WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:16.000 All right, this is the last book for the day, well, it's the best of us, that's all I have to do. 00:16.000 --> 00:18.000 I'll see you all in. 00:18.000 --> 00:20.000 Yeah, thank you. 00:20.000 --> 00:24.000 This is the post-market of us, what is it and what's new? 00:24.000 --> 00:29.000 I'm at Oli Paranoid and let's start. 00:29.000 --> 00:36.000 Okay, so first part is guess what, what is it? 00:36.000 --> 00:46.000 Post-market of us is an operating system primarily for smartphones, but you can also use it on other types of devices like laptops, for example, 00:47.000 --> 00:54.000 smartwatchers or some people even parted it to Google Glass and lots of crazy devices. 00:54.000 --> 01:07.000 We are as the Fediver's recently found out, not only based, but we are also based on Alpine Linux, which is this distribution, which you might know from Ducca for example. 01:07.000 --> 01:09.000 And yeah, why Alpine? 01:09.000 --> 01:11.000 Because it's really awesome. 01:11.000 --> 01:21.000 It has this tiny base system, it has the super fast package manager APK, which you should not confuse with the Android thing, APK, that's different. 01:21.000 --> 01:27.000 And there is this thing, this package-made recipes called APK Birds, and they are really fun to work with. 01:27.000 --> 01:36.000 I've worked with a lot of different types of package-spelding recipes from a lot of distributions, and this is really the best in my opinion. 01:36.000 --> 01:42.000 It's like not any needless as trap abstractions, it's just getting the job done. 01:42.000 --> 01:53.000 Yeah, and also we have rolling release version in Alpine, and we have stable releases every six months, which is quite useful, and which we follow with post-marketers too. 01:53.000 --> 01:57.000 Yeah, so thanks to all Alpine developers. 01:58.000 --> 02:06.000 Then, not only are we based on Alpine Linux, but also we are part of the Linux mobile multiverse, so there are a lot of other projects out there. 02:06.000 --> 02:15.000 Like several DB-on-based ones. Once there are two Arch Linux-based ones, and so on, and it's all of them are really amazing. 02:15.000 --> 02:24.000 And respect to all projects, what we do is hard, we largely have similar goals, and we work upstream, so they are also a role. 02:24.000 --> 02:28.000 But back to post-market OS, why do we make post-market OS? 02:28.000 --> 02:36.000 We want to extend the life of consumer electronics, and that means anything that can run the Linux kernel more or less. 02:36.000 --> 02:44.000 And also we want to empower people to have full control of their devices, which means free software on everything. 02:44.000 --> 02:53.000 We want to respect the users privacy, and we don't want all this bullshit like target advertising, surveillance, capitalism, dark patterns, attention economy. 02:53.000 --> 03:04.000 Let's not have this in our operating systems. So at the beginning of January, I found this new article where I took a photo, and then I decided to just include it in a presentation as it is. 03:04.000 --> 03:09.000 And this one's about just to give for an example, what I think is wrong with other operating systems. 03:09.000 --> 03:22.000 There was this article that when you ask Siri on your iPhone, then it of course it has to process the voice you send it as input, and there was some quality control, which they didn't disclose. 03:22.000 --> 03:28.000 This close beforehand that they do this, and so actually humans were listening to what I was saying. 03:28.000 --> 03:34.000 And then there was some awkward situations where maybe Siri got activated by accident, and so on. 03:34.000 --> 03:49.000 And there was this whole lawsuit about it, and one case was, I read there that somebody was talking to their doctor about cancer treatment or something like that from very private discussion. 03:49.000 --> 03:58.000 And then shortly afterwards they get a targeted advertisement for treatment for that. So that's something we don't want in our operating systems. 03:58.000 --> 04:08.000 And I need to say like Apple is says that this is not how it works, but yeah, it leaves a bad taste. 