2004-07-19  Johan Dahlin  <johan@gnome.org>

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons): Return
	1/0, instead of flagvalue/0 to avoid GObject complains.
	(_wrap_gtk_dialog_run): Simplify

	* gtk/libglade.override: Subclass GladeXML so we can wrap
	lookup_type. Add a new optional argument to GladeXML.__init__ that
	is a mapping object that will be used to translate types. Thanks
	to Gustavo for helping out. This should make kiko somewhat
	happy. Fixes bug 140071

	* tests/enum.py (EnumTest.testWindowGetState): Fix, a window is
	really WITHDRAWN if it's not SHOWN and not ICONIFIED...

	* tests/common.py: Add .. and ../gobject when distcheck isn't ran

	* gobject/pygenum.c: Use a dict instead of a tuple for
	__enum_values__, so we can handle negative enum values (eg: GDK_NOTHING)

	* gobject/pyflags.c: Ditto for __flag_values__

	* gobject/pygparamspec.c (pyg_param_spec_getattr): reference count fixing

	* gobject/Makefile.am: 
	* setup.py:
	* makefile.msc: Update, why do I even bother to update 3 different
	build systems?

	* gobject/: Split out GParamSpec, GMainLoop, GMainContext and
	GPointer to separate files. Also remove *.h files and go back to
	the old scheme (everything in pygobject.h)

	* description.py: Remove, out of date since 0.6.x!

	* tests/Makefile.am, tests/common.py: Make distcheck pass

2004-07-18  John Ehresman <jpe@wingide.com>

	* gobject/pygflags.c, gobject/pygenum.c, gobject/gobjectmodule.c
	(initgobject): Remove references to &PyInt_Type from static type
	struct initialization and manually set it before PyType_Ready calls
	* makefile.msc, gtk/makefile.msc, gobject/makefile.msc: VC++ makefile
	changes for new directory layout

2004-07-18  Johan Dahlin  <johan@gnome.org>

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_action_group_add_radio_actions) 
	(_wrap_gtk_action_group_add_actions): Add optional user_data argument.

	* gobject/pygflags.c (pyg_flags_get_value_nicks) 
	(pyg_flags_get_value_names): New getters

	* gobject/pygenum.c (pyg_enum_get_value_nick) 
	(pyg_enum_get_value_name): New getters

	* gobject/gobjectmodule.c (pyg_param_spec_getattr): add enum_class
	and flags_class properties.

2004-07-18  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* gtk/gtk.defs (gtk_combo_new): Add deprectation warning.
	(gtk_item_factory_new): idem.
	(gtk_list_item_new): idem.
	(gtk_list_item_new_with_label): idem.
	(gtk_option_menu_new): idem.

	* gtk/gtkclist.override (_wrap_gtk_clist_new_with_titles): Give
	deprecation warning.

	* gtk/gtkctree.override (_wrap_gtk_ctree_new_with_titles): Give
	deprecation warning.

	* gtk/gtk.defs (plug_new_for_display): Deprecate, since the
	regular gtk.Plug constructor can accept a GdkDisplay now.

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_plug_new): Override constructor,
	convert to g_object_new based; Add optional parameter 'display',
	available since Gtk 2.2.

	* gtk/gtktreeview.override (_wrap_gtk_tree_view_column_new):
	Convert constructor to property based.

	* gtk/gtk.defs (gtk_vscrollbar_new): Convert constructor to
	property based.
	(gtk_tree_view_new_with_model): idem.
	(gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer): idem.

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_pixmap_new): Override
	_wrap_gtk_pixmap_new, construct with g_object_new.

2004-07-17  Johan Dahlin  <johan@gnome.org>

	* tests/enum.py: add, forgot it in last commit

	* gobject/: Move gobject source files in here.

2004-07-17  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons): Don't pass
	'parent' property if no parent is given or is None.

2004-07-17  Johan Dahlin  <johan@gnome.org>

	* codegen/codegen.py: 
	* codegen/argtypes.py: Update for enums

	* pygtype.c (pyg_value_as_pyobject): Use new enum/flag functions

	* pygenum.[ch]: Handle GFlag

	* pygflags.[ch]: Handle GFlag

	* atk-types.defs: Fix gtype-id for all enums

	* gobjectmodule.c (initgobject): Clean up and add convinience macros

	* tests/enum.py: New file

	* tests/common.py: New file, also stole from gst-python

2004-07-17  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_table_new): Override to allow rows
	and columns default to 1, unlike the underlying gtk/C API which
	defaults to 0.

