Mon Jul 8 20:35:14 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix visibility of tagging widgets 
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/TaggerDialog.cs | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Sun Jul 7 17:24:52 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Bump release 0.18.12 
 NEWS         | 25 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 RELEASE      | 27 +++++++++++++++++---------- |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

Mon Jul 8 19:51:11 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *video-encoder: fix inverted width/height and use a sane par 
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/Converter/GstVideoConverter.cs | 4 ++--
 libcesarplayer/gst-video-encoder.c                   | 2 ++
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Mon Jul 8 17:26:00 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Enable projects export in live 
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/MainWindow.cs | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Sun Jul 7 19:07:50 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix build with db4o 7.4 
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/DataBase.cs | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Sun Jul 7 19:07:23 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix crash cancelling fake project 
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/GUIToolkit.cs | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Sun Jul 7 18:50:35 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Update Dutch translation 
 po/nl.po | 832 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 525 insertions(+), 307 deletions(-)

Sun Jul 7 17:12:12 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Remove unused files 
 win32/COPYING.TXT                                  | 278 -----------
 win32/                                    |  13 -
 win32/                              | 257 ----------
 win32/deps/Db4objects.Db4o.dll                     | Bin 716288 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/ThemeSelector.exe                       | Bin 293376 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libanachron.dll                 | Bin 28558 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libaurora.dll                   | Bin 111369 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libbluecurve.dll                | Bin 57580 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libcandido.dll                  | Bin 60073 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libcleanice.dll                 | Bin 36596 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libclearlooks.dll               | Bin 164869 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libcrux-engine.dll              | Bin 58726 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libdyndyn.dll                   | Bin 66599 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libgflat.dll                    | Bin 75869 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libglide.dll                    | Bin 77842 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libhcengine.dll                 | Bin 57334 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libindustrial.dll               | Bin 55993 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/liblighthouseblue.dll           | Bin 51405 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libmetal.dll                    | Bin 47966 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libmgicchikn.dll                | Bin 86783 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libmist.dll                     | Bin 50496 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libmurrine.dll                  | Bin 88123 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libnimbus.dll                   | Bin 138364 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libnodoka.dll                   | Bin 82547 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libpixmap.dll                   | Bin 35029 -> 0 bytes
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 win32/deps/engines/libsmooth.dll                   | Bin 221642 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/engines/libsvg.dll                      | Bin 55369 -> 0 bytes
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 win32/deps/engines/libxfce.dll                     | Bin 42700 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/gtkrc                                   |   8 -
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 .../icons/hicolor/24x24/status/stock_volume.png    | Bin 1217 -> 0 bytes
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 win32/deps/themes/Aurora-looks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc       | 350 --------------
 win32/deps/themes/Aurora/gtk-2.0/gtkrc             | 362 --------------
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 win32/deps/themes/Candido-Candy/gtk-2.0/gtkrc      | 209 ---------
 win32/deps/themes/Candido-DarkOrange/gtk-2.0/gtkrc | 193 --------
 win32/deps/themes/Candido-Hybrid/gtk-2.0/gtkrc     | 210 ---------
 .../deps/themes/Candido-NeoGraphite/gtk-2.0/gtkrc  | 200 --------
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 win32/deps/themes/Cleanice/gtk-2.0/gtkrc           |  37 --
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 win32/deps/themes/ClearlooksClassic/gtk-2.0/gtkrc  | 209 ---------
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 .../themes/CortlandChicken/gtk-2.0/check-in.png    | Bin 161 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/CortlandChicken/gtk-2.0/check-out.png   | Bin 116 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/CortlandChicken/gtk-2.0/gtkrc    | 327 -------------
 .../themes/CortlandChicken/gtk-2.0/radio-both.png  | Bin 196 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/CortlandChicken/gtk-2.0/radio-in.png    | Bin 190 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/CortlandChicken/gtk-2.0/radio-out.png   | Bin 185 -> 0 bytes
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 .../deps/themes/Delightfully-Smooth/gtk-2.0/gtkrc  | 440 -----------------
 win32/deps/themes/DyndynBlueGray/gtk-2.0/gtkrc     | 211 ---------
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 .../themes/LowContrastLargePrint/gtk-2.0/  |  72 ---
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 .../Nimbus/gtk-2.0/dialog_authentication.png       | Bin 2861 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/dialog_error.png  | Bin 2665 -> 0 bytes
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 .../deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/dialog_question.png | Bin 4111 -> 0 bytes
 .../deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/dialog_warning.png  | Bin 3308 -> 0 bytes
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 .../Nimbus/gtk-2.0/document-print-preview.png      | Bin 1340 -> 0 bytes
 .../deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/document-print.png  | Bin 1104 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/document-properties.png  | Bin 991 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/document-save-as.png     | Bin 1335 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/document-save.png | Bin 955 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/edit-copy_16.png  | Bin 552 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/edit-copy_24.png  | Bin 698 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/edit-cut_16.png   | Bin 602 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/edit-cut_24.png   | Bin 1286 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/edit-find-replace.png    | Bin 1507 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/edit-find.png     | Bin 1103 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/edit-paste.png    | Bin 912 -> 0 bytes
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 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/edit.png          | Bin 684 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/execute.png       | Bin 1300 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/file.png          | Bin 516 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/floppy.png        | Bin 818 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/font.png          | Bin 1105 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/format-indent-less.png   | Bin 818 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/format-indent-more.png   | Bin 830 -> 0 bytes
