\section{Definitions of Stones and Boards} \subsection{Stones and Players} \subsubsection{pgfgo} \begin{center} \pgfgouseprofile{pgfgo} \begin{goban}[10x2, label = {at = {all}}, scale = 2] \stone{A1} \moves[b]{A:D2} \stone[w, mark = {triangle}]{D1} \moves*[b]{G1--J1|-G2} \mark[b, t-circle]{E1} \mark[w, t-square]{E2} \end{goban} \end{center} We declare all players and start by defining the appearance of the neutral one. \begin{codeexample}[code only] \pgfgodefineplayer{pgfgo-neutral}{ stone = { radius = 0.19cm, line = { true, color = black, width = 0.3pt, opacity = 1, }, fill = { true, color = gray, opacity = 1, }, radius = 0.17cm, scale = 1, drop shadow = {true, opacity = 0.5, offset = 1pt, angle = -45}, drop shine = {true, angle = 45} }, move = { label = { color = black, format = arabic, } }, mark = { line = { color = black, width = 1pt, }, fill = {false}, label = { color = black, format = arabic } } } \end{codeexample} Some properties such as line thickness, opacity, and others should be preserved for all stones, so we copy the neutral player template. \begin{codeexample}[code only] \pgfgodefineplayer[from = pgfgo-neutral]{pgfgo-white}{ stone = { fill = { color = wainwhite } }, move = { label = { color = black } }, mark = { line = {color = black}, fill = {color = white}, label = {color = black} } } \pgfgodefineplayer[from = pgfgo-neutral]{pgfgo-black}{ stone = { fill = { color = wainblack } }, move = { label = { color = pgfgo } }, mark = { line = { color = pgfgo, }, label = {color = black} } } \end{codeexample} \subsubsection{pgfgosmooth} \begin{center} \pgfgouseprofile{pgfgosmooth} \begin{goban}[10x2, label = {at = {all}}, scale = 2] \stone{A1} \moves[b]{A:D2} \stone[w, mark = {triangle}]{D1} \moves*[b]{G1--J1|-G2} \mark[b, t-circle]{E1} \mark[w, t-square]{E2} \end{goban} \end{center} \begin{codeexample}[code only] \pgfgodefineplayer[from = pgfgo-neutral]{pgfgosmooth-neutral}{ stone = { line = false, radius = 0.19cm, drop shine = {opacity = 0.5}} } \end{codeexample} \subsection{Boards} \subsubsection{pgfgo} \begin{center} \pgfgouseprofile{pgfgo} \begin{goban}[10x2, label = {at = all}, scale = 2] \end{goban} \end{center} \begin{codeexample}[code only] \pgfgodefinegoban{pgfgo}{ background = { fill = { color = pgfgo, opacity = 1}, line = { color = pgfgo!10!black, opacity = 1}, drop shadow}, grid = { line = { color = pgfgo!10!black, width = 1pt}}, label = { text color = black } } \end{codeexample}