Changes to 1.0.16 * Add SurfacePlotData and SurfacePlotDataGrid functions to draw arbitrary surface data, to allow more complicated 3d plots and 3d plots from data. * Add LinePlotDrawAxisLabels and SurfacePlotDrawLegends parameters and add corresponding UI checkboxes * Add ExportPlot function to export the current contents of the plot window to a file from GEL * Surface plot now allows "fit dependent axis" automatically when z limits are unspecified. And this is the default in the UI * Add sinc, BesselJ0, BesselJ1, BesselJn, BesselY0, BesselY1, BesselYn functions * Plot window slightly bigger (700x500 now) and there are wider side margins in the lineplot (2D) version to make tick labels always fit, * In both 2D and 3D plots, tick labels now use scientific notation when needed to avoid ugly labels * In surface plot the gradient always shows only the range of the function, so color is more useful when zoomed out. * Simpler output when typing "help foo" when foo is neither defined nor documented. * When for/sum/prod loops are in terms of floating point numbers and the final number is within 2^-20 times the step size of the goal, assume there were roundoff errors and still execute the body * Handle wider matrices than 2^15 columns in expansion * Fix flicker when plotting surfaces to allow animations with 3d plots * Fix possible uninitialized crash when reading badly formed standard library (should never happen, but ...) * Fix LinearRecursiveSequence and allow it to take vector for n * Fix crash on uninitialized variables in conjugate transpose * Fix crash on extreme zoom out or zoom in of a graph * Fix derivatives of Im and Re * Fix file chooser dialogs not starting in current directory * Avoid double error about uninitialized variables * Spelling fixes and documentation fixes (me, LucPionchon) * Require MPFR at least 2.3.0 * Translation updates (Wolfgang Stoeggl, Daniel Mustieles, Matej UrbanÄiÄ, Marek ÄŒernocký, Aleksej Kabanov, Andika Triwidada, Yuri Myasoedov, Miguel Rodriguez, Jiro Matsuzawa, Gustavo Jasso Ahuja, Bruno Brouard) * During making of these changes the author (Jiri) was partially supported by NSF grant DMS 0900885 and the University of Wisconsin-Madison