2004-07-15  John Finlay  <finlay@moeraki.com>

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_menu_item_new): Use AccelLabel instead
	of Label and dup MenuItem creation process.
	(_wrap_gtk_check_menu_item_new): idem
	(_wrap_gtk_radio_menu_item_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_button_new): Set "use_underline" to TRUE when stock item
	(_wrap_gtk_check_button_new): Add optional argument
	'use_underline', defaulting to TRUE.
	(_wrap_gtk_radio_button_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_toggle_button_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_message_dialog_new) Fix erroneous error message.

2004-07-15  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_menu_item_new): add optional argument
	'use_underline', defaulting to True.
	(_wrap_gtk_radio_check_menu_item_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_radio_menu_item_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_button_new): idem.
	Fixes #147421.

2004-07-13  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_button_new): Construct with
	(_wrap_gtk_toggle_button_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_check_button_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_radio_button_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_menu_item_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_check_menu_item_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_radio_menu_item_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_check_menu_item_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_progress_bar_new_with_adjustment): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_file_chooser_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_color_button_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_combo_box_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_combo_box_entry_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_file_chooser_widget_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_font_button_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_radio_tool_button_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_toggle_tool__button_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_tool_button_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_entry_new): idem.
	(_wrap_gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons): idem.

	(_wrap_gtk_image_menu_item_new): Raise exception if attempted to
	subclass this object without calling __gobject_init__.
	(_wrap_gtk_message_dialog_new): idem.

2004-07-12  John Finlay  <finlay@moeraki.com>

	* gtk/gtkwindow.override (set_geometry_hints) Fix arg format string.
	Fixes #147458. Thanks to Theo Reed.

2004-07-10  Johan Dahlin  <johan@gnome.org>

	* tests/runtests.py: New script to run all tests in one take

	* tests/Makefile.am: autotoolify

	* tests/signal.py: New simple test taken from

2004-07-08  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* gtk/gtk.defs: Change to most constructors to property based.

	* codegen/codegen.py (GObjectWrapper.write_property_based_constructor):
	Handle propname != argname cases.

	* codegen/definitions.py (FunctionDef.__init__): Parse (argname
	"xxx") inside properties list, to support argname != propname.
	(Property.__init__): Accept new argname parameter.

2004-07-07  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* codegen/definitions.py (FunctionDef.write_defs): Handle new
	properties syntax.

	* gtk/gdk.override (_wrap_gdk_colormap_alloc_color): Raise
	ValueError instead of TypeError if unable to parse colour
	(_wrap_gdk_color_parse): idem.  Fixes #144862.

2004-07-04  John Finlay  <finlay@moeraki.com>

	* gtk/gtktreeview.override (_wrap_gtk_tree_model_rows_reordered)
	Allow None, () or "" for top level path.

2004-07-04  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* gtk/gtk.defs (gtk_hbox_new): Change constructor to property based.

	* gobjectmodule.c (pyg_parse_constructor_args): Helper function
	invoked from the generated constructors.

	* codegen/codegen.py (Wrapper.write_constructor): Delegate to
	self.write_property_based_constructor() when appropriate.
	(GObjectWrapper.write_property_based_constructor): New constructor
	generator, that writes constructors that use g_object_newv and
	pass constructor arguments as properties.

	* codegen/definitions.py (Parameter): New Parameter class, to hold
	the items in (parameter ...).  Emulates tuple for compatibility,
	but is more extensible.
	(Property): New property class, to hold (property ...) items.
	(FunctionDef.__init__): Parse (property ...), for new property
	based constructors.

2004-07-04  John Finlay  <finlay@moeraki.com>

	* gtk/gtktreeview.override (_wrap_gtk_tree_store_new) Fix typo.
	(_wrap_gtk_tree_model_rows_reordered) Allow None for path and iter
	to allow reordering top level rows. Fixes #143834.
	John Ehresman's patch with mods.

2004-07-04  John Ehresman  <jpe@wingide.com>

	* tests directory: unit tests

2004-07-04  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* gtk/gtktreeview.override (_wrap_gtk_tree_store_new): Use
	g_object_newv to create instance, thus allowing subclassing
	without __gobject_init__.

	* gtk/gtkmodule.c (init_gtk): Register new warning category,
	GtkWarning.  Register a log handler for Gtk warnings that issues a
	python warning using GtkWarning category.

2004-07-04  John Ehresman  <jpe@wingide.com>

	* codegen/argtypes.py (GUniCharArg): Use the converter function
	pyg_pyobj_to_unichar_conv to parse gunichar parameters, instead of
	templated code.

	* pygtype.c (pyg_pyobj_to_unichar_conv): impl.

	* pygobject.h, gobjectmodule.c: Add pyg_pyobj_to_unichar_conv to list of
	exported functions.

