%%% @TeX-font-metrics-file{
%%%    author              = "Alan Jeffrey and Lars Hellstr{\"o}m",
%%%    version             = "1.915",
%%%    date                = "20 November 2000",
%%%    time                = "17:01:00 CEST",
%%%    filename            = "mathex.mtx",
%%%    checksum            = "",
%%%    email               = "fontinst@cogs.susx.ac.uk",
%%%    codetable           = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%    keywords            = "encoding, math, TeX, PostScript",
%%%    supported           = "yes",
%%%    abstract            = "These are the extra glyphs needed for TeX 
%%%                           math fonts, used by the fontinst package.",
%%%    package             = "fontinst",
%%%    dependencies        = "fontinst.sty, fontdoc.sty",
%%% }


\title{The \texttt{fontinst} math symbol glyphs}
\author{Alan Jeffrey\and Lars Hellstr\"om}
\date{November 20, 2000}





This document describes the glyphs used by the \texttt{fontinst} 
package when generating math symbol fonts.


% Uses the fontinst package.


% \unfakable is a glyph which can't be faked.
      \glyphwarning{missing glyph `#1'}
An \textbf{Unfakable} is a glyph which can't be faked. An 
``\textbf{Unfakable `\#1'}\,'' is equivalent to

\resetcommand\unfakable#1{\Aheading{Unfakable `#1'}}

% \extensible and \vextensible define a number of extensible glyphs.
   \subsection{The `#1' extensible}%
   \setglyph{#1big} \glyph{#1}{1000} \endsetglyph
   \setglyph{#1Big} \glyph{#1big}{1000} \endsetglyph
   \setglyph{#1bigg} \glyph{#1Big}{1000} \endsetglyph
   \setglyph{#1Bigg} \glyph{#1bigg}{1000} \endsetglyph

   \subsection{The `#1' extensible}%
   \setglyph{#1big} \glyph{#1}{1000} \endsetglyph
   \setglyph{#1Big} \glyph{#1big}{1000} \endsetglyph
   \setglyph{#1bigg} \glyph{#1Big}{1000} \endsetglyph
   \setglyph{#1Bigg} \glyph{#1bigg}{1000} \endsetglyph

% \wideaccent defines a wide accent.
   \subsection{The `#1' wide accents}%
   \setglyph{#1wide} \glyph{#1}{1000} \endsetglyph
   \setglyph{#1wider} \glyph{#1wide}{1000} \endsetglyph
   \setglyph{#1widest} \glyph{#1wider}{1000} \endsetglyph

\comment{\textit{displayoperatorscale} is the difference in scale 
between a big and a display operator, exept for integrals, which have 
their own scale.}

   % Default taken from cmex10.

% \integral, \bigoperator and \biggoperator define operators.

   \subsection{The `#1' integrals}%
   \setglyph{#1text} \glyph{#1}{1000} \endsetglyph
   \setglyph{#1display} \glyph{#1text}{\int{integralscale}} \endsetglyph

   \subsection{The `#1' big operators}%
   \setglyph{#1text} \glyph{#1}{1000} \endsetglyph
   \setglyph{#1display} \glyph{#1text}{\int{displayoperatorscale}} \endsetglyph

   \subsection{The `#1' big operators}%

\section{Math extension glyphs}






















\subsection{Horizontal braces}




29 Dec 1993, v1.30: Created file.

3 Jan 1994, v1.301: Renamed some of the glyphs, added fakes for 
\texttt{arrowverttp} and friends.

8 Jan 1994, v1.304: Renamed \texttt{similareq} to \texttt{similarequal}.

9 Jan 1994, v1.305: Renamed some glyphs to use the same names as Lucida 
New Math.

16 October 2000, v\,1.915: Updated markup (made it a \LaTeXe\ 
document!). (LH)

20 November 2000, v\,1.915: Added test for whether the \texttt{product} 
glyph exists before setting the \textit{textoperatorsize}, using 
value corresponding to \texttt{cmex10} if it doesn't. Changed 
\verb|\wideaccent| to call the widest glyph \textellipsis\texttt{widest} 
instead of \textellipsis\texttt{widerr}. Changed glyph name 
\texttt{arrowdblvertex} to \texttt{arrowvertexdbl}. (LH) Reported by 
Alejandro L\'{o}pez-Valencia. 
