\ProvidesPackage{causets}[2023/03/06 v1.4 Package to draw causal set diagrams]
%% Copyright 2020-2023 by C. Minz
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this licence or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this licence is in
% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
% The current version of this package is 1.4.
% The current maintainer of this work is C. Minz.
% https://github.com/c-minz
% This work consists of the files causets.sty, causets.tex,  
% causets.pdf, causet_tikz_example1.tex, causet_tikz_example1.pdf, 
% causet_tikz_example2.tex, causet_tikz_example2.pdf


%% PGF keys and style macros:
\pgfkeys{/tikz/causets/.search also={/tikz}}
% Size options:
	size unit/.store in=\causetTileSize,
	size unit/.value required,
	tile size/.store in=\causetTileSize,
	tile size/.value required,
	text font/.store in=\causetTextFont,
	text font/.value required,
	text scale/.store in=\causetTextScale,
	text scale/.value required,
	region line width/.initial=0.07*\causetTileSize,
	grid line width/.initial=0.04*\causetTileSize,
	event size/.initial=0.56*\causetTileSize,
	event outline/.initial=0.04*\causetTileSize,
	link width/.initial=0.14*\causetTileSize,
	broken link gap/.initial=0.42*\causetTileSize,
	tiny/.value forbidden,
		size unit=0.30ex,
		text font=\tiny,
		text scale=0.30},
	very small/.value forbidden,
	very small/.style={%
		size unit=0.40ex,
		text font=\tiny,
		text scale=0.40},
	small/.value forbidden,
		size unit=0.60ex,
		text font=\scriptsize,
		text scale=0.43},
	normal/.value forbidden,
		size unit=0.90ex,
		text font=\footnotesize,
		text scale=0.56},
	large/.value forbidden,
		size unit=1.35ex,
		text font=\small,
		text scale=0.75},
	very large/.value forbidden,
	very large/.style={%
		size unit=2.025ex,
		text font=\normalsize,
		text scale=1.02},
	huge/.value forbidden,
		size unit=2.70ex,
		text font=\Large,
		text scale=0.97}
% Colour options:
	region color/.initial=black!75,
	grid color/.initial=black!25,
	tile color/.initial=black!10!white,
	event color/.initial=black,
	label color/.initial=black,
	link color/.initial=black!65!white,
	spatial link color/.initial=black!50!white,
	ulabel color/.initial=black!65!white,
	vlabel color/.initial=black!65!white,
	black colors/.style={%
		region color=black,
		grid color=black,
		tile color=white,
		event color=black,
		label color=black,
		link color=black,
		spatial link color=black,
		ulabel color=black,
		vlabel color=black},
	gray colors/.style={%
		region color=black!75,
		grid color=black!25,
		tile color=black!10!white,
		event color=black,
		label color=black,
		link color=black!65!white,
		spatial link color=black!50!white,
		ulabel color=black!65!white,
		vlabel color=black!65!white},
	blue colors/.style={%
		region color=black!75,
		grid color=black!25,
		tile color=cyan!25!black!25!white,
		event color=blue!50!black,
		label color=blue!50!black,
		link color=cyan!75!black,
		spatial link color=blue!75!white,
		ulabel color=black!50,
		vlabel color=black!50},
	neon colors/.style={%
		region color=green,
		grid color=green,
		tile color=yellow,
		event color=blue,
		label color=blue,
		link color=cyan,
		spatial link color=red,
		ulabel color=magenta,
		vlabel color=magenta}
% Causet modification options:
	padding/.store in=\causets@Padding,
	offset/.store in=\causet@Offset,
	every causet/.value forbidden,
	every causet/.style={baseline=(baseline point)},
	local style/.style={#1},
	set local style/.style={local style/.expand once={#1}}
% Graphic component switches:
	show permutation/.is if=causetsDrawPermutation,
	show links/.is if=causetsDrawLinks,
	break links/.is if=causetsBreakLinks,
	show spatial links/.is if=causetsDrawSpatialLinks,
	show labels/.is if=causetsDrawLabels,
	show ulabels/.is if=causetsDrawULabels,
	show vlabels/.is if=causetsDrawVLabels,
	brokenly linked/.code={\causetsBreakLinkstrue},
	continuously linked/.code={\causetsBreakLinksfalse},
	spatially linked/.code={\causetsDrawSpatialLinkstrue},
	spatially unlinked/.code={\causetsDrawSpatialLinksfalse},
	labeled u/.code={\causetsDrawULabelstrue},
	unlabeled u/.code={\causetsDrawULabelsfalse},
	labeled v/.code={\causetsDrawVLabelstrue},
	unlabeled v/.code={\causetsDrawVLabelsfalse}
% Permutation grid styles:
	every region/.value forbidden,
