bug 584573.

	Convert for loops into simple loops

	Convert do loops into simple loops

	Convert while loops into simple loops
	Simplifies and fixes bugs in semantic and flow analysis and code
	generation. Based on patch by Levi Bard, fixes bug 570091.

2009-06-04  Харин Роман  <HarinRoman@kranky-studio.ru>

	cairo: Fix enum bindings

2009-06-04  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	Report error when declaring private fields in compact classes
	Fixes bug 583300.

	Support postconditions in normal methods
	Fixes bug 529680.

	Use result variable in C for method results
	This eliminates the long C return statements and will help when
	adding support for postconditions in normal methods.

	GValue: Add support for implicit and explicit casts
	Based on patch by Andrea Del Signore, fixes bug 528436.

2009-06-03  Frédéric-Emmanuel PICCA  <picca@synchrotron-soleil.fr>

	gsl: Fix gsl_multiroot_function binding

2009-06-03  Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)  <zeeshanak@gnome.org>

	gtk+-2.0: Fix gtk_file_chooser_get_{filenames,uris} bindings

	gtk+-2.0: GtkTreeRowReference should be immutable
	Fixes bug 584632.

2009-06-03  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	gio-2.0: Fix g_file_monitor_directory binding
	Fixes bug 527793.

	Check compatibility of generic type arguments
	Fixes bug 520952.

	Add initial support for static methods in generic types
	Fixes bug 471512.

	Add initial support for generic methods
	Fixes bug 492483.

2009-06-02  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	gio-2.0: Fix g_file_hash binding
	Based on patch by Richard Schwarting, fixes bug 578092.

2009-06-01  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	gee: Fix memory leak in HashMap.remove and HashSet.remove
	Fixes bug 584440.

2009-06-01  Łukasz Pankowski  <lukpank@o2.pl>

	glib-2.0: Fix g_key_file_load_from_* bindings
	KeyFile.load_from_file, load_from_dirs and load_from_data_dirs may
	also throw FileError in addition to KeyFileError. Fixes bug 582517.

2009-06-01  Mark Lee  <marklee@src.gnome.org>

	gnome-vfs-2.0: Fix GnomeVFS.MimeApplication bindings
	Make sure the proper header is emitted for GnomeVFSMimeApplication.

	gnome-vfs-2.0: GnomeVFS.FileSize binding fixes
	GnomeVFSFileSize is a typedef'd uint64, not a compact class.
	gnome_vfs_read.bytes_read and gnome_vfs_write.bytes_written are
	out parameters.

2009-06-01  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	glib-2.0: Revert GLib.KeyFile.to_data change
	g_key_file_to_data never throws an error. Revert earlier change and
	add explanation as comment.

2009-06-01  Mark Lee  <marklee@src.gnome.org>

	gnome-desktop-2.0: Fix gnome_desktop_item_{get,set}_strings bindings
	gnome_desktop_item_get_strings and gnome_desktop_item_set_strings
	use NULL-terminated string arrays. Fixes bug 582974.

2009-06-01  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	D-Bus: Fix array freeing in servers
	Fixes bug 566207.

2009-05-31  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	gdk-x11-2.0: Regenerate bindings with new x11 bindings
	Based on patch by Alexandre Moreira.

2009-05-31  Michael B. Trausch  <mike@trausch.us>

	x11: Enhance X11 bindings and fix some cnames
	This patch fixes cnames for the X11 bindings and provides bindings for
	new methods which came from my original bindings that I wrote for
	AllTray earlier this year.

2009-05-31  Didier 'Ptitjes  <ptitjes@free.fr>

	GAsync: Add empty statement after labels
	C does not allow labels at end of compound statements.

2009-05-31  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	D-Bus: Fix memory leaks in servers
	Free allocated memory used for parameters and return values in D-Bus
	servers. Based on patch by Sebastian Pölsterl, fixes bug 566207.

	Declare types used in implicit casts
	Fixes bug 584163.

	Fix handling of non-ASCII characters in comments

	GAsync: Include gio/gio.h when needed

2009-05-31  Didier 'Ptitjes  <ptitjes@free.fr>

	posix: Add pseudo terminal functions
	Add posix_openpt(3), grantpt(3), and unlockpt(3) bindings.

2009-05-31  Jürg Billeter  <j@bitron.ch>

	D-Bus: Do not crash when calling methods after disconnecting from bus
	Throw error instead.

2009-05-28  Frederik Sdun  <frederik.sdun@googlemail.com>

	D-Bus: Fix using static methods as async callbacks

2009-05-28  Mark Lee  <marklee@src.gnome.org>

	GIR writer: Remove GLib.Regex reference
	The GRegex reference prevents compilation with GLib 2.12. The code has
	been replaced with equivalent code derived from the string class.

	Fixes bug 584098.