Gnumeric 1.7.9

	* Switch to gtk print from gnome print
	  (some feature regression)

	* Import and Export for inline arrays in ODF. (now patched in OOo)
	* Export cell comments to xls.

	* Require three digits after a thousands separator in order to
	  accept it as a number. [#415007]
	* Fix autofill issue.  [#414815]
	* Fix criticals with frozen panes.  [#308562]
	* Fix rich text problem.  [#417632]
	* Use GtkRecentManager.  Fixes #115112.
	* Ignore local files that no longer exist.  [#67453]
	* Fix XL load crash.  [#418868]
	* Fix format guessed for $123,456.78  [#423603]
	* Perform UTF-8 normalization during search.  [#421678]
	* Allow selecting a locale for sorting.  [#427019]
	* Make sure ssindex doesn't update the recent-files list.
	* Update recent-files on load and save.  [#152584]