 .../Nimbus/gtk-2.0/format-justify-center.png       | Bin 699 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/format-justify-fill.png  | Bin 763 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/format-justify-left.png  | Bin 682 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/format-justify-right.png | Bin 676 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/format-text-bold.png     | Bin 587 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/format-text-italic.png   | Bin 752 -> 0 bytes
 .../Nimbus/gtk-2.0/format-text-strikethrough.png   | Bin 595 -> 0 bytes
 .../Nimbus/gtk-2.0/format-text-underline.png       | Bin 593 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/fullscreen.png    | Bin 1135 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/go-bottom.png     | Bin 915 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/go-down.png       | Bin 814 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/go-first.png      | Bin 960 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/go-home.png       | Bin 1130 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/go-jump.png       | Bin 1010 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/go-last.png       | Bin 958 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/go-next.png       | Bin 828 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/go-previous.png   | Bin 848 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/go-top.png        | Bin 958 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/go-up.png         | Bin 836 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/gtkrc             |  70 ---
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/harddisk.png      | Bin 957 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/help.png          | Bin 1494 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/iconrc            | 103 ----
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/index.png         | Bin 972 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/info.png          | Bin 1333 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/leave_fullscreen.png     | Bin 895 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/media-ffwd.png    | Bin 313 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/media-next.png    | Bin 304 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/media-pause.png   | Bin 236 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/media-play.png    | Bin 282 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/media-prev.png    | Bin 326 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/media-record.png  | Bin 330 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/media-rewind.png  | Bin 307 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/media-stop.png    | Bin 227 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/network.png       | Bin 1420 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/no.png            | Bin 622 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/ok.png            | Bin 797 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/preferences.png   | Bin 898 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/quit.png          | Bin 1143 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/remove.png        | Bin 1188 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/revert.png        | Bin 1175 -> 0 bytes
 .../deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/sort_ascending.png  | Bin 989 -> 0 bytes
 .../deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/sort_descending.png | Bin 983 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/spellcheck.png    | Bin 715 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/stock_dnd.png     | Bin 687 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/stock_dnd_multiple.png   | Bin 766 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/stop.png          | Bin 941 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/undelete.png      | Bin 1473 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/view-refresh.png  | Bin 1214 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/yes.png           | Bin 654 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/zoom-best-fit.png | Bin 1195 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/zoom-in.png       | Bin 1167 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/zoom-original.png | Bin 1133 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nimbus/gtk-2.0/zoom-out.png      | Bin 1116 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/Nodoka-Aqua/gtk-2.0/gtkrc        | 287 -----------
 win32/deps/themes/Nodoka-Gilouche/gtk-2.0/gtkrc    | 271 -----------
 win32/deps/themes/Nodoka-Looks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc       | 281 -----------
 win32/deps/themes/Nodoka-Midnight/gtk-2.0/gtkrc    | 282 -----------
 win32/deps/themes/Nodoka-Rounded/gtk-2.0/gtkrc     | 281 -----------
 win32/deps/themes/Nodoka-Silver/gtk-2.0/gtkrc      | 267 -----------
 win32/deps/themes/Nodoka-Squared/gtk-2.0/gtkrc     | 281 -----------
 win32/deps/themes/Nodoka/gtk-2.0/gtkrc             | 281 -----------
 win32/deps/themes/OkayishChicken/README            |   1 -
 win32/deps/themes/OkayishChicken/gtk-2.0/gtkrc     | 122 -----
 win32/deps/themes/Redmond/gtk-2.0/gtkrc            | 102 ----
 win32/deps/themes/Rezlooks-Gilouche/gtk-2.0/gtkrc  | 211 ---------
 win32/deps/themes/Rezlooks-graphite/gtk-2.0/gtkrc  | 208 --------
 win32/deps/themes/Simple/gtk-2.0/gtkrc             |  70 ---
 .../deps/themes/Smooth-Funky-Monkey/gtk-2.0/gtkrc  | 214 ---------
 .../Smooth-Funky-Monkey/gtk-2.0/stock_go-back.svg  |  39 --
 .../gtk-2.0/stock_go-forward.svg                   |  39 --
 .../Smooth-Funky-Monkey/gtk-2.0/stock_go-up.svg    |  42 --
 .../Smooth-Funky-Monkey/gtk-2.0/stock_home.svg     |  26 -
 .../Smooth-Funky-Monkey/gtk-2.0/stock_new.svg      |  46 --
 .../Smooth-Funky-Monkey/gtk-2.0/stock_open.svg     |  51 --
 .../Smooth-Funky-Monkey/gtk-2.0/stock_refresh.svg  |  29 --
 .../Smooth-Funky-Monkey/gtk-2.0/stock_stop.svg     |  26 -
 win32/deps/themes/Smooth-Line/gtk-2.0/gtkrc        | 522 ---------------------
 win32/deps/themes/Smooth-Okayish/gtk-2.0/gtkrc     | 143 ------
 win32/deps/themes/Smooth-Sea-Ice/gtk-2.0/gtkrc     | 365 --------------
 .../themes/Smooth-Tangerine-Dream/gtk-2.0/gtkrc    | 380 ---------------
 win32/deps/themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/gtkrc      | 353 --------------
 win32/deps/themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/iconrc     |  20 -
 .../themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/stock_apply.png   | Bin 812 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/stock_bottom.png  | Bin 662 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/stock_cancel.png  | Bin 1166 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/stock_down.png    | Bin 590 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/stock_first.png   | Bin 657 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/stock_last.png    | Bin 644 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/stock_left.png    | Bin 523 -> 0 bytes
 .../deps/themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/stock_ok.png | Bin 806 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/stock_refresh.png | Bin 1061 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/stock_right.png   | Bin 522 -> 0 bytes
 .../themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/stock_top.png     | Bin 674 -> 0 bytes
 .../deps/themes/Smooth-Winter/gtk-2.0/stock_up.png | Bin 605 -> 0 bytes
 win32/deps/themes/ThinIce/gtk-2.0/gtkrc            |  84 ----
 win32/deps/themes/XFCE-4.0/ICON.png                |   0
 win32/deps/themes/XFCE-4.0/README.html             |   5 -
 win32/deps/themes/XFCE-4.0/gtk-2.0/gtkrc           | 238 ----------
 win32/deps/themes/XFCE-4.2/ICON.png                |   0
 win32/deps/themes/XFCE-4.2/README.html             |   5 -
 win32/deps/themes/XFCE-4.2/gtk-2.0/gtkrc           | 289 ------------
 win32/deps/themes/XFCE/ICON.png                    |   0
 win32/deps/themes/XFCE/README.html                 |   5 -
 win32/deps/themes/XFCE/gtk-2.0/gtkrc               | 349 --------------
 win32/installer.iss                                |  54 ---
 258 files changed, 16639 deletions(-)