04:08.000 --> 04:21.000 And I think we shouldn't include targeted advertising in the operating system at all, and it's currently in all main stream operating systems from Google, from Microsoft, from Apple all of them. 04:21.000 --> 04:26.000 So is it Delhi driver ready short answer as no? 04:26.000 --> 04:36.000 We right now it's more for hackers, and we need to work on stability that's clear, but there doesn't mean that people don't use it. 04:36.000 --> 04:48.000 So post-markers have been parted to more than 500 devices, and we have more than 700 contributors to our main GetRepositoryPMIPOS.get. 04:48.000 --> 04:58.000 Part 2, guess what, it rhymes, what's new? So we have a couple of new UI versions. 04:58.000 --> 05:09.000 So plus massics had also called mega release around March 2024, now it's at version 6.2.5 in Alpine Edge. 05:09.000 --> 05:21.000 Then there was GNOME 47, and also like we have this mobile specific version of GNOME, it's a fork, where the author is also heavily involved in GNOME and upstreaming itself. 05:21.000 --> 05:32.000 It's currently at 46, so we are mixing components from both releases, but that's, yeah, he's obviously trying to catch up there, and it's still, it's quite usable and looks pretty definitely. 05:33.000 --> 05:51.000 Then there's 4.044, we just started a whole talk from FRDC about first, watch that if you didn't yet, and we ship 0.044 in Edge currently, and in stable releases, as I mentioned every 6 months, we tag a stable one, it's at 0.043.1. 05:52.000 --> 06:08.000 Then we have SXMO, there also was a nice talk about it today, and it's at version 1171, and it also has a nice menu and so on, but I actually made all these screenshots in the QMU, so I wasn't able to bring up the menu, somebody knows how to do that, and please tell me. 06:08.000 --> 06:25.000 And very new, we also have Lumiri now back in post-marketers at, so it looks like this, this is from Ubuntu Touch originally, and you can run it on Apple Linux on post-marketers now, and you can use the apps from post-marketers. 06:25.000 --> 06:38.000 With that being said, it's very bleeding edge, it was just much back into edge, after lots of development, but still if you want to give it a try, then you can now do that pretty easily. 06:38.000 --> 06:51.000 Also, we have a bunch of other UI packets, like Esteroid, and many more, like Moonlight, for example, is for streaming games, and a sway which I run on this very laptop. 06:51.000 --> 07:18.000 So, thanks to all the UI developers to do this upstream, this is really amazing that we have all these UI's on Linux, and that we can package them, and of course, thanks to all the maintainers who do the packaging, which is also a lot of work, and a lot of unseen work, oftentimes that people have to actually do the upgrades, and verify that it works, and then push it to the repositories. 07:19.000 --> 07:40.000 Side note, if you want to run QMU yourself, it's actually quite easy, we have this tool called PM Bootstrap, and you run three Shikomans, and then you get the whole thing here, so I was able basically to do this, like in two minutes switching from one to the next here, and yeah, you can just go to the URL and do it yourself if you like. 07:40.000 --> 08:01.000 Let's talk about hardware enablements, so there was also a lot of this, and last year roughly, let me switch to the other workspace here, so that's a nice video from Luca about camera, and yeah, as you can see, there is one of the rear cameras working, and also one of the front cameras, this is Luca. 08:01.000 --> 08:28.000 Yeah, and I think it's quite impressive, because this didn't work at all, like a year ago or so, and just barely worked on Android devices, and now it really feels like a breakthrough, we get a lot of camera stuff working on Android devices too, not just the pine for 115, so that's really amazing to see, like I'm personally not involved in camera directly, but I follow it, and it's amazing. 