	every region/.style={color=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/region color}, line width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/region line width}},
	region/.style={show permutation, every region/.append style={#1}},
	every grid/.value forbidden,
	every grid/.style={color=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/grid color}, line width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/grid line width}, step=\causetTileSize},
	grid/.style={show permutation, every grid/.append style={#1}},
	every tile/.value forbidden,
	every tile/.style={color=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/tile color}, line width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/grid line width}, fill},
	tiles/.style={show permutation, every tile/.append style={#1}}
% Label styles:
	every label base/.value forbidden,
	every label base/.style={text opacity=1, scale=\causetTextScale, font=\causetTextFont, inner sep=0pt},
	all labels/.style={every label base/.append style={#1}},
	every label/.value forbidden,
	every label/.style={every label base, color=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/label color}, below left, at=south west},
	labels/.style={show labels, every label/.append style={#1}},
	every ulabel/.value forbidden,
	every ulabel/.style={every label base, color=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/ulabel color}, right, rotate=-45, inner sep=1pt, align=left},
	ulabels/.style={show ulabels, every ulabel/.append style={#1}},
	every vlabel/.value forbidden,
	every vlabel/.style={every label base, color=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/vlabel color}, left, rotate=45, inner sep=1pt, align=right}, 
	vlabels/.style={show vlabels, every vlabel/.append style={#1}},
	every replaced label/.value forbidden,
	every replaced label/.style={every label},
	replaced labels/.style={every replaced label/.append style={#1}},
	label/.store in=\causet@EventLabel,
	label/.value required
% Event styles:
	every event/.value forbidden,
	every event/.style={color=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/event color}, circle, fill, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/event size}, line width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/event outline}},
	events/.value required,
	events/.style={every event/.append style={#1}},
	every replaced event/.value forbidden,
	every replaced event/.style={every label base, circle, minimum size=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/event size}},
	replaced events/.value required,
	replaced events/.style={every replaced event/.append style={#1}},
	event/.store in=\causet@EventText,
	event/.value required
% Link styles:
	Link Start/.tip={},
	Link Pause/.tip={Triangle Cap[] . Fast Triangle[] . Fast Triangle[]},
	Link Resume/.tip={Triangle Cap[reversed] . Fast Triangle[reversed] . Fast Triangle[reversed]},
	Link End/.tip={},
	every link/.value forbidden,
	every link/.style={color=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/link color}, line width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/link width}, {Link Start[]}-{Link End[]}},
	links/.style={show links, every link/.append style={#1}},
	link starts/.value required,
	link starts/.style={Link Start/.tip={#1}},
	link pauses/.value required,
	link pauses/.style={Link Pause/.tip={#1}},
	link resumes/.value required,
	link resumes/.style={Link Resume/.tip={#1}},
	link ends/.value required,
	link ends/.style={Link End/.tip={#1}},
	cap links/.value forbidden,
	cap links/.style={link starts={Triangle Cap[reversed]}, link ends={Triangle Cap[]}},
	arrow links/.value forbidden,
	arrow links/.style={link ends={Stealth[round, length=4*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/link width}, line width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/link width}/3]}},
	every spatial link/.value forbidden,
	every spatial link/.style={every link, color=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/spatial link color}, dashed},
	spatial links/.style={show spatial links, every spatial link/.append style={#1}}
% Causet externalisation:
	name/.store in=\causet@Name,
	name prefix/.store in=\causets@NamePrefix,
	set prefix/.style={name prefix=#1, /tikz/external/prefix=#1},
	name external/.is if=causetsNameExternal

