3.23.4 - 2 February 2017


 * Optionally announce when entering and leaving blockquotes, lists,
   tables, panels, forms, and landmarks

 * Improve handling of pages where the content is rapidly and repeatedly
   destroyed and replaced

 * Improve workarounds for several Gecko editable-text bugs

 * Ensure we always announce ARIA landmark type before setting the caret

 * Improve presentation of ARIA regions

 * Add custom support for ARIA switch role

 * Present messages resulting from use of aria-invalid

 * Check for and filter out defunct objects when building elements list

 * Eliminate double-speaking of line after document load

 * Suppress presentation of irrelevant loading messages resulting from
   busy state-change events in SeaMonkey's mail client

 * Eliminate double-speaking of inferred labels in SayAll

 * Fix several instances where new document name was not being presented

 * Handle (un)ordered lists in which item text falls outside the item

 * Descend images if they are imagemaps so that we don't fail to present
   their content


 * Fix crash presenting certain Writer tables

 * Handle LO's recently-corrected exposure of text attributes for

 * Handle change in LO's accessibility tree for dialogs

 * Handle more cases of LO objects becoming defunct

 * Don't assume we can always get a string value for Calc input line

 * Yet another workaround for yet another missing state-changed event


 * Make spoken presentation of accessible description optional

 * Work around missing focus-change events when focus changes due to a
   mouse click

 * Use Unicode in translatable strings

 * Fix several issues in which we incorrectly update our location based
   on bogus or redundant accessibility events

 * Reduce chattiness associated with presentation of typeahead search

 * Include infobar content when presenting status bar and default button

 * Reduce chattiness associated with icons which incorrectly implement
   accessible text

 * Improve presentation of editable comboboxes

 * Fix bug in which Orca is silent on launch due to inability to access
   default screen

 * Don't generate substring content unnecessarily (performance)

 * Don't treat an empty table as layout only if the user gives it focus

 * Fix bug speaking punctuation when punctuation style is set to NONE

 * Stop converting horizontal ellipses to "..." in braille

New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

    cs            Czech                   Marek Černocký
    de            German                  Christian Kirbach
    es            Spanish                 Daniel Mustieles
    fr            French                  Claude Paroz
    gl            Galician                Fran Diéguez
    hu            Hungarian               Attila Hammer, Balázs Meskó
    nl            Dutch                   Justin van Steijn
    pl            Polish                  Piotr DrÄ…g
    pt_BR         Brazilian Portuguese    Rafael Fontenelle