Mon Jul 8 13:38:51 2013 +0200 Daniel Mustieles <>
 *Updated Spanish translation 
 po/es.po | 141 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

Sun Jul 7 17:06:03 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 po/ | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Thu Jul 4 19:50:33 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add a migration service for DB and templates 
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/Constants.cs                |   3 +
 LongoMatch.Core/Config.cs                          |   1 +
 LongoMatch.Core/Interfaces/IDatabase.cs            |   2 +
 .../Store/Templates/CategoriesTemplate.cs          |   7 +
 .../Store/Templates/SubCategoryTemplate.cs         |  15 +-
 LongoMatch.Core/Store/Templates/TeamTemplate.cs    |   7 +
 LongoMatch.Services/LongoMatch.Services.mdp        |   1 +
 LongoMatch.Services/                    |   1 +
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/Core.cs               |   4 +
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/DataBase.cs           |  26 +++-
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/DataBaseManager.cs    |   5 +-
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/MigrationsManager.cs  | 158 +++++++++++++++++++++
 12 files changed, 220 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

Thu Jul 4 19:32:25 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Expand the timeline when detaching the player 
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/MainWindow.cs | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

Thu Jul 4 19:31:36 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Make the timeline thiner to handle more events 
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Base/TimeScaleBase.cs             | 13 ++++++++++---
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/TimelineLabelsWidget.cs |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

Thu Jul 4 19:05:49 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Save automatically playback rate for plays 
 LongoMatch.Core/Handlers/Handlers.cs               |  2 --
 LongoMatch.Core/Handlers/Multimedia.cs             |  1 +
 LongoMatch.Core/Interfaces/GUI/IMainWindow.cs      |  1 -
 LongoMatch.Core/Interfaces/GUI/IPlayer.cs          |  3 +-
 LongoMatch.Core/Store/Play.cs                      |  6 ++++
 LongoMatch.Core/Store/PlayListPlay.cs              |  4 +--
 .../Store/Templates/CategoriesTemplate.cs          |  1 -
 LongoMatch.GUI.Multimedia/Gui/PlayerBin.cs         | 42 ++++++++++++++--------
 LongoMatch.GUI.Multimedia/Gui/PlayerCapturerBin.cs | 10 ++++--
 LongoMatch.GUI.Multimedia/gtk-gui/objects.xml      |  2 ++
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/PlayListWidget.cs     |  7 ----
 .../Gui/Component/PlayersListTreeWidget.cs         |  5 +--
 .../Gui/Component/PlaysListTreeWidget.cs           |  5 +--
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/TimeScale.cs          |  2 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/MainWindow.cs                   |  7 ----
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/TreeView/PlayListTreeView.cs    | 13 -------
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/objects.xml                 |  6 ++--
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/EventsManager.cs      | 12 +++++--
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/PlaylistManager.cs    | 10 +-----
 19 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

Thu Jul 4 14:07:33 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Make game periods a common tag for al categories 
 LongoMatch.Core/Store/Play.cs                      |   5 +
 .../Store/Templates/CategoriesTemplate.cs          |  18 +--
 .../Gui/Component/CategoriesTemplateEditor.cs      |  41 +++++++
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/TaggerWidget.cs       |  55 +++++++--
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/TaggerDialog.cs          |  15 ++-
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Helpers/MessagesHelpers.cs      |   4 +-
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Component.ButtonsWidget.cs      |   1 +
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Component.CategoryProperties.cs |   5 +-
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Component.TaggerWidget.cs       |  87 ++++++++++----
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.PropertiesEditor.cs      |   2 +-
 .../gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.MainWindow.cs           |   4 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                  | 133 ++++++++++++++-------
 12 files changed, 278 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

Thu Jul 4 13:31:23 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add missing image 
 images/half_field_background.svg | 127 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 127 insertions(+)

Sat Jul 6 21:28:54 2013 +0200 Piotr DrÄ…g <>
 *Remove Thumbs.db 
 win32/deps/icons/hicolor/24x24/status/Thumbs.db | Bin 4608 -> 0 bytes
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

Fri Jul 5 18:46:45 2013 +0300 Dimitris Spingos <>
 *Updated Greek translation 
 po/el.po | 1603 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 1027 insertions(+), 576 deletions(-)

Mon Jul 1 17:42:48 2013 +0200 Daniel Mustieles <>
 *Updated Spanish translation 
 po/es.po | 205 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 122 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

Fri Jun 28 10:10:47 2013 +0200 Marek Černocký <>
 *Updated Czech translation 
 po/cs.po | 194 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 120 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

Fri Jun 28 09:59:42 2013 +0200 Marek Černocký <>
 *Updated Czech translation 
 po/cs.po | 651 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 365 insertions(+), 286 deletions(-)

Fri Jun 28 02:07:06 2013 +0200 Piotr DrÄ…g <>
 po/ | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

