README for INSPEC version 0.01, 31 Jan. 2001 CHANGES 01/31/2001: first release version 0.01 PREREQUISITES Perl 5.000 or later libwww-perl (LWP::Simple package). This package has some prerequisits and all of them are availible on CPAN. Text::ParseWords package Should come with Perl INSPEC service through AXIOM corp. visit to see if your institution has a subscription. Only works with BibTeX databases.. so far. INSTALLATION This module is written entirely in Perl. There's nothing to build, and installation should be as simple as perl Makefile.PL make make install To install this module by hand, simply copy and to the \perl\lib\INSPEC directory. You must make one small change to open with an editor and find the following line $INSPEC::Retriever::AXIOM_code = "ARKAN" ; # ... You must change "ARKAN" to the code for your institution. To find your insitutions code, visit and hit the Access Axiom -> Standard Service link. Look at the URL in your browser. At the U of A the URL looks like: . Your's will not contain ARKAN but some other code. Replace ARKAN with whatever your code is in the line above and save You are all set. USAGE This is a command line tool. To add a reference to your database you need to know three pieces of information: The CODEN or ISSN for the journal The volume number The starting page number A CODEN is designation assigned to a periodical title by the Chemical Abstracts Service. Each CODEN consists of four mnemonic letters and a fifth letter, A, B, C, or D. The sixth character, a check character, is alphabetic or numeric. To find the CODEN of the journal you are interested in you can check the journal or search for it through AXIOM. To add Physical Review Letters (CODEN=PRLTAO), Volume 83 Page 2989 to your bibtex file called mybib.bib. You would type the following getcite PRLTAO 83 2989 --b mybib.bib CONTACTING THE AUTHOR The best way to reach me is by email to <> You will find additional contact information at COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2001 Vincent LaBella. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. WARRANTY THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.