`WWW::Promotion' - WWW::Promotion is a Perl module that allow to submit
    your site to lot of search engines.

    WWW::Promotion is used to submit your site to lot of search engines. It
    is possible to download SPT5 interface for WWW::Promotion at Also on
    your may find huge database of search engines. WWW::Promotion is world
    wide standart form promoting websites.



     This function used to promote your website.


     # Required fields. If this fields not passed, module will not continue.
     $Promotion{'title'}       = "Super Page";
     $Promotion{'url'}         = "";
     $Promotion{'description'} = "Blah-Blah this page is";
     # In this feild you may use only internal categories of WWW::Promotion.
     # See &GetInternalPromotionCategories() procedure.
     $Promotion{'category'}    = "Other";

     # Not required fields. If this fields not passed, defaults will be used.
     # Default: $Promotion{'description'} with words separated by ", "
     $Promotion{'keywords'}    = "Blah-Blah, this, page, is";

     # Default: $Promotion{'description'} 
     $Promotion{'comments'}    = "Blah-Blah this page is";

     # Default "Mr."
     $Promotion{'nametitle'}   = "Mr.";

     # Default: "John"
     $Promotion{'firstname'}   = "John";

     # Default: "Doe"
     $Promotion{'lastname'}    = "Doe";

     # Default: "W."
     $Promotion{'middlename'}  = "W.";

     # Default: "$Promotion{'firstname'} $Promotion{'lastname'}"
     $Promotion{'contactname'} = "John Doe";

     # Default: Random generated email address with domain ""
     $Promotion{'email'}       = "blah-blah\";

     # Default: "123 Baltimor Street 5"
     $Promotion{'address'}     = "123 Baltimor Street 5";

     # Default: "Boston"
     $Promotion{'city'}        = "Boston";

     # Default: "MA"
     $Promotion{'state'}       = "MA";

     # Default: "United States of America"
     $Promotion{'country'}     = "United States of America";

     # Default: "US"
     $Promotion{'countrycode'} = "US";

     # Default: "46723"
     $Promotion{'zip'}         = "46723";

     # Default: "At Home"
     $Promotion{'company'}     = "At Home";

     # Default: Random generated phone.
     $Promotion{'phone'}       = "1-234-567-8911";

     # Default: Random generated fax.
     $Promotion{'fax'}         = "1-234-567-8911";

     # Default: Random generated string with six chars.
     $Promotion{'password'}    = "password";

     # Default: "English"
     $Promotion{'language'}    = "English";

     # WWW::Promotion will use this file to print what it doing.
     # Default: "/dev/null"
     $Setup{'logfile'} = "/dev/null";

     # Whitch proxy server module must use to connect to servers.
     # If not spicified that SP5 will connect direct.
     $Setup{'proxy'}  = "";

     # Does WWW::Promotion use fastmode ?
     # 1  - yes
     # 0  - no
     # p.s: FASTMODE PROMOTION [tm] may be done only via proxy server.
     #      If executed without $Setup{'proxy'} module will exit with error.
     # Default: 0
     $Setup{'fastmode'} = 1;

     # Timeout to connect to server.
     # Default: 10
     $Setup{'timeoutconnect'} = 10;

     # Timeout to wait answer from server.
     # Default: 60
     $Setup{'timeoutrequest'} = 60;

     # You may provide three directories that contains search engines.
     # See "Search engine database" part of this document for more info about.
     $Setup{'enginesdir1'} = "./ENGINES1";
     $Setup{'enginesdir2'} = "./ENGINES2";
     $Setup{'enginesdir3'} = "./ENGINES3";

     # Output handler. 
     # See "Output handler" part of this document for more info about.
     $Setup{'outputhandler'}  = \&OutputHandler;

     # Final action
     # Execute Promotion

     TRUE if error, then $out{'errortxt'} contains error description. 

Search Engine Database (SEDB)
     SEDB contains an information about search engines. WWW::Promotion will use 
 information to submit your URL.

     SEDB it is a directory which contains files. Each file contains
     an information about one search engine. Files has various names and may
     reside in different subdirectories inside SEDB. This files has the following 

     POST HTTP/1.0
     Content: thispage=3&catnum=&url=<***URL***>&navigate=&yourname=<***CONTACTNAME***>&email=<***EMAIL***>&name=<***TITLE***>&keys=<***KEYWORDS***>&desc=<***DESCRIPTION***>&confirm=&urlfail=&<***CATEGORY***>&catkeep=Submit+this+Site


     GET<***CONTACTNAME***>&txtURL=<***URL***>&txtEmail=<***EMAIL***>&submit1=Submit&xfrm=True&cs=AddRemoveURL&ac=AddRemoveURL&Action=Add HTTP/1.0

     The first line describes which method to use for submit. Also it
     contains the address where to post data. "HTTP/1.0" in this line unessential,
     WWW::Promotion will ignore it. This line is required, without it the module
     will log a bad file and process the next file. For method POST it is required 
     second line (Content:), which contains search engine cantent data. In method 
     GET content is placed in the first line through "?". In a case if the address 
     contains a relative address it is required third line (Host:), which describes 
     which address of server to use for connect.