Fri Jun 28 00:56:51 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix more es translations 
 po/es.po | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Fri Jun 28 00:45:31 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix spanish translation 
 po/es.po | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Fri Jun 28 00:28:59 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Move selection button to the left 
 ...oMatch.Gui.Component.LiveAnalysisPreferences.cs | 27 ++++++++++---------
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                  | 31 +++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

Thu Jun 27 22:29:02 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix dialog title and logo 
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.PropertiesEditor.cs | 6 ++++++
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                                | 6 ++++++
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+)

Thu Jun 27 21:47:42 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add support for auto exporting plays in live 
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/EncodingSettings.cs    |  9 ++++++
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/Core.cs          | 10 +++----
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/EventsManager.cs | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

Thu Jun 27 17:04:59 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Split review window based on the new config 
 LongoMatch.GUI.Multimedia/Gui/PlayerCapturerBin.cs |  5 +-
 .../gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.PlayerCapturerBin.cs    | 60 ++++++++++++----------
 LongoMatch.GUI.Multimedia/gtk-gui/gui.stetic       | 42 +++++++++------
 3 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

Thu Jun 27 17:03:58 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix extensions and removed unused variable 
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/ProjectDetailsWidget.cs | 4 +---
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)

Thu Jun 27 17:03:40 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add a new preferences panel for live 
 LongoMatch.Core/Config.cs                          |  35 +++++
 .../Gui/Component/LiveAnalysisPreferences.cs       |  66 ++++++++++
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/PropertiesEditor.cs      |  12 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/LongoMatch.GUI.mdp                  |   2 +
 LongoMatch.GUI/                         |   2 +
 ...oMatch.Gui.Component.LiveAnalysisPreferences.cs | 109 ++++++++++++++++
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                  | 141 +++++++++++++++++++++
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/objects.xml                 |   4 +
 8 files changed, 367 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

Wed Jun 26 20:06:56 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix make distcheck 
 images/ | 5 ++++-
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Wed Jun 26 20:06:34 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add more configurable properties 
 LongoMatch.Core/Config.cs                          |  49 +++++
 .../Gui/Component/ProjectDetailsWidget.cs          |   4 +-
 .../Gui/Component/VideoPreferencesPanel.cs         |  38 ++++
 .../Gui/Dialog/VideoEditionProperties.cs           |   5 +-
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Component.ButtonsWidget.cs      |   1 -
 ...oMatch.Gui.Component.GeneralPreferencesPanel.cs |   1 -
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Component.PlayerProperties.cs   |   1 -
 ...ongoMatch.Gui.Component.ProjectDetailsWidget.cs |   1 -
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Component.TaggerWidget.cs       |   1 -
 ...ngoMatch.Gui.Component.VideoPreferencesPanel.cs | 216 +++++++++++++--------
 .../gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.EntryDialog.cs   |   1 -
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.ProjectsManager.cs       |   1 +
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.PropertiesEditor.cs      |   1 +
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.SnapshotsDialog.cs       |   1 -
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.SubCategoryTagsEditor.cs |   1 -
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.TemplatesManager.cs      |   1 +
 .../gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.MainWindow.cs           |   3 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                  |  95 ++++++++-
 18 files changed, 322 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)

Thu Jun 27 13:02:52 2013 +0200 Daniel Mustieles <>
 *Updated Spanish translation 
 po/es.po | 183 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 124 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

Wed Jun 26 17:58:38 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 po/ | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Wed Jun 26 17:55:27 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add some debug to the exception 
 LongoMatch/Main.cs | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Wed Jun 26 17:51:54 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add scrolled window the projects manager dialog 
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.ProjectsManager.cs       | 144 ++++++++--------
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.PropertiesEditor.cs      |   1 -
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.TemplatesManager.cs      |   1 -
 .../gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.MainWindow.cs           |   5 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                  | 185 +++++++++++----------
 5 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 158 deletions(-)

Wed Jun 26 14:57:51 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Use the helpers to open files 
 .../Gui/Component/ProjectDetailsWidget.cs          | 82 ++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

Wed Jun 26 14:45:42 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Set the correct file extension for new capture files 
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/ProjectDetailsWidget.cs | 16 ++++++----------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

Wed Jun 26 14:28:01 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Handle database errors 
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/Exceptions.cs     | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 LongoMatch.Core/LongoMatch.Core.mdp      |  1 +
 LongoMatch.Core/              |  1 +
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/DataBase.cs | 41 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 LongoMatch/Main.cs                       | 12 +++++++++-
 5 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

Wed Jun 26 14:27:26 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Only save projects is autosave is enabled 
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/EventsManager.cs | 14 +++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

Wed Jun 26 14:26:52 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Store autosave property correctly 
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/GeneralPreferencesPanel.cs | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Wed Jun 26 16:34:50 2013 +0200 Piotr DrÄ…g <>
 po/ | 11 +++++++----
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

Wed Jun 26 12:55:20 2013 +0200 Daniel Mustieles <>
 *Updated Spanish translation 
 po/es.po | 450 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 file changed, 239 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)

Wed Jun 26 11:55:00 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Do remuxing based on the container and include flv 
 .../Interfaces/Multimedia/IMultimediaToolkit.cs    |   2 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI.Multimedia/Gui/CapturerBin.cs       |   3 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI.Multimedia/Gui/Utils/Remuxer.cs     | 169 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../LongoMatch.GUI.Multimedia.mdp                  |   2 +
 LongoMatch.GUI.Multimedia/              |   3 +-
 .../Gui/Component/ProjectDetailsWidget.cs          |  33 ++--
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/LongoMatch.Multimedia.mdp    |   7 +-
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/                  |   3 +-
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/MultimediaFactory.cs         |  10 +-
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/Remuxer/MpegRemuxer.cs       | 105 +++++++++++++
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/Utils/GStreamer.cs           |  15 ++
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/Utils/MpegRemuxer.cs         | 157 ------------------
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/Utils/Remuxer.cs             | 175 ---------------------
 13 files changed, 321 insertions(+), 363 deletions(-)