08:28.000 --> 08:57.000 Then we have a lot of generic device ports, which means that the packaging just becomes easier, and it's easier to add new devices, because you just extend the generic port, and it's better to maintain and so on, and there has been a lot of progress again, as you can see, like this also happened, yeah, most of it happened quite recently, and that's also the generic x8664 port running on this laptop, which you can just stick on any computer, basically. 08:58.000 --> 09:06.000 Just also, while researching this, I found that it's a generic LTE-Donger one, which I found quite interesting. 09:06.000 --> 09:27.000 And yeah, we moved the pine phone at Libran 5 from the device category main to community, so we have three device categories main community and testing, and we figured, yeah, they don't fulfill the categories of main anymore, let's put them in community, and maybe set the standards higher for main, and then get them back when we know it's really reliable and stable. 09:27.000 --> 09:30.000 That's what we're doing. 09:30.000 --> 09:37.000 And yeah, there was so much mainlining progress in general, so you look out start from earlier today, also what's recorded. 09:37.000 --> 09:47.000 Yeah, besides that, we now have the devices from the testing category, which I just mentioned in the stable releases, this is since the 24.06 release and later. 09:47.000 --> 09:55.000 This was not the case before, so this means instead of having only like, I don't know, 20 devices also in stable, you have a lot of them. 09:55.000 --> 10:06.000 Like, over 250 or so in stable, we not exactly all that I and Edge because some didn't build, but really it's a lot, and you can also build it yourself and it can be added. 10:06.000 --> 10:24.000 And it's has the benefit that you can just use basically any old phone that we, that there is a postmarker as part, and you can use it for anything that you can do with Linux, so you can, depending on how much it is part, that you can use it as phone, but you can also use it to run a web server, 10:24.000 --> 10:34.000 there's this post where somebody did that, like there's a phone with a broken screen in a solar panel, and they just run a web server on it. 10:34.000 --> 10:39.000 Yeah, it is quite a nice project, it's called Composted Party, so I had a link there. 10:39.000 --> 10:48.000 And next one is, we have the Trailblazer project, which Calib started, this is a generic port for arm devices, arm 64 devices. 10:48.000 --> 11:09.000 It usually runs Linux next, can also run other kind of versions, and the point is that the patches when main lighting stuff are in Linux next first, and so we can test these out on devices like see how well that it work if you run the real main line Linux next on it without any additional patches. 11:09.000 --> 11:13.000 And this is quite nice, and moving on. 11:13.000 --> 11:23.000 Yeah, thanks to all device maintainers, testers and porters, again, this is so much work, I cannot, like it takes our village to do all this, it's insane. 11:23.000 --> 11:36.000 Next up, we have this pretty picture here that Clayton took at some point, so you can see there's a gnome, and there are KDE gear, somewhere in the woods, and they are staring at the phone, and it's running postmarker as the system deal, what's that? 11:37.000 --> 11:50.000 So, it turns out, Alpan Linux actually uses OpenMasey, and we decided to add system deal to postmarker as it was just very recently, much to postmarker as it's in January. 11:50.000 --> 11:58.000 And now we support both OpenMasey and system deal, and system deal will be the default for Plasma based UIs and gnome based UIs. 11:58.000 --> 12:05.000 And then the internet road, it always puzzles me why they chose the one district without system deal to base this on and are now trying to edit themselves. 12:05.000 --> 12:08.000 Why are they doing this? 12:08.000 --> 12:17.000 Yeah, so the thing is, if you think, okay, first you take Alpan and then five minutes later, you add system deal that doesn't make sense, but it was actually a process of a many years. 12:17.000 --> 12:30.000 Postmarker was started in 2016 and published 2017 and from then on, tried to discover community, and over the years we realized, okay, we actually need system before running all the UIs. 12:30.000 --> 12:38.000 And also at the same time, Alpan has so many benefits that we don't really want to switch distros, and this was not an easy decision. 