[](https://travis-ci.org/tsucchi/p5-Otogiri-Plugin) [](https://coveralls.io/r/tsucchi/p5-Otogiri-Plugin?branch=master) # NAME Otogiri::Plugin - make Otogiri to pluggable # SYNOPSIS use Otogiri; use Otogiri::Plugin; my $db = Otogiri->new( connect_info => ["dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", '', ''] ); Otogiri->load_plugin('UsefulPlugin'); $db->useful_method; #derived from UsefulPlugin # DESCRIPTION Otogiri::Plugin provides [Teng](https://metacpan.org/pod/Teng)-like plugin function to [Otogiri](https://metacpan.org/pod/Otogiri). # METHODS ## $class->load\_plugin($plugin\_name, $opt) Load plugin to Otogiri or subclass. This method is exported to Otogiri or it's subclass(not to Otogiri::Plugin namespace). By default, plugins are loaded from Otorigi::Plugin::$plugin\_name namespace. If '+' is specified before $plugin\_name, plugins are loaded specified package name. for example, Otogiri->load_plugin('UsefulPlugin'); # loads Otogiri::Plugin::UsefulPlugin Otogiri->load_plugin('+Some::Useful::Plugin'); # loads Some::Useful::Plugin You can use alias method name like this, Otogiri->load_plugin('UsefulPlugin', { alias => { very_useful_method_but_has_so_long_name => 'very_useful_method', } }); In this case, plugin provides `very_useful_method_but_has_so_long_name`, but you can access `very_useful_method` # HOW TO MAKE YOUR PLUGIN To make Otogiri plugin is very simple. If you have experience to make Teng plugin, you can write also Otogiri plugin because making Otogiri plugin is almost same as making Teng plugin. To make your plugin is only following two steps. ## 1. create package If you will ship your plugin to CPAN, recommended package namespace is `Otogiri::Plugin::`. Or If you want to use your project(application)'s namespace, it is enable. See `load_plugin()` section. package Otogiri::Plugin::NewPlugin; use strict; use warnings; 1; ## 2. add `@EXPORT` and implement method you want to provide as this plugin package Otogiri::Plugin::NewPlugin; use strict; use warnings; our @EXPORT = qw(useful_method); sub useful_method { #this method is exported to Otogiri as plugin my ($self, $param_href, $table_name) = @_; $self->_deflate_param($table_name, $param_href); # if you need to deflate ... my @rows = $rtn ? $self->_inflate_rows($table, @$rtn) : (); #if you need to inflate return @rows; } sub _private_method { my ($self, $param_href) = @_; # this method is not exported to Otogiri because it's not included in @EXPORT ... } 1; # LICENSE Copyright (C) Takuya Tsuchida. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Takuya Tsuchida <tsucchi@cpan.org>