Wed Jun 26 11:51:36 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add support for flv in the remuxer 
 libcesarplayer/gst-remuxer.c | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

Tue Jun 25 21:37:43 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add positional tagging for half field too 
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/Constants.cs                |   1 +
 LongoMatch.Core/Store/Category.cs                  |  22 ++
 LongoMatch.Core/Store/Play.cs                      |   5 +
 .../Store/Templates/CategoriesTemplate.cs          |   5 +
 .../Gui/Component/CategoriesTemplateEditor.cs      |  41 ++-
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/CategoryProperties.cs |  36 +++
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/TaggerDialog.cs          |  32 ++-
 LongoMatch.GUI/LongoMatch.GUI.mdp                  |   1 +
 LongoMatch.GUI/                         |   1 +
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Component.CategoryProperties.cs | 304 ++++++++++++++-------
 .../gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.TaggerDialog.cs  |  55 ++--
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                  | 263 +++++++++++++-----
 12 files changed, 571 insertions(+), 195 deletions(-)

Tue Jun 25 14:44:22 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add missing file to makefiles 
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/ | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Tue Jun 25 14:44:09 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix some warnings 
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Base/TimeScaleBase.cs        | 4 ----
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/EditCategoryDialog.cs | 9 ++++-----
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/DataBase.cs        | 1 +
 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

Tue Jun 25 14:43:31 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Don't compile C code with warnings enabled 
 libcesarplayer/liblongomatch.mdp | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Tue Jun 25 14:43:14 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add a new prerences dialog 
 LongoMatch.Core/Handlers/Handlers.cs               |   1 +
 LongoMatch.Core/Interfaces/GUI/IGUIToolkit.cs      |   1 +
 LongoMatch.Core/Interfaces/GUI/IMainWindow.cs      |   1 +
 .../Gui/Component/GeneralPreferencesPanel.cs       |  79 +++
 .../Gui/Component/VideoPreferencesPanel.cs         | 103 ++++
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/PropertiesEditor.cs      |  75 +++
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/GUIToolkit.cs                   |   8 +
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/MainWindow.cs                   |   9 +
 LongoMatch.GUI/LongoMatch.GUI.mdp                  |   6 +
 LongoMatch.GUI/                         |   6 +
 ...oMatch.Gui.Component.GeneralPreferencesPanel.cs |  54 ++
 ...ongoMatch.Gui.Component.ProjectDetailsWidget.cs |  76 ++-
 ...ngoMatch.Gui.Component.VideoPreferencesPanel.cs | 210 ++++++++
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.PropertiesEditor.cs      |  97 ++++
 ...LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties.cs |   6 +-
 .../gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.MainWindow.cs           |  10 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                  | 582 +++++++++++++++++++--
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/objects.xml                 |   8 +
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/Core.cs               |   8 +-
 19 files changed, 1248 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

Tue Jun 25 14:41:00 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add missing file to the makefiles 
 LongoMatch.Core/ | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Tue Jun 25 14:39:40 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add a gettext helper to list available languages 
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/Gettext.cs   | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 LongoMatch.Core/LongoMatch.Core.mdp |  1 +
 LongoMatch.Core/         |  1 +
 3 files changed, 58 insertions(+)

Tue Jun 25 14:38:47 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Factorize encoding properties 
 .../Gui/Component/ProjectDetailsWidget.cs          | 41 +++---------------
 .../Gui/Dialog/VideoEditionProperties.cs           | 46 +++-----------------
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Helpers/Misc.cs                 | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

Tue Jun 25 14:37:15 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix default video standard 
 LongoMatch.Core/Config.cs | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Tue Jun 25 14:34:41 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Use the correct env variable to override the selected language 
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/Core.cs | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Tue Jun 25 14:34:13 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add a new property to autosave projects 
 LongoMatch.Core/Config.cs                     | 12 ++++++++++++
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/EventsManager.cs |  3 +++
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+)

Mon Jun 17 17:56:27 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Update UI language based on the preferences 
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/Core.cs | 11 ++++++++---
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Mon Jun 17 17:55:15 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Store encoding preferences in the config 
 LongoMatch.Core/Config.cs | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 95 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Mon Jun 17 17:48:41 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Use qualities instead of bitrates 
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/CaptureSettings.cs          |   3 +-
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/EncodingProfiles.cs         |  57 +++++-
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/EncodingQuality.cs          |  80 +++++++++
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/EncodingSettings.cs         |   8 +-
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/VideoStandards.cs           |  56 +++++-
 LongoMatch.Core/LongoMatch.Core.mdp                |   1 +
 LongoMatch.GUI.Multimedia/Gui/CapturerBin.cs       |   4 +-
 .../Gui/Component/ProjectDetailsWidget.cs          |  55 +++---
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/VideoConversionTool.cs   |   5 +-
 .../Gui/Dialog/VideoEditionProperties.cs           |  67 +++----
 ...ongoMatch.Gui.Component.ProjectDetailsWidget.cs | 135 ++++++--------
 ...LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.VideoEditionProperties.cs |   5 -
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                  | 118 +++----------
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/Capturer/FakeCapturer.cs     |   4 +-
 .../Capturer/GstCameraCapturer.cs                  |  16 +-
 .../Converter/GstVideoConverter.cs                 |   8 +-
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/Editor/GstVideoSplitter.cs   |  18 +-
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/Interfaces/ICapturer.cs      |   4 +-
 libcesarplayer/gst-camera-capturer.c               | 194 +++++----------------
 libcesarplayer/gst-video-encoder.c                 | 156 +++--------------
 libcesarplayer/gst-video-encoder.h                 |   4 +-
 libcesarplayer/video-utils.c                       | 142 +++++++++++++++
 libcesarplayer/video-utils.h                       |   7 +
 23 files changed, 580 insertions(+), 567 deletions(-)

