category: MATE
requires: cygwin libatk1.0_0 libcairo2 libcanberra-gtk3_0 libcanberra0 libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0 libglib2.0_0 libgtk3_0 libgtop2.0_10 libICE6 libintl8 libpango1.0_0 libSM6 libstartup-notification1_0 libX11_6 libXcomposite1 libXcursor1 libXdamage1 libXext6 libXfixes3 libXinerama1 libXrandr2 libXrender1 zenity
sdesc: "MATE window manager"
ldesc: "MATE is a fork of the GNOME 2 desktop. It provides an intuitive
and attractive desktop to Linux users using traditional metaphors."
obsoletes: mate-window-manager