* *Much* work on Evolution script - this far outshadows much of the 
  other work done for this release (Rich Burridge and Mike Pedersen)
* Various code cleanup (Willie Walker and Rich Burridge)
* Introduction of prototype testing harness (Willie Walker)
* Creation of bugs/* to keep track of external bug dependencies (team)
* Additional debug features (Willie Walker):
  > Insert+Ctrl+F5 - cycle through debug levels
  > Insert+F7      - print ancestry for locus of focus
  > Insert+Ctrl+F7 - print entire application hierarchy for app with locus
                     of focus
* Minor enhancement to flat review to attempt to better handle parents
  that manage a very large number of descendants (Willie Walker)
* Take better care when installing on 64-bit platforms (Willie Walker)
* Fix gaim.py to better handle text areas (bug 325917) (Willie Walker)
* Support ABI incompatible change made to AT-SPI 1.7.0 (Willie Walker)
* Use EventDetails.host_application if it is available (Willie Walker)
* Internationalize script mappings.
* Some work with OOo and its new UNO<->ATK bridge (Willie Walker)
* Allow scripts to be picked up from . directory where orca is run 
  (Willie Walker).
* Added braille monitor - add useBrailleMonitor=True to
  ~/.orca/user-settings.py to enable it (Willie Walker)
* Many localizations also performed by a number of very enthusiastic
  folks: Francisco Javier F. Serrador, Adam Weinberger, Clytie Siddall
* Add Insert+s option to manually tell speech to reset should something
  go awry (Willie Walker)
* Add KP_Insert as an equivalent of Insert for the Orca modifier. 
  (Willie Walker)
