% Copyright 2018-2025 by Romano Giannetti % Copyright 2015-2025 by Stefan Lindner % Copyright 2013-2025 by Stefan Erhardt % Copyright 2007-2025 by Massimo Redaelli % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Public License. % % See the files gpl-3.0_license.txt and lppl-1-3c_license.txt for more details. % This first line *shouldn't* be needed; it's here to work around a problem % in ConTeXt TikZ support when it switch to LMTX (fixed around May 2023) % See also https://github.com/circuitikz/circuitikz/issues/706 % See https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/issues/1248#issuecomment-1486235591 % If your version of context errors out, try: % - update context % - or uncomment the following line % \usemodule[pgfrcs,pgfmat] \usemodule[circuitikz] \starttext A simple example to test the installation. % removed all the "pseudo-SI commands". They were removed by ConTeXt, % when it moved to LMTX (March 2023). % For units you should use http://www.pragma-ade.nl/general/manuals/units-mkiv.pdf \startcircuitikz[scale=1.5] \draw (0,2) to[I=1~mA] (2,2) to[R, l_=2~kΩ, *-*] (0,0) to[R, l_=2~kΩ] (2,0) to[V, v_=2~V] (2,2) to[cspst, l=$t_0$] (4,2) -- (4,1.5) to [generic, i=$i_1$, v=$v_1$] (4,-.5) -- (4,-1.5) (0,2) -- (0,-1.5) to[V, v_=4~V] (2,-1.5) to [R, l=1~kΩ] (4,-1.5) (5,2) node[dipchip, anchor=pin 1]{} (5,-2) node[flipflop JK, anchor=pin 1]{}; \stopcircuitikz \stoptext