12:38.000 --> 12:45.000 We spend so much time thinking about this, should we really go with system deal, should we switch distros, but this was the best solution. 12:45.000 --> 12:55.000 And that we could come up with. So, what benefits do we get with system deal? You get a lot of upstream system decomponents of other stuff that we were using anyway. 12:55.000 --> 13:14.000 Yeah, it's it's on this picture. We call them polyfills because like in like in depth development, you basically have replacements that don't that try to do the thing you want, but it's not quite the same and it has limitations oftentimes oftentimes it's outdated. 13:14.000 --> 13:24.000 So basically it is these are folks from system decomponents or entirely new written components, and that's yeah, it's just hard to deal with and a lot of effort to maintain and we get unexpected bugs and so on. 13:24.000 --> 13:44.000 So that's in the end, it's not very nice to deal with. And we get rid of that by using system deal. And also we get working products. So if you develop an application in the crashes, you want to have a quarter because then you can look at the trace and fix the buck and without system deal, we couldn't really do that. There was a way, but it didn't really work. 13:44.000 --> 14:03.000 And that just works and it works like every in every other this room. Then we have sandboxing features for services, which is a big security improvement. You can take like services and say, okay, this particular service is not supposed to have network access or this other one should not access files except for one directory and so on. 14:03.000 --> 14:15.000 That really really nice features and yeah, we can have them now. And there's some other stuff like service dependency and security analyzes features building on that and so on. So we get a lot of that. 14:15.000 --> 14:31.000 And also familiar tooling, so you can use system CTL, join with CTL, call them CTL. If you maintain any Linux system that is not alpine, you are probably very familiar with them and yeah, it honestly it kind of sucks. If you cannot use it on post market or else. 14:31.000 --> 14:39.000 So then you have to learn new things and sometimes things don't work, so that's just nicer from the user perspective and what developers told us of the US. 14:39.000 --> 14:49.000 We did an original blog post announcement, which I recommend to read if this is news to you because again, we put a lot of effort into this explaining why we made this decision, this goes a lot to detail. 14:49.000 --> 14:56.000 And if you want to contribute to that part in particular, we have metrics and ISE channels for post marketer system D. 14:56.000 --> 15:06.000 Thanks to everybody who got and watched this adding system, that was another big project. Yeah, should speed up. Okay, then we have a good job version three. 15:06.000 --> 15:13.000 That was huge, yeah, huge three right basically of a lot of stuff in peer bootstrap. 15:13.000 --> 15:22.000 Calipstar that is mostly and now we have a huge maintenance improvements like a lot of legacy stuff has been replaced with proper solutions. 15:22.000 --> 15:28.000 And we have performance improvements and software system these specific stuff. 15:28.000 --> 15:34.000 That was just a big project we did in the last year to what's the end. 15:34.000 --> 15:36.000 So thanks to everybody for that too. 15:36.000 --> 15:43.000 Then we have other notable software changes. There's now mobile config Thunderbird after the success of mobile config Firefox. 15:43.000 --> 15:53.000 This was done by Dylan and yeah, it's basically taking Thunderbird writing a mobile config for it and now you can use it on your smartphone like this, which is pretty nice. 15:53.000 --> 15:58.000 Then the end of drummer first got a major overhaul, Calip, made a picture today. 15:58.000 --> 16:05.000 So basically you can now one of the cool things you can do is boot instead of booting up your phone regularly, you can enter a terminal. 