\section{Otros ejemplos} \pgfgouseprofile{pgfgo} \begin{codeexample}[width=6cm] \setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} \pgfgouseprofile{pgfgosmooth} \begin{tabular}{cc} \begin{goban}[partial = {from = A9 to E5}] \stone[b]{C7} \marks[sequence]{C8, D7, C6, B7}; \end{goban} & % \begin{goban}[partial = {from = E9 to I5}] \stone[b]{G7} \stone[w]{F7} \marks[sequence]{G8, H7, G6}; \end{goban} \\ % \begin{goban}[partial = {from = A1 to E5}] \stone[b]{C3} \stones[w]{B3,C2} \marks[sequence]{C4, D3}; \end{goban} & % \begin{goban}[partial = {from = E1 to I5}] \stone[b]{G3} \stones[w]{F3,G2, H3} \marks[sequence]{G4}; \end{goban}\\ \end{tabular} \end{codeexample} \begin{codeexample}[width=4.8cm] \pgfgoset{use i = false} \begin{goban}[13, label = {at = {all}}] \stones[b]{A1, J1, K1, G7, N9, D12, D13} \stones[w]{A2, H1, J2, K2, G6, F7, G8, M9, N10, C12, C13, E12, E13} \marks[circle]{B1, L1, N8, H7, D11} \end{goban} \begin{goban}[13, label = {at = {north, east, south}}] \stones[w]{A2, H1, J2, K2, G6, F7, G8, M9, N10, C12, C13, E12, E13} \stones[w,mark = triangle]{B1, L1, N8, H7, D11} \end{goban} \end{codeexample} \begin{codeexample}[width=4.8cm] \pgfgoset{use i = false} \begin{goban}[9, label = {at = {south, west}}] \stones[b]{A2-|D1, B1, G1|-F2|-G4|-J7-|E9, G8} \stones[w]{E1|-D6|-A7, D 8:9, F5, B:C 5, A:D 3} \marks[b, t-circle]{J1 R H6, G3, F8 R J9; G8; A1, C1} \marks[b, t-square, white]{A9 R C8, A4 R D6; B:C 5, D6} \marks[t-square, neutral]{F1,F6} \end{goban} \end{codeexample} \begin{codeexample}[width=4.8cm] \begin{goban}[9, label = {at = {south, west}}] \stones[b]{C7} \stones[w]{B6,B7,C8,D7} \moves*{C6,C5,D6,E6,D5,D4,E5,F5,E4,E3} \end{goban} \end{codeexample} \begin{codeexample}[width=4.8cm] \begin{goban}[9, partial = {from = A2 to H9}] \stones[b]{A7,B6,C8,C7} \stones[b, mark = triangle]{D6,D5,D4} \stones[w]{C3,C4,C5,C6,D7,E7,E6} \stone[w, mark = {custom = 1}]{E3} \marks[b, circle, line = {color = red!80!black}] {D3,E4, E5} \end{goban} \end{codeexample} \begin{codeexample}[width=4.8cm] \pgfgouseprofile{pgfgosmooth} \begin{goban}[label = {at = all}] \stones[b]{A8 |- B7, B9 -| C8, H:I 1:9, G8:9, A:D 1:2, A3; I2, I6, I8, H9, C1, A2, H:J4;} \stones[w]{E1 |- B3 |- A4, A6 -| C7 -| D9, G1 |- I4 -| G7 -| F9; D7;} \end{goban} \end{codeexample}