%% Package options:
\tikzcausetsset{normal, offset=0, padding=\thinspace, name prefix={./}}
\DeclareOption{smaller}{\tikzcausetsset{very small}}
\DeclareOption{larger}{\tikzcausetsset{very large}}
\DeclareOption{gray}{\tikzcausetsset{gray colors}}
\DeclareOption{black}{\tikzcausetsset{black colors}}
\DeclareOption{blue}{\tikzcausetsset{blue colors}}
\DeclareOption{neon}{\tikzcausetsset{neon colors}}
\DeclareOption{caps}{\tikzcausetsset{cap links}}
\DeclareOption{arrows}{\tikzcausetsset{arrow links}}
\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{causets}{The package causets does not support the option: \CurrentOption}}
	\tikzcausetsset{name prefix=causets/, name external=true}%

%% Package functions:


% Count the number of events (\causet@N), find the minimal value in the list 
% argument (\causet@Start), and define baseline point.
\foreach \causet@E@i/\causet@LocalStyle [count=\causet@i] in {#1}{%
		\pgfmathparse{int(min(\causet@Start, \causet@E@i))}
\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@Start{int(\causet@Start + \causet@Offset)}
\coordinate (baseline point) at (0, -0.707*\causetTileSize);

\newcommand*{\causets@drawEvent}[2][every event]{%
% Draws an event tile and the event on top.
\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@E@i{int(\causet@E@i + \causet@Offset)}
\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@u{\causet@E@i - \causet@Start}
\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@v{\causet@i - 1.0}
	\path[causets/.cd, every tile] 
		( \causet@u * \causetTileSize, \causet@v * \causetTileSize ) 
		rectangle +( \causetTileSize, \causetTileSize );
\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@u{\causet@E@i - \causet@Start + 0.5}
\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@v{\causet@i - 0.5}
\node[causets/.cd, #1] (E\causet@E@i) 
	at ( \causet@u * \causetTileSize, \causet@v * \causetTileSize ) {#2};

% Draws a permutation tile and defines and draws an event node (E#) on top of 
% the tile, for each event number # in the list argument.
\foreach \causet@E@i/\causet@LocalStyle [count=\causet@i] in {#1}{%
		\tikzcausetsset{set local style=\causet@LocalStyle}
			\causets@drawEvent[every event, set local style=\causet@LocalStyle]{}
			\causets@drawEvent[every replaced event, set local style=\causet@LocalStyle]{\causet@EventText}

% Draws the permutation grid and adds the u- and v-coordinate labels.
	\draw[causets/.cd, every grid] ( 0, 0 ) 
		grid ( \causet@N * \causetTileSize, \causet@N * \causetTileSize );
	\draw[causets/.cd, every region] ( 0, 0 ) 
		rectangle ( \causet@N * \causetTileSize, \causet@N * \causetTileSize );
	\foreach \causet@E@i/\causet@LocalStyle [count=\causet@i] in {#1}{%
		\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@E@i{int(\causet@E@i + \causet@Offset)}
			\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@u{int(\causet@i + \causet@Start - 1)}
			\node[causets/.cd, every ulabel] (EUL\causet@E@i) 
				at ( \causet@i * \causetTileSize - 0.5 * \causetTileSize, 0 ) 
			\node[causets/.cd, every vlabel] (EVL\causet@E@i) 
				at ( 0, \causet@i * \causetTileSize - 0.5 * \causetTileSize ) 

% Draws the spatial links between the events (only for \drawpcauset and 
% \drawrcauset).
	\foreach \causet@E@i/\causet@LocalStyle [count=\causet@i] in {#1}{%
		\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@E@i{int(\causet@E@i + \causet@Offset)}
		% \causet@Bound stores the lower bound to find spatially linked events.
		\foreach \causet@E@j/\causet@LocalStyle [count=\causet@j] in {#1}{%
				\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@E@j{int(\causet@E@j + \causet@Offset)}
						% Add spatial link and remember new lower bound:
						\draw[causets/.cd, every spatial link]
							(E\causet@E@j) -- (E\causet@E@i);

\newcommand*{\causets@drawEventLabel}[2][every label]{%
% Draws an event label.
\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@E@i{int(\causet@E@i + \causet@Offset)}
\node[causets/.cd, #1] (EL\causet@E@i)
	at (E\causet@E@i.\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/at}) {#2};

% Adds event labels to the events.
\foreach \causet@E@i/\causet@LocalStyle in {#1}{%
		\tikzcausetsset{set local style=\causet@LocalStyle}
			\causets@drawEventLabel[every replaced label]{\causet@EventLabel}

% Draws the links in full even if they cross over events.
\foreach \causet@From/\causet@To/\causet@LocalLinkStyle in {#2}{%
	\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@From{int(\causet@From + \causet@Offset)}
	\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@To{int(\causet@To + \causet@Offset)}
	\draw[causets/.cd, every link, set local style=\causet@LocalLinkStyle]
		(E\causet@From) -- (E\causet@To);