2004-07-04  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* gtk/gdk.override (_wrap_gdk_colormap_query_color): Implement

	* gtk/gdk.defs (query_color): Add gdk.Colormap.query_color.

	* gtk/gtktreeview.override (pygtk_set_search_equal_func_marshal):
	Column is integer, not PyGObject! :-/

2004-07-03  John Finlay  <finlay@moeraki.com>

	* gtk/gtk.defs
	* gtk/gtk-extrafuncs.defs I goofed in placing the GenericTreeModel
	methods. Now they should be in the right place.

	* gtk/gtktreeview.override Ignore gtk_tree_view_get_search_equal_func.

	* gtk/pygtktreemodel.c
	* gtk/pygtktreemodel.h
	* gtk/gtk.defs
	Add stamp to GenericTreeModel to use in detecting valid TreeIters.
	Add invalidate_iters() method to allow custom tree models to
	manage TreeIters when not persistent.
	Add iter_is_valid() method to allow apps to determine if a TreeIter
	for a custom tree model is valid.

2004-07-03  Ross Burton  <ross@burtonini.com>

	* gtk/gdk.defs:	Add gdk_pixbuf_new_subpixbuf.

2004-07-03  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* gtk/gtktreeview.override (_wrap_gtk_list_store_new): Construct
	object with g_object_newv, then call
	gtk_list_store_set_column_types().  Fixes #123037.
	(_wrap_gtk_tree_view_set_search_equal_func): Impl. Most code is
	copy-paste from
	_wrap_gtk_tree_view_set_column_drag_function. Fixes #145342.
	(_wrap_gtk_tree_selection_get_selected_rows): Initialize model to
	NULL, to avoid crash when the tree is empty.

2004-06-29  Lorenzo Gil Sanchez  <lgs@cvs.gnome.org>

	* setup.py: changed the version to 2.3.93 so we can build it on Windows
	with correct version information.

2004-06-28  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* gtk/gdk.override (_wrap_gdk_window_set_user_data): Fixup and do
	some real testing of last changes, to make this really safe using
	a pair of mutual weak references between the widget and its
	window.  Fixes #145091.

2004-06-27  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* codegen/definitions.py
	(Definition.guess_return_value_ownership): new method (name to
	guess default value for caller_owns_return.
	(MethodDef.__init__): Call guess_return_value_ownership here.
	(FunctionDef.__init__): And here as well.
	(get_valid_scheme_definitions): new function to filter out invalid
	elements in a definition.
	(ObjectDef.__init__): Use get_valid_scheme_definitions here.
	(InterfaceDef.__init__): and here
	(EnumDef.__init__): here too
	(BoxedDef.__init__): and here
	(PointerDef.__init__): here as well
	(MethodDef.__init__): idem
	(FunctionDef.__init__): idem
	Paches by Scott Tsai, with a bit of refactoring by me.

	* gtk/gdk.override (_wrap_gdk_color_parse): Raise TypeError when
	color cannot be parsed.  Fixes #144862.

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_adjustment__set_value): Use
	pygtk_util_pyobject_as_double to convert the value.
	(_wrap_gtk_adjustment__set_lower): idem
	(_wrap_gtk_adjustment__set_upper): idem
	(_wrap_gtk_adjustment__set_step_increment): idem
	(_wrap_gtk_adjustment__set_page_increment): idem
	(_wrap_gtk_adjustment__set_page_size): idem
	(pygtk_util_pyobject_as_double): New utility function to convert
	any numeric object to C double.

	* gtk/gdk.override (_wrap_gdk_window_set_user_data): Raise
	TypeError instead of value error when user data is not of
	gtk.Widget type.
	(_wrap_gdk_window_set_user_data): Add weak reference to the widget
	for increased safety, just in case the widget is ever destroyed
	before the window, however unlikely that may be...

2004-06-26  Lorenzo Gil Sanchez  <lgs@cvs.gnome.org>

	* gtk/gdk.override (_wrap_gdk_window_set_user_data): only allow
	GtkWidgets to be the user data
	(_wrap_gdk_display_list_devices): only get GtkWidgets to be simetric
	with _wrap_gdk_window_set_user_data

	* gtk/gtk.defs : modified the parameters of some GtkNotebook methods
	so they can accept NULL arguments

	* gtk/gtk.override: removed the _wrap_gtk_notebook_insert_page and
	_wrap_gtk_notebook_set_tab_label since they are not needed anymore with
	the changes to gtk/gtk.defs
2004-06-20  Scott Tsai  <scottt958@yahoo.com.tw>

	* codegen/argtypes.py (ObjectArg.write_return): Check for NULL
	GObject before unreffing.  Fixes Bug 137086 (gtk.gdk.window_lookup
	assertion).  (reviewed by Gustavo Carneiro)

2004-06-20  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* gtk/gtkmodule.c (init_gtk): Just like GtkWindow, register custom
	sink function for GtkInvisible type.