16:05.000 --> 16:18.000 And that's actually a keyboard at the bottom, the leftmost can see it, but yeah, it's pretty neat and you can debug your stuff and it gives a lot more possibilities and the end of drummer has become more stable and general and better. 16:18.000 --> 16:26.000 Then we have firmware compression using these standard, which means firmware files are smaller. This has also been upstream upstream into L-Pine. 16:26.000 --> 16:28.000 Newbite mostly did that. 16:28.000 --> 16:32.000 And there's the Android translation layer coming up by Miss 012. 16:32.000 --> 16:39.000 This is a new way of running Android applications on postmarkers on Linux mobile in general, also other distrust. 16:39.000 --> 16:47.000 And it works more like why you don't need to run a whole container with Android inside your postmarkers phone in this case. 16:47.000 --> 16:55.000 So it's, yeah, it's much more effective, but also the application support is more limited at this point, but I think it will improve. 16:55.000 --> 17:00.000 Then we have funds for non-later languages, we have unlockers in some time now, which is great. 17:00.000 --> 17:03.000 Yeah, so much to mention, I need to hurry. 17:03.000 --> 17:07.000 Then we also have organizational stuff. 17:07.000 --> 17:21.000 We did the thing where we asked if people want to become trusted contributors, which is a new way you can join the team and actually a documented way because before I ended wasn't really clear how do I join the team, how do I get deeply involved. 17:21.000 --> 17:30.000 And now this is there and this was a big success, we have now like I think 12 or so trusted contributors in addition to the seven core contributors. 17:30.000 --> 17:33.000 So this allowed us to scale up the product nicely. 17:33.000 --> 17:40.000 Then we moved our finances to open collective, so that's the donation platform we use now and everything is transparent there. 17:40.000 --> 17:44.000 We also wanted to have it transparent before, but the previous platform didn't support it. 17:44.000 --> 17:46.000 And that's not possible, that was nice. 17:46.000 --> 17:50.000 Then Clayton is now working full-time on postmarker. 17:51.000 --> 18:00.000 Our big part of it was out of on-pocket and then we tried to get a grant from him and managed to do that so that he gets paid from the grant, which is also awesome. 18:00.000 --> 18:03.000 Pablo is also doing half-time basically. 18:03.000 --> 18:13.000 At the beginning of last year we started writing monthly blog posts and yeah, as you can see on the homepage, we just have every month these blog posts and these are a lot of effort to write. 18:13.000 --> 18:20.000 But also it allows to thank everybody who has been making much requests and show in detail what has been happening. 18:20.000 --> 18:23.000 And I think that's very useful. 18:23.000 --> 18:28.000 And yeah, we did an infrastructure migration that's looked at was a big part of and typed out greatly without him. 18:28.000 --> 18:30.000 This would have been possible. 18:30.000 --> 18:36.000 Then we did a homepage design, so if you look closely there are subtle differences here. 18:36.000 --> 18:42.000 Yeah, what's other big success, this has been in a work for like three months at this point. 18:42.000 --> 18:49.000 And we moved to our own GitLab instance, which is now hosted by the Open Source University. 18:49.000 --> 18:54.000 No, Oregon State University Open Source Lab. 18:54.000 --> 18:59.000 Yeah, and they are awesome. They help us a lot with support and so on. 18:59.000 --> 19:04.000 And we wrote some grant applications, mentored some grants, all that fun stuff. 19:04.000 --> 19:07.000 We have a code of conduct team now, also important. 19:07.000 --> 19:12.000 And we have bi-weekly core contributor meetings. So thanks everybody who doing who was doing organizational stuff. 19:12.000 --> 19:17.000 This is oftentimes overlooked and you don't realize that this is going on in the background, but it's super important. 19:17.000 --> 19:19.000 We have a lot of artwork. 19:19.000 --> 19:27.000 I realize we are getting out of time, so Dcast is made a lot of wallpapers and we now use one every six months. 19:27.000 --> 19:31.000 It's every release. So this is also amazing person did a lot of stuff. 