Mon Jun 17 12:57:13 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix crash with empty playlists 
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/PlaylistManager.cs | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

Thu Jun 13 22:26:32 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Use avconv instead of ffmpeg binary 
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/Utils/MpegRemuxer.cs | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Thu Jun 13 22:24:27 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add rendering from the timescale 
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/TimeLineWidget.cs |  3 ++-
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/TimeScale.cs      | 10 +++++++++-
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Thu Jun 13 22:24:07 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix coordinates serialization 
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/Coordinates.cs | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

Thu Jun 13 22:23:43 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Remove generated file from the repo 
 oxyplot/OxyPlotMono/bin/Debug/OxyPlotMono.dll     | Bin 329216 -> 0 bytes
 oxyplot/OxyPlotMono/bin/Debug/OxyPlotMono.dll.mdb | Bin 183277 -> 0 bytes
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

Thu Jun 13 22:21:22 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Improve seeks a bit by limiting the rate at 80ms 
 LongoMatch.GUI.Multimedia/Gui/PlayerBin.cs      | 42 +++++++++++----
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/Common/Enum.cs            |  8 ++-
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/Common/Handlers.cs        |  1 +
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/LongoMatch.Multimedia.mdp |  1 +
 LongoMatch.Multimedia/Utils/Seeker.cs           | 69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

Wed Jun 12 20:41:46 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add same menu options in the timeline like in the list 
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Base/TimeScaleBase.cs           | 78 ++++++++++++++--------
 .../Gui/Component/PlaysListTreeWidget.cs           |  6 +-
 .../Gui/Component/PlaysSelectionWidget.cs          |  2 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/TimeLineWidget.cs     | 50 +++++++++++---
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/TimeScale.cs          | 54 +++++++++++++++
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/MainWindow.cs                   |  4 ++
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/objects.xml                 |  6 +-
 7 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

