# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{9..12} ) DISTUTILS_USE_PEP517=hatchling inherit distutils-r1 if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] || [[ -n "${EGIT_COMMIT_ID}" ]]; then inherit git-r3 EGIT_REPO_URI="https://gitlab.com/latex-rubber/${PN}.git" else # NOTE: Cannot be "PYPI_PN=latex-rubber" + "inherit pypi" due to missing files SRC_URI="https://gitlab.com/latex-rubber/${PN}/-/archive/${PV}/${P}.tar.bz2" KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc ~riscv x86" fi DESCRIPTION="A LaTeX wrapper for automatically building documents" HOMEPAGE="https://gitlab.com/latex-rubber/rubber" LICENSE="GPL-3+" SLOT="0" IUSE="test" RESTRICT="!test? ( test )" RDEPEND="virtual/latex-base" # Test dependencies: # - app-text/texlive-core for rubber's 'cweave' test # - dev-lang/R for rubber's 'knitr' test (requires knitr R library, currently disabled) # - dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra for rubber's 'combine' test (currently disabled) BDEPEND=" ${RDEPEND} virtual/texi2dvi test? ( app-text/ghostscript-gpl app-text/texlive-core dev-tex/biber dev-tex/biblatex dev-tex/glossaries dev-tex/latex-beamer $(python_gen_cond_dep 'dev-tex/pythontex[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]') dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra dev-texlive/texlive-pstricks media-gfx/asymptote ) " PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.6.4-pythontex.patch ) pkg_setup() { # https://bugs.gentoo.org/727996 export VARTEXFONTS="${T}"/fonts } python_test() { cd tests || die # Disable the broken 'combine' test as it uses the 'combine' as a # latex package when it is only a document class (probably only in # newer versions of combine). Also note that this tests works # under debian 'buster'. TODO: Look into potential modifications # done by debian. touch combine/disable || die # This test does not work under Gentoo nor Debian 'buster'. # TODO: Investigate why it does not work. touch cweb-latex/disable || die # TODO: Investigate why the following are failing. touch fig2dev-dvi/disable || die touch fig2dev-path/disable || die touch fig2dev-path-inplace/disable || die touch fig2dev-path-into/disable || die touch graphicx-dotted-files/disable || die touch hooks-input-file/disable || die touch knitr/disable || die # Even tough metapost is available, those tests fail on Gentoo # (while they succeed on Debian 'buster'). # TODO: Determine why. # ERROR:mpost:I can't read MetaPost's log file, this is wrong. touch metapost/disable || die # expected error message not reported by Rubber touch metapost-error/disable || die # ERROR:mpost:I can't read MetaPost's log file, this is wrong. touch metapost-input/disable || die ./run.sh * || die "Tests failed with ${EPYTHON}" } src_install() { distutils-r1_src_install # Move misplaced files to correct location doinfo doc/${PN}/${PN}.info rm "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/${PN}/${PN}.{texi,info} || die mv "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/{${PN}/*,${PF}/} || die rmdir "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/${PN} || die }