19:31.000 --> 19:39.000 We now have leaflets. You can get the English one at our booth at the table and various smart artwork contributions like this one. 19:39.000 --> 19:42.000 But we will probably make a sticker out of eventually. 19:42.000 --> 19:47.000 Yeah, thanks for the dope artwork. And yeah, I'm wrapping it up. 19:47.000 --> 19:55.000 So come to the stand tomorrow. In building K, we have stickers and demos 25 or 6 will be the first release of system D. 19:55.000 --> 19:57.000 We will have more stability. 19:57.000 --> 19:59.000 If you put up, we'll get even better. 19:59.000 --> 20:02.000 Galif has a lot of great patches and progress. 20:02.000 --> 20:07.000 We plan to have an optional, a mutable root of us. 20:07.000 --> 20:12.000 And yeah, please, if you like this project, consider getting involved. 20:12.000 --> 20:15.000 You can go to the home page. There's this explore page with a lot of things you can do. 20:15.000 --> 20:17.000 You can join the IAC and matrix channels. 20:17.000 --> 20:21.000 And if you like, you can donate to us also. 20:22.000 --> 20:25.000 Yeah, thanks to everybody who has been working on this. 20:25.000 --> 20:29.000 To Peter from Lindmob, who is writing the weekly news articles. 20:29.000 --> 20:33.000 I'm so on an internet for powering some of our works of grants. 20:33.000 --> 20:36.000 And everyone in Alpine and the upstream project. 20:36.000 --> 20:40.000 So many people who without whom this would not be possible. 20:40.000 --> 20:42.000 Not sure if we have time for questions. 20:42.000 --> 20:44.000 But... 21:06.000 --> 21:09.000 If the Fairphone 5 calls are ready. 21:13.000 --> 21:15.000 Sorry, I believe. 21:29.000 --> 21:33.000 If the Fairphone 5 will make phone calls with audio working properly. 21:33.000 --> 21:36.000 I think eventually it's working progress. 21:36.000 --> 21:39.000 I talk to somebody today who is looking into that. 21:39.000 --> 21:41.000 So yeah, we will get there. 21:41.000 --> 21:45.000 I mean, right now, in general, we are lacking a bit of reliability. 21:45.000 --> 21:48.000 But to me personally, it's very important that we improve on that. 21:48.000 --> 21:53.000 That we do automatic hardware testing to ensure that it works continuously. 21:53.000 --> 21:56.000 And then we can say, okay, this actually works reliably. 21:56.000 --> 22:00.000 And it's not just for hackers, but you can give it to people you care about. 22:00.000 --> 22:03.000 And they can use it and can rely on it. 22:04.000 --> 22:07.000 Do we have time for another question? 22:07.000 --> 22:08.000 Okay. 22:11.000 --> 22:14.000 On this very laptop, for example. 22:14.000 --> 22:17.000 And the question was, I had two more laptops. 22:17.000 --> 22:21.000 The question was, if we run postmarkers on other devices then phones. 22:21.000 --> 22:25.000 Yeah, so several laptop users here. 22:25.000 --> 22:27.000 All right, there's another question. 22:28.000 --> 22:31.000 All these stuff that are added, they are all. 22:31.000 --> 22:36.000 And you couldn't, like, can you pass on with their applications of the compile for a muscle? 22:36.000 --> 22:39.000 Yes, they are all built for muscle, yeah. 22:39.000 --> 22:40.000 Muscle linux. 22:40.000 --> 22:41.000 Muscle lips. 22:41.000 --> 22:42.000 Yeah. 22:42.000 --> 22:47.000 I just don't know if there's a buffing track A about first education for Android. 22:47.000 --> 22:48.000 In case you're interested. 22:48.000 --> 22:49.000 Okay. 22:49.000 --> 22:50.000 Okay. 22:52.000 --> 22:53.000 Okay. 22:53.000 --> 22:54.000 Good. 22:55.000 --> 22:57.000 Another question. 22:57.000 --> 22:58.000 Final question. 23:03.000 --> 23:04.000 Yes, we use muscle lips. 23:04.000 --> 23:05.000 We have system. 23:05.000 --> 23:09.000 So there are some patches that are out of pre currently that are being upstream. 23:09.000 --> 23:12.000 And yeah, we talk to the system. 23:12.000 --> 23:14.000 Did you develop as a lot? 23:14.000 --> 23:18.000 They, like, we are finding a way to include it and to make it work. 23:18.000 --> 23:19.000 And yeah. 23:21.000 --> 23:22.000 All right. 23:22.000 --> 23:24.000 Then thank you very much for listening.