# Ouroboros Perl XS macros re-exported as C functions. [](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/vickenty/ouroboros/branch/master) [](https://travis-ci.org/vickenty/ouroboros) ## Why * Write Perl extensions in any language that can produce and link shared libraries. * Generate native Perl subs at run-time using a just-in-time compiler. ## Contents * `libouroboros.c` * `libouroboros.h` - a library of wrappers around various XS macros. * `Ouroboros` - Perl package that exports pointers to libouroboros functions as well as many necessary constants needed to call them correctly (like values of `svtype` enumeration and flags). * `Ouroboros::Spec` - run-time information about Ouroboros API. * `Ouroboros::Library` - provides paths to C source of the wrapper library, which is bundled with the installation. * `libouroboros.txt` - main source file for the entire thing, lists all supported functions, their signatures, and constants. ## Requirements Perl 5.18.0 or later. A working C compiler. ## Building perl Makefile.PL make make install