	* codegen/codegen.py
	(GObjectWrapper.get_initial_constructor_substdict): Removed
	special treatment of GtkInvisible, no longer needed.

	* gtk/gtkmodule.c (sink_gtkinvisible): Copy-paste from sink_gtkwindow.

	* pygobject.c (pygobject_new_with_interfaces): Add hack to
	workaround python tp_(get|set)attr slot inheritance bug. Fixes
	pygtk bug #144135 (gtk.gdk.GC attributes not working).

2004-06-18  Lorenzo Gil Sanchez  <lgs@cvs.gnome.org>

	* gtk/gdk.override (_wrap_gdk_window_get_user_data): finally I got it
	working with Gustavo's help

	* gtk/gdk.override (_wrap_gdk_window_get_user_data): make it compile
	* gtk/gdk.defs (get_user_data): added so we can implement

	* gtk/gdk.override (_wrap_gdk_window_get_user_data): implemented so
	we can retrieve the GtkWidget of a GdkWindow. By the way, is it 
	possible to know if a gpointer is a PyObject?

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_notebook_insert_page): allow to insert
	pages without a tab_label widget (i.e None) so a default one is created
	by GTK+.
	(_wrap_gtk_notebook_set_tab_label): allow to set a None tab_label
	widget so a default one is created by GTK+

2004-06-14  John Finlay  <finlay@moeraki.com>

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_clipboard_set_with_data)
	(_wrap_gtk_drag_dest_set) (_wrap_gtk_drag_dest_find_target)
	(_wrap_gtk_drag_dest_set_target_list) (_wrap_gtk_drag_source_set)
	(_wrap_gtk_drag_begin) (_wrap_gtk_selection_add_targets)
	Avoid segfault if first item in a py_targets tuple is None by
	forcing first item to be a string.
	(_wrap_gtk_drag_dest_get_target_list) target_list should not
	be unreffed.

2004-06-14  Lorenzo Gil Sanchez  <lgs@cvs.gnome.org>

	* gtk/gtkwidget.override (_wrap_gtk_widget_hide_on_delete): added dummy
	args so you can do win.connect ('delete-event', win.hide_on_delete)

2004-06-13  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* gtk/gtkmodule.c (sink_gtkobject, init_gtk): Add custom sink
	function, that increments reference count of newly created
	GtkWindow's.  Solution provided by James Henstridge, code by Jon
	Trowbridge.  Fixes "Bug 122569: gtk.Window derived class segfaults."

	* codegen/codegen.py
	(GObjectWrapper.get_initial_constructor_substdict): Special
	treatment for GtkWindow no longer necessary due to the custom sink

2004-06-12  Johan Dahlin  <johan@gnome.org>

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_accel_groups_from_object): For Kiko.

2004-06-11  Johan Dahlin  <johan@gnome.org>

	* gtk/gdk.override (pygdk_filter_func_marshal): Return a
	GdkEventType and not a PyObject. Fixes bug 143420 (Tim Evans).

2004-06-09  John Finlay  <finlay@moeraki.com>

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_action_group_add_radio_actions)
	Fix bug preventing callback being connected. Fixes #144022. Thanks
	to Steve Chaplin.

2004-06-09  Lorenzo Gil Sanchez <lgs@cvs.gnome.org>

	* examples/gtk/widget.py (PyGtkWidget.do_size_request): change the
	allocation parameter to requisition so we have a more clear example.

2004-06-07  Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro  <gustavo@users.sourceforge.net>

	* examples/gtk/widget.py: Don't manually send configure events.
	Instead, override size-request, taking the exact size of the text
	and border width into consideration.

2004-06-06  Johan Dahlin  <johan@gnome.org>

	* gtk/gdk.override (_wrap_gdk_event_tp_setattr): Add

2004-06-04  Johan Dahlin  <johan@gnome.org>

	* gobjectmodule.c (pyg_param_spec_getattr): Add support for
	paramspec.default_value for GParamSpec types that support it
2004-06-04  Lorenzo Gil Sanchez  <lgst@cvs.gnome.org>

	* gobjectmodule.c (initgobject): added gobject.TYPE_UNICHAR

2004-06-04  Johan Dahlin  <johan@gnome.org>

	* gtk/gtkwidget.override (_wrap_gtk_widget_class_install_style_property): Impl

	* gtk/gtkcontainer.override
	(_wrap_gtk_container_class_list_child_properties): Rename first
	kwlist argument to klass (from widget), class should be a
	GObjectClass and not a GtkWidgetClass
	(_wrap_gtk_container_class_install_child_property): Impl.