Thu Jun 6 01:29:32 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Use the correct dialog for saving drawings to file 
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/DrawingTool.cs | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Sat Jun 1 12:57:47 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Import oxyplot library (d190d7748a73) 
 oxyplot/GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs                      |   38 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot.sln                                |  779 +++++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Annotations/Annotation.cs          |  181 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Annotations/AnnotationLayer.cs     |   52 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Annotations/ArrowAnnotation.cs     |  228 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Annotations/EllipseAnnotation.cs   |  152 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Annotations/ImageAnnotation.cs     |  451 +++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Annotations/LineAnnotation.cs      |  528 ++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Annotations/LineAnnotationType.cs  |   62 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Annotations/PolygonAnnotation.cs   |  166 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Annotations/RectangleAnnotation.cs |  174 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Annotations/TextAnnotation.cs      |  254 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Annotations/TextualAnnotation.cs   |   46 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Annotations/TileMapAnnotation.cs   |  457 +++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/AngleAxis.cs                  |  184 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/Axis.cs                       | 1753 ++++++++++++++++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/AxisChangeTypes.cs            |   52 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/AxisChangedEventArgs.cs       |   57 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/AxisLayer.cs                  |   47 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/AxisPosition.cs               |   62 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/CategoryAxis.cs               |  501 ++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/ColorAxis.cs                  |  283 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/DateTimeAxis.cs               |  679 ++++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/DateTimeIntervalType.cs       |   87 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/LinearAxis.cs                 |  164 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/LogarithmicAxis.cs            |  406 +++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/MagnitudeAxis.cs              |  205 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/RangeAxis.cs                  |  469 ++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/TickStyle.cs                  |   57 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/TimeAxis.cs                   |  120 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Axes/TimeSpanAxis.cs               |  197 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/ClassDiagrams/         |  276 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/ClassDiagrams/         |  204 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/ClassDiagrams/            |  161 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/ArrayHelper.cs          |  124 ++
 .../OxyPlot/Foundation/CanonicalSplineHelper.cs    |  252 +++
 .../CodeGenerator/CodeGenerationAttribute.cs       |   57 +
 .../Foundation/CodeGenerator/CodeGenerator.cs      |  448 +++++
 .../CodeGenerator/CodeGeneratorStringExtensions.cs |  188 +++
 .../Foundation/CodeGenerator/ICodeGenerating.cs    |   45 +
 .../OxyPlot/Foundation/CohenSutherlandClipping.cs  |  298 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/Color.cs                |   55 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/Colors.cs               |   45 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/Conrec.cs               |  294 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/DataPoint.cs            |  136 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/DataPointConverter.cs   |   82 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/DoubleExtensions.cs     |  236 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/FontWeights.cs          |   48 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/FractionHelper.cs       |  155 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/HorizontalAlignment.cs  |   52 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/IDataPoint.cs           |   49 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/IDataPointProvider.cs   |   45 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/LineStyle.cs            |   97 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/LineStyleHelper.cs      |   76 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/ListFiller.cs           |  145 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/MarkerType.cs           |   91 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/OxyColor.cs             |  626 +++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/OxyColorConverter.cs    |  135 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/OxyColors.cs            |  743 +++++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/OxyImage.cs             |  444 +++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/OxyPalette.cs           |  102 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/OxyPalettes.cs          |  208 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/OxyPen.cs               |  138 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/OxyPenLineJoin.cs       |   52 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/OxyRect.cs              |  287 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/OxySize.cs              |   87 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/OxyThickness.cs         |  220 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/Pen.cs                  |   42 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/PlotLength.cs           |   91 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/PlotLengthUnit.cs       |   58 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/PngEncoder.cs           |  323 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/Point.cs                |   58 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/Rectangle.cs            |   36 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/ReflectionHelper.cs     |   81 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/ScreenPoint.cs          |  198 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/ScreenPointHelper.cs    |  255 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/ScreenVector.cs         |  155 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/Size.cs                 |   43 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/StreamExtensions.cs     |   25 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/StringHelper.cs         |  169 ++
 .../Foundation/SutherlandHodgmanClipping.cs        |  233 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/VerticalAlignment.cs    |   52 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Foundation/XmlWriterBase.cs        |  233 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/LibraryDoc.cs                      |   37 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Manipulators/CursorType.cs         |   62 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Manipulators/IPlotControl.cs       |  176 ++
 .../OxyPlot/Manipulators/ManipulationEventArgs.cs  |   67 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Manipulators/ManipulatorBase.cs    |  151 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Manipulators/PanManipulator.cs     |  100 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Manipulators/ResetManipulator.cs   |   71 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Manipulators/TrackerHitResult.cs   |  162 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Manipulators/TrackerManipulator.cs |  186 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Manipulators/ZoomManipulator.cs    |   72 +
 .../Manipulators/ZoomRectangleManipulator.cs       |  154 ++
 .../OxyPlot/Manipulators/ZoomStepManipulator.cs    |  106 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/MouseActions/MouseAction.cs        |   54 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/MouseActions/SliderAction.cs       |  106 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/NamespaceDoc.cs                    |   37 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/OxyPlot.csproj                     |  230 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/OxyPlot.csproj.DotSettings         |   15 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/OxyPlot.csproj.ReSharper           |   16 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/OxyPlot.snk                        |  Bin 0 -> 596 bytes
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/OxyPlotMT.csproj                   |  229 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/OxyPlotMfA.csproj                  |  238 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/OxyPlot_NET40x.csproj              |  237 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/PlotModel/HitTestResult.cs         |   79 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/PlotModel/OxyMouseButton.cs        |   67 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/PlotModel/OxyMouseEventArgs.cs     |   87 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/PlotModel/PlotElement.cs           |  142 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/PlotModel/PlotModel.Legends.cs     |  507 ++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/PlotModel/PlotModel.MouseEvents.cs |  202 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/PlotModel/PlotModel.Rendering.cs   |  481 ++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/PlotModel/PlotModel.cs             | 1485 +++++++++++++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/PlotModel/SelectablePlotElement.cs |  159 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/PlotModel/UIPlotElement.cs         |  116 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs         |   10 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Render/AngleAxisRenderer.cs        |  166 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Render/AxisRenderer.cs             |  532 ++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Render/AxisRendererBase.cs         |  217 +++
 .../Render/HorizontalAndVerticalAxisRenderer.cs    |  642 +++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Render/IRenderContext.cs           |  400 +++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Render/MagnitudeAxisRenderer.cs    |  145 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Render/MathRenderingExtensions.cs  |  347 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Render/PlotRenderer.cs             |  159 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Render/RenderContextBase.cs        |  423 +++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Render/RenderingExtensions.cs      | 1109 +++++++++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Render/VerticalAxisRenderer.cs     |  318 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/NamespaceDoc.cs          |   39 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/Content.cs        |   75 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/Drawing.cs        |   46 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/DrawingFigure.cs  |   73 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/Equation.cs       |   59 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/Figure.cs         |   62 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/Header.cs         |   82 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/HeaderHelper.cs   |   82 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/Image.cs          |   54 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/ItemsTable.cs     |  243 +++
 .../OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/ItemsTableField.cs    |  136 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/Paragraph.cs      |   54 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/ParagraphStyle.cs |  397 +++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/Plot.cs           |   40 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/PlotFigure.cs     |   64 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/PropertyTable.cs  |  114 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/Report.cs         |   87 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/ReportItem.cs     |  311 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/ReportSection.cs  |   38 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/ReportStyle.cs    |  156 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/Table.cs          |  252 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/TableColumn.cs    |   63 +
 .../OxyPlot/Reporting/Report/TableOfContents.cs    |  115 ++
 .../Reporting/ReportWriters/HtmlReportWriter.cs    |  501 ++++++
 .../Reporting/ReportWriters/IReportWriter.cs       |   87 +
 .../Reporting/ReportWriters/StringExtensions.cs    |  130 ++
 .../Reporting/ReportWriters/TextReportWriter.cs    |  289 ++++
 .../Reporting/ReportWriters/WikiReportWriter.cs    |  308 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/AreaSeries.cs               |  295 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/BarItem.cs        |   64 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/BarItemBase.cs    |   83 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/BarSeries.cs      |  198 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/BarSeriesBase.cs  |  603 +++++++
 .../OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/BarSeriesBase{T}.cs   |  113 ++
 .../OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/CategorizedItem.cs    |   73 +
 .../OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/CategorizedSeries.cs  |   83 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/ColumnItem.cs     |   64 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/ColumnSeries.cs   |  198 +++
 .../OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/ErrorColumnItem.cs    |   96 ++
 .../OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/ErrorColumnSeries.cs  |  240 +++
 .../OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/IStackableSeries.cs   |   50 +
 .../OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/IntervalBarItem.cs    |  110 ++
 .../OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/IntervalBarSeries.cs  |  515 ++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/LabelPlacement.cs |   57 +
 .../OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/RectangleBarItem.cs   |  137 ++
 .../OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/RectangleBarSeries.cs |  337 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/TornadoBarItem.cs |  147 ++
 .../OxyPlot/Series/BarSeries/TornadoBarSeries.cs   |  590 +++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/BoxPlotItem.cs              |  167 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/BoxPlotSeries.cs            |  615 +++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/CandleStickSeries.cs        |  201 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/ContourSeries.cs            |  770 +++++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/DataPointSeries.cs          |  325 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/DataSeries.cs               |  391 +++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/FunctionSeries.cs           |  157 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/HeatMapSeries.cs            |  238 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/HighLowItem.cs              |  187 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/HighLowSeries.cs            |  502 ++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/ITrackableSeries.cs         |   67 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/ItemsSeries.cs              |   96 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/LineLegendPosition.cs       |   52 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/LineSeries.cs               |  644 +++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/PieSeries.cs                |  481 ++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/PieSlice.cs                 |   99 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/PlotSeriesBase.cs           |  302 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/ScatterPoint.cs             |  232 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/ScatterSeries.cs            |  621 +++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/Series.cs                   |  204 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/StairStepSeries.cs          |  291 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/StemSeries.cs               |  212 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/TwoColorLineSeries.cs       |  163 ++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Series/XYAxisSeries.cs             |  424 +++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Svg/NativeMethods.cs               |  246 +++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Svg/SvgExporter.cs                 |   85 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Svg/SvgRenderContext.cs            |  278 ++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlot/Svg/SvgWriter.cs                   |  502 ++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlotMono.sln                            |   20 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlotMono/OxyPlotMono.csproj             |  562 +++++++
 oxyplot/OxyPlotMono/OxyPlotMono.userprefs          |   12 +
 oxyplot/OxyPlotMono/bin/Debug/OxyPlotMono.dll      |  Bin 0 -> 329216 bytes
 oxyplot/OxyPlotMono/bin/Debug/OxyPlotMono.dll.mdb  |  Bin 0 -> 183277 bytes
 208 files changed, 45099 insertions(+)

