% !TeX root = ./examples/bear.tex
%% This package is part of the TikZlings package
%% A package to bring cute little animals and other beings into tikz
%% Maintained by samcarter
%% Project repository and bug tracker:
%% https://github.com/samcarter/tikzlings
%% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
%% See https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
\ProvidesPackage{tikzlings-bears}[2025/01/05 version v2.2 Draw teddy bears in TikZ]


  % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  \csname bearhookforeground\endcsname
  \csname tikzlinghookforeground\endcsname


  % Pass unknown keys on to tikz
  /bear/.search also={/tikz,/pgf,/thing},
  % body
  body/.store in     = \bear@body,
  body               = brown!70!black,
  eye/.store in      = \bear@eye,
  eye                = \bear@body!42!black,
  mouth/.store in    = \bear@mouth,
  mouth              = \bear@body!42!black,
  % options
  openmouth/.code    = \bear@openmouthtrue,
  open mouth/.forward to = /bear/openmouth,
  3D/.code           = \bear@threeDtrue,
  back/.code         = \bear@backtrue,
  contour/.code      = \bear@contourtrue
  contour/.default   = black,
  outline/.forward to = /bear/contour,

  % minimal bounding box size
  \path (-0.8, 0.0) rectangle (0.8, 2.13);
  % store the current scale factor
  % from https://github.com/samcarter/tikzlings/issues/3#issuecomment-461373494
  % switch between 2D, 3D and contours, from
  % https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/45991801#45991801
    \def\bear@part@draw[##1]{\shade[ball color=##1]}
  \else% 3D
      \def\bear@part@draw[##1]{\draw[##1,\bear@contour,fill=white,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt]}
    \else% contour
    \fi% contour
  \fi% 3D
  % generating saturated/brighter version of body colour
  % Body parts
  % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  \csname bearhookbackground\endcsname
  \csname tikzlinghookbackground\endcsname
  % Arms %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  \bear@part@draw[\bear@body] (0.525,0.9) ellipse[x radius=0.35, y radius=0.15, rotate=-50];
  \bear@part@draw[\bear@body] (-0.525,0.9) ellipse[x radius=0.35, y radius=0.15, rotate=50];
  % Feet if back %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    \bear@part@draw[\bear@body] (0.425, 0.3) circle[radius=0.28];
    \bear@part@draw[\bear@body] (-0.425, 0.3) circle[radius=0.28];
  \fi% back
  % Body %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  \bear@part@draw[\bear@body] (0,0.75) ellipse[x radius=0.55, y radius=0.65];
    \bear@part@draw[bear@bright] (0,0.7) ellipse[x radius=0.35, y radius=0.4];
  \fi% back
  % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  \csname bearhookbelly\endcsname
  \csname tikzlinghookbelly\endcsname
  % Feet %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    \bear@part@draw[\bear@body] (0.425, 0.3) circle[radius=0.28];
    \bear@part@draw[\bear@body] (-0.425, 0.3) circle[radius=0.28];
    \bear@part@draw[bear@bright] (0.425, 0.3) circle[radius=0.17];
    \bear@part@draw[bear@bright] (-0.425, 0.3) circle[radius=0.17];
  \fi% back
  % Ears %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  \bear@part@draw[\bear@body] (0.375, 1.95) circle[radius=0.15];
  \bear@part@draw[\bear@body] (-0.375, 1.95) circle[radius=0.15];
    \bear@part@draw[bear@bright] (0.375, 1.95) circle[radius=0.1];
    \bear@part@draw[bear@bright] (-0.375, 1.95) circle[radius=0.1];
  \fi% back
  % Head %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  \bear@part@draw[\bear@body] (0, 1.55) circle[radius=0.5];
  % Show details only from the front %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    % Muzzle %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    \bear@part@draw[bear@bright] (0, 1.4) ellipse[x radius=0.28, y radius=0.2];
    \bear@part@draw[bear@bright!60!red] (0, 1.5) ellipse[x radius=0.15, y radius=0.08];
    % Eyes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    \bear@part@draw[\bear@eye] (-0.155, 1.7) circle[radius=0.05];
    \bear@part@draw[\bear@eye] (0.155, 1.7) circle[radius=0.05];
    % Mouth %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
      \filldraw[\bear@mouth,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.145, 1.38) arc [start angle=-20, end angle=-160, radius=0.16];
      \draw[\bear@mouth,line width=\scalingfactor*0.4pt] (0.145, 1.38) arc [start angle=-20, end angle=-160, radius=0.16];
  \fi% back
  % adding hook for users to customise %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  \csname bearhookbody\endcsname
  \csname tikzlinghookbody\endcsname

%% Documentation
%\section[Bear]{B\"ar, the teddy bear}
%\emph{If you look very closely at the group picture in \href{https://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb39-2/tb122wright-tug18.pdf}{TUG goes to Rio} you can spot the real B\"ar in it}
%\subsection{Package name}
%\begin{tcolorbox}[title={Package usage}]
%\subsection{Basic Usage}
%\begin{tcblisting}{title={Basic bear}}
%The basic teddy bear can be modified by changing its colour:
%\begin{tcblisting}{title={Body colour}}
%In addition to the colour of the body, the colour of various body parts can be adjusted:
%\begin{tcblisting}{title={Eye colour}}
%\begin{tcblisting}{title={Mouth colour}}
% The bear can open its mouth:
%\begin{tcblisting}{title={Open mouth}}
%To view the teddy bear from behind:
%\begin{tcblisting}{title={Back view}}
%The key \saminline|3D| will make the teddy bear 3-dimensional:
%\begin{tcblisting}{title={3D view}}
%And finally the \saminline|contour| key will only draw the outlines:
%The B\"ar and Ulrike Fischer wrote the fantastic \saminline|bearwear| package, that provides many different clothing options for the \saminline|TikZbears|. All the other \tikzlings admire them for the nice clothing!
%A short example:
%\begin{tcblisting}{title={Bearwear example}}
%  long sleeves,
%  shirt=red!80!black
%Many more options and examples can be found in the package documentation \url{https://ctan.org/pkg/bearwear}.