2004-09-28 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> * Removed generated gtkmozembed/gtkmozembeddm/wrap_init.cc, gtkmozembedmm.h, gtkmozembedmm.cc files from cvs. * Renamed gtkmozembed/src/gtkmozembedmm.[hg|ccg] to webcontrol.[hg|ccg], because that is the name of the class, and that avoids confusion/conflict with the top-level gtkmozembedmm.h * build_shared/Makefile_gensrc.am_fragment: Removed the Gnome namespace from gen_wrap_init_args, so that it does not appear in wrap_init.cc. * This module now builds. * Makefile.am: Added examples to SUBDIRS so that the examples must always be updated when the API changes. 2004-09-27 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com> * Added autogen.sh, copied from libglademm. * Removed generated Makefile.in files from cvs.