Wed Jun 5 18:30:23 2013 +0200 Daniel Mustieles <>
 *Updated Spanish translation 
 po/es.po | 217 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 112 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)

Sat Jun 1 12:43:57 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *player: add support for deinterlacing 
 libcesarplayer/bacon-video-widget-gst-0.10.c | 35 +++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

Thu May 30 22:59:04 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add the new coords tags to the play 
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/TaggerDialog.cs | 8 +++++---
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Thu May 30 22:58:47 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix players filtering 
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/PlaysFilter.cs | 11 ++++-------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

Thu May 30 20:49:13 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Do not initialize the coordinates values 
 LongoMatch.Core/Store/Play.cs | 4 ----
 1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)

Thu May 30 20:00:42 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Add missing resources 
 LongoMatch.GUI/ |   2 +
 images/goal_background.svg | 122 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 124 insertions(+)

Thu May 30 19:58:44 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Fix makefiles for the tools 
 libcesarplayer/ | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Thu May 30 19:47:47 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Finish support for tagging in plays 
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/Constants.cs                |   3 +
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/Coordinates.cs              |  23 +-
 LongoMatch.Core/Interfaces/GUI/IGUIToolkit.cs      |   2 +-
 LongoMatch.Core/Store/Category.cs                  |  37 +-
 LongoMatch.Core/Store/Play.cs                      |  11 +-
 .../Store/Templates/CategoriesTemplate.cs          |   9 +-
 .../Gui/Component/CategoriesTemplateEditor.cs      |  93 +++
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/CategoryProperties.cs |  54 ++
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Component/CoordinatesTagger.cs  | 260 +++++++
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Dialog/TaggerDialog.cs          |  63 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/GUIToolkit.cs                   |   4 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/Gui/Helpers/MessagesHelpers.cs      |   2 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/LongoMatch.GUI.mdp                  |   4 +
 LongoMatch.GUI/                         |   2 +
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Component.CategoryProperties.cs | 210 ++++--
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Component.CoordinatesTagger.cs  |  26 +
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Component.TaggerWidget.cs       |   1 +
 .../gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.TaggerDialog.cs  |  77 +-
 .../gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.MainWindow.cs           |   2 +-
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                  | 824 +++++++++++++--------
 LongoMatch.GUI/gtk-gui/objects.xml                 |  94 ++-
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/EventsManager.cs      |   6 +-
 LongoMatch.mds                                     |   4 +-
 23 files changed, 1371 insertions(+), 440 deletions(-)

Thu May 30 19:46:35 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Make Image serilzable for all backends 
 LongoMatch.Core/Common/Image.cs | 13 ++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Tue May 7 23:03:33 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Skip the run loop check in osxvideosink 
 libcesarplayer/bacon-video-widget-gst-0.10.c | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

Sat May 4 21:36:19 2013 +0200 Matej Urbančič <>
 *Updated Slovenian translation 
 po/sl.po | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

Fri Apr 26 07:02:22 2013 +0200 Marek Černocký <>
 *Updated Czech translation 
 po/cs.po | 12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

Thu Apr 25 18:11:02 2013 +0200 Daniel Mustieles <>
 *Updated Spanish translation 
 po/es.po | 365 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 222 insertions(+), 143 deletions(-)

Tue Apr 23 21:21:48 2013 -0300 Rafael Ferreira <>
 *Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation 
 po/pt_BR.po | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

Tue Apr 23 23:20:48 2013 +0200 Andoni Morales Alastruey <>
 *Update filter when plays are added/removed/edited 
 LongoMatch.Core/Handlers/Handlers.cs            |  2 +-
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/Core.cs            |  6 +++---
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/EventsManager.cs   | 20 ++++++++++----------
 LongoMatch.Services/Services/ProjectsManager.cs | 11 ++++++++---
 4 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)