* Release 0.1 (Dec 28, 2009)
	- File browser integrated
	- BibTeX and MakeIndex support
	- Templates:
		* 4 default templates (article, report, book and letter)
		* possibility to create and delete personnal templates
	- Tools: Indent/Unindent, Comment/Uncomment selected lines
	- Search: Goto Line
	- Documents menu: Save/Close all, Previous/Next document
	- Documentation: LaTeX reference from Kile
	- Edit toolbar and the LaTeX menu: math stuff
	- More preferences:
		* Style scheme support (GtkSourceView)
		* Remember the files opened at exit and reopen them on startup
		* Clean-up auxiliaries files after close
		* Indentation (tab width; spaces instead of tabs)
		* Highlighting (current line; brackets matching)
		* Show the two toolbars on the same line

	- Undo/redo: check if the buffer is saved
	- Find/Replace: under the source view instead of a dialog
	- Some icons
	- French translation