	* gtk/gtk.defs: Change a couple of methods to functions and set
	correct class

	* pygobject.h: Add pyg_param_spec_from_object

	* gobjectmodule.c (create_property): Don't install the property
	here, return it instead. And don't require a GObjectClass as argument
	(pyg_param_spec_from_object): New function
	(add_properties): Update to new create_property
	(pygobject_api_functions): Export pyg_param_spec_from_object

	* gtk/gtkcontainer.override
	(_wrap_gtk_container_class_list_child_properties): Implement for Lorenzo.

	* gtk/gdk.override (_wrap_gdk_event_tp_setattr): Fix up *_CHECK calls

	* examples/gtk/widget.py: Add a new example of subclassing a GtkWidget.

	* Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add widget.py

	* pygobject.c (pygobject_new): guard object_ref call

	* examples/gtk/uimanager.py: Some more polishing, it'll never be finished!

	* gtk/gtkwidget.override (_wrap_gtk_widget__set_allocation): Impl.
	(_wrap_gtk_widget__set_window): Impl.

	* gtk/gtkclist.override (_wrap_gtk_clist_new_with_titles): put
	all clist overrides here.

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_paint_polygon): Move gtk_widgets_*
	ignore definitions to gtkwidget.override and clist_* to
	(_wrap_gtk_action_group_add_actions): guard ref call
	(_wrap_gtk_action_group_add_toggle_actions): ditto
	(_wrap_gtk_action_group_add_radio_actions): ditto

	* gtk/gtk-types.c (_pygtk_style_helper_new): guard ref call.

	* gtk/gdk.override (_wrap_gdk_event_tp_setattr): Impl. 
	(I'll have nightmares about this code)
	(_wrap_gdk_window_new): Clean up a little bit: Proper use of enums
	and set a boolean to b instead of i. Block unref calls for thread
	safety issues.
	(_wrap_gdk_window_set_user_data): Impl. This is also a hairy
	implementation: If it's a GtkWidget, get the GObject, otherwise
	put the real pyobject in there. Maybe we should just always put
	the widget in there.
	(_wrap_gdk_window_add_filter): Thread safety.

2004-05-30  John Finlay  <finlay@moeraki.com>

	* gtk/gtktreeview.override (_wrap_gtk_tree_store_reorder) Fix
	bug I inserted in check for GtkTreeIter.

2004-05-29  John Finlay  <finlay@moeraki.com>

	* gtk/gtktreeview.override
	(_wrap_gtk_tree_view_set_column_drag_function) Add. Fixes #127504.

2004-05-28  John Finlay  <finlay@moeraki.com>

	* gtk/gtkcontainer.override (_wrap_gtk_container_child_set)
	(_wrap_gtk_container_add_with_properties) Check that at least
	one arg is passed to method to avoid segfault.

	* gtk/gtk.override (_wrap_gtk_entry_new)
	* gtk/gtk.defs (gtk_entry_new) (gtk_entry_new_with_max_length)
	Apply patch from Scott Tsai. Fixes #139190.

2004-05-28  Johan Dahlin <johan@gnome.org>
	* examples/gtk/uimanager.py: Add a toolbar and fix shortcuts.

2004-05-27  John Finlay  <finlay@moeraki.com>

	* gtk/gtktreeview.override
	Ignore: gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_attributes - these are now covered by the
	GtkCellLayout interface. Couldn't do the same for
	gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute and 
	gtk_tree_view_column_clear_attributes due to backward compatibility.

2004-05-25  John Finlay  <finlay@moeraki.com>

	* examples/gtk/filechooser.py Fix bug #140946.

2004-05-24  John Finlay  <finlay@moeraki.com>

	* gtk/gtktreeview.override
	(_wrap_gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func) Change this override
	to override gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func - covers all objects
	that implement GtkCellLayout in	GTK+ 2.4 including GtkTreeViewColumn..
	Ignore gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func.

2004-05-24  Johan Dahlin  <johan@gnome.org>

	* gtk/gdk.override (_wrap_gdk_keymap_translate_keyboard_state):
	Remove double ;, fixes compilation with gcc 2.95.3 on FreeBSD.

2004-05-22  Johan Dahlin  <johan@gnome.org>

	* NEWS: Don't lie about the release date.

	* configure.in: post release version bump

=== PyGtk 2.3.92 ===
2004-05-22  Johan Dahlin  <johan@gnome.org>

	* NEWS: Update