     Also the file may contain unessential lines:

     Inform the module to use this referer. Advanced technology, the engines 
     "think" you are submitting from their form. 

     Inform the module which server to use for connect. It is required only when
     the first line contains a relative address on a server 
     (for example " GET / HTTP/1.0 ").

     Country: United States
     Country of the search engine. WWW::Promotion uses this info for OutputHandler.

     SEname: Magellan
     Name of the search engine. WWW::Promotion uses this info for OutputHandler.

     URL of the search engine. WWW::Promotion uses this info for  OutputHandler.

     Server: Netscape-Enterprise/2.01
     The software which is used in the search engine.
     WWW::Promotion uses this info for OutputHandler.

     Category: SEcat-Internet <***> Internet
     Category: SEcat-Business <***> Business
     Categories determined in the search engine. These lines may be more 
     than one. Format:
     Category: (a category of the search engine)<***>(an internal category of the module).
     The module will search for conformity of an internal category with a category 
     of a search engine. If you for example have defined an internal category "Other",
     the module will search for line "Category: SEcat <***> Other" and
     will use the category "SEcat" for submit. In a case if it does not find
     the appropriate category it will use first of determined.
     (Category:) it is required only when a content contains a key 
     <***CATEGORY***>. See below.

     The content contains keys which in process of submiting of your URL will be 
     replaced with the data, which you have entered. The following keys can be used 
     in the content:

     <***TITLE***>              -> Ttile of the page (Ex: Super Page)
     <***URL***>                -> URL of the page (Ex:
     <***URL-WITHOUT-HTTP***>   -> URL without http:// (Ex:
     <***DESCRIPTION***>        -> Description (Ex: Blah-Blah this page is)
     <***KEYWORDS***>           -> Keywords (Ex: test, test2, test3) 
     <***ONERANDOMKEYWORD***>   -> One random keyword. Keywords are separeted by 
                                   points. (Ex: test2)
     <***CONTACTNAME***>        -> Contact name (Ex: John Doe)
     <***NAMETITLE***>          -> Nametitle (Ex: Mr.)
     <***FIRSTNAME***>          -> Your first name (Ex: John)
     <***MIDDLENAME***>         -> Your middle name (Ex: W.)
     <***LASTNAME***>           -> Your last name (Ex: Doe)
     <***EMAIL***>              -> E-MAIL address (Ex:
     <***ADDRESS***>            -> Street address (Ex: 464 Ave Street Gold)
     <***CITY***>               -> City (Ex: Boston)
     <***STATE***>              -> State (Ex: MA)
     <***COUNTRY***>            -> Country (Ex: "United States of America")
     <***COUNTRYCODE***>        -> Country code (Ex: US)
     <***ZIP***>                -> ZIP code (Ex: 68738)
     <***COMPANY***>            -> Company name (Ex: IBM, Inc)
     <***PHONE***>              -> Phone (Ex: 1-234-233-2132) 
     <***FAX***>                -> Fax (Ex: 1-234-233-2132) 
     <***RANDOM:50-60:***>      -> Random number between 50 and 60.
     <***PASSWORD***>           -> Password (Ex: aaazzz)

     <***CATEGORY***>           -> Internal category (Ex: Other)
     <***COMMENTS***>           -> Comments (Ex: This page is)
     <***LANGUAGE***>           -> Language (Ex: English)

     If you want to create your own file which describe a search engine use your 
     liked text editor or PERL script NEWSE.cgi delivered with SPT5
     See "demo/SEDB-DEMO" directory for SEDB files examples.

&OutputHandler() Procedure
     It's procedure which will be called by the module for a conclusion of the data 
     about submit process. Procedure OutputHandler has the following format:

     sub OutputHandler {
        local (%data) = _;

     Hash %data will contains data from WWW::Promotion module. The module sends 
     3 types of the data:

     1. $data{'action'} eq "sendheader"

     WWW:: Promotion tell to you to send header of HTML page to the client browser.
     It's sent once by the module.

     2 $data{'action'} eq "sedata"

     WWW::Promotion tell you to send the information on the search engine, which 
     was processed.

     3 $data{'action'} eq "sendfooter"

     WWW::Promotion tell you to send footer of HTML page to the client browser.
     It is sent once by the module.

     When $data{'action'} it is equal "sedata" the hash %data contains also other 

     The name of the search engine. Defined if a file of search engine 
     contains a line (SEname:).

     The URL of the search engine. Defined if a file of search engine 
     contains a line (SEurl:).

     Contains filename of file in a SE database. It is always defined.

     $data {'Country'}
     The country of the search engine. Defined if a file of search engine 
     contains a line (Country:).

     TRUE if there was an error at submit process, $data {'errortxt'} contains the 
     text of the error.

     $data {'Server'}
     The software which is used in the search engine.
     Defined if a file of search engine contains a line (Server:).

    Copyright (c) 1999-2001 TAPOR, Inc. All rights reserved. This program is
    free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
    terms as Perl itself.