% Tests every link if it crosses over an unlinked event and breaks the link.
\foreach \causet@From/\causet@To/\causet@LocalLinkStyle in {#3}{%
	% In this function, \causet@u and \causet@v store the link distance in 
	% the u- and in the v-direction, respectively. Since these are coordinate 
	% differences, they are computed without adding the offset.
	\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@u{int(\causet@To) - int(\causet@From)}
	\foreach \causet@E@i/\causet@LocalStyle [count=\causet@i] in {#2}{%
			\pgfmathparse{int(\causet@i - \causet@v)}
	% Now add offset to events:
	\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@From{int(\causet@From + \causet@Offset)}
	\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@To{int(\causet@To + \causet@Offset)}
	% In this function, \causet@E@j stores the last breaking point and 
	% \causet@j the index of \causet@From.
	\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@E@j{int(\causet@From - 1)}
	\foreach \causet@E@i/\causet@LocalStyle [count=\causet@i] in {#2}{%
		\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@E@i{int(\causet@E@i + \causet@Offset)}
			% If the u-/v-coordinate ratio is the same, the event \causet@E@i falls 
			% along the link and the link needs to break. The ratios are compared 
			% via cross-multiplication, which is faster and does not cause 
			% rounding errors:
			\pgfmathequal{int((\causet@E@i - \causet@From) * \causet@v)}{int(\causet@u * (\causet@i - \causet@j)))}
					% Link is crossing over another event, so draw the link up to the 
					% (first) breaking point:
					\draw[causets/.cd, every link, {Link Start}-{Link Pause}, shorten >=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/broken link gap}, set local style=\causet@LocalLinkStyle]
						(E\causet@From) -- (E\causet@E@i);
					% Link is crossing over yet another event, so continue from last 
					% breaking point to next breaking point:
					\draw[causets/.cd, every link, {Link Resume}-{Link Pause}, shorten <=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/broken link gap}, shorten >=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/broken link gap}, set local style=\causet@LocalLinkStyle]
						(E\causet@E@j) -- (E\causet@E@i);
		% Link did cross over another event, so finish the link from last 
		% breaking point to final event:
		\draw[causets/.cd, every link, {Link Resume}-{Link End}, shorten <=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/causets/broken link gap}, set local style=\causet@LocalLinkStyle]
			(E\causet@E@j) -- (E\causet@To);
		% Link does not cross over another event, so just draw it:
		\draw[causets/.cd, every link, set local style=\causet@LocalLinkStyle]
			(E\causet@From) -- (E\causet@To);

% Draws a causet from a permutation.
	\begin{scope}[xshift=-\causet@N * \causetTileSize / 2, 
	              yshift=-\causet@N * \causetTileSize / 2]
			\foreach \causet@E@i/\causet@LocalStyle [count=\causet@i] in {#1}{%
				\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@E@i{int(\causet@E@i + \causet@Offset)}
				% \causet@Bound stores the upper bound to find linked events.
				\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@Bound{int(\causet@N + \causet@Start)}
				\foreach \causet@E@j/\causet@LocalStyle [count=\causet@j] in {#1}{%
						\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@E@j{int(\causet@E@j + \causet@Offset)}
								% Add link and remember new upper bound:
								\draw[causets/.cd, every link]
									(E\causet@E@i) -- (E\causet@E@j);

% Draws a causet from a permutation and a link-pair list.
	\begin{scope}[xshift=-\causet@N * \causetTileSize / 2, 
	              yshift=-\causet@N * \causetTileSize / 2]

% Draws a causet from a permutation and ignoring links given in the second 
% list argument (of link-pairs).
	\begin{scope}[xshift=-\causet@N * \causetTileSize / 2, 
	              yshift=-\causet@N * \causetTileSize / 2]
		% Add omitted links as spatial links:
			\foreach \causet@From/\causet@To/\causet@LocalLinkStyle in {#2}{%
					\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@From{int(\causet@From + \causet@Offset)}
					\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@To{int(\causet@To + \causet@Offset)}
					\draw[causets/.cd, every spatial link]
						(E\causet@From) -- (E\causet@To);
			\foreach \causet@E@i/\causet@LocalStyle [count=\causet@i] in {#1}{%
				\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@E@i{int(\causet@E@i + \causet@Offset)}
				% \causet@Bound stores the upper bound to find linked events.
				\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@Bound{int(\causet@N + \causet@Start)}
				\foreach \causet@E@j/\causet@LocalStyle [count=\causet@j] in {#1}{%
						\pgfmathsetmacro\causet@E@j{int(\causet@E@j + \causet@Offset)}
								% Check second list argument if the link has to be ignored:
								\foreach \causet@From/\causet@To/\causet@LocalLinkStyle in {#2}{%
									\pgfmathparse{and(int(\causet@From + \causet@Offset) == int(\causet@E@i), int(\causet@To + \causet@Offset) == int(\causet@E@j))}
									\relax% Skip link as it is included in the second argument.
									% Draw link as it is not included in the second argument:
									\draw[causets/.cd, every link]
										(E\causet@E@i) -- (E\causet@E@j);
								% Remember new upper bound:

% Inserts a TikZ picture with a causet, created from a permutation.
\begin{tikzpicture}[causets/.cd, every causet, #1]%

% Inserts a TikZ picture with a causet, created from a permutation and a 
% link-pair list.
\begin{tikzpicture}[causets/.cd, every causet, #1]%

% Inserts a TikZ picture with a causet, created from a permutation and a 
% link-pair list of links to remove.
\begin{tikzpicture}[causets/.cd, every causet, #1]%

%% Short-hand functions and external causets:








