# NAME Net::Amazon::DynamoDB::Lite - DynamoDB Client # SYNOPSIS use Net::Amazon::DynamoDB::Lite; my $dynamo = Amazon::DynamoDB::Lite->new( region => 'ap-northeast-1', access_key => 'XXXXX', secret_key => 'YYYYY', ); my $tables = $dynamo->list_tables; # DESCRIPTION Net::Amazon::DynamoDB::Lite is simple DynamoDB Client. It is really simple, fast, easy to use of the DynamoDB service. THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT RELEASE. API MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. # METHODS ## list\_tables Returns an arrayref of table names associated with the current account and endpoint. - Request Data { "ExclusiveStartTableName" => "string", "Limit" => "number" } - SEE [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API\_ListTables.html](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API_ListTables.html) ## put\_item Creates a new item, or replaces an old item with a new item. - Request Data { "ConditionExpression" => "string", "ConditionalOperator" => "string", "Expected" => { "string" => { "AttributeValueList": [ { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } ], "ComparisonOperator" => "string", "Exists" => "boolean", "Value" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } } }, "ExpressionAttributeNames" => { "string" => "string" }, "ExpressionAttributeValues" => { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } }, "Item" => { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } }, "ReturnConsumedCapacity" => "string", "ReturnItemCollectionMetrics" => "string", "ReturnValues" => "string", "TableName" => "string" } - SEE [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API\_PutItem.html](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API_PutItem.html) ## get\_item Returns a set of attributes for the item with the given primary key. - Request Data { "AttributesToGet" => [ "string" ], "ConsistentRead" => "boolean", "ExpressionAttributeNames" => { "string" => "string" }, "Key" => { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } }, "ProjectionExpression" => "string", "ReturnConsumedCapacity" => "string", "TableName" => "string" } - SEE [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API\_GetItem.html](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API_GetItem.html) ## update\_item Edits an existing items attributes, or adds a new item to the table if it does not already exist. - Request Data { "AttributeUpdates" => { "string" => { "Action" => "string", "Value" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } } }, "ConditionExpression" => "string", "ConditionalOperator" => "string", "Expected" => { "string" => { "AttributeValueList" => [ { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } ], "ComparisonOperator" => "string", "Exists" => "boolean", "Value" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } } }, "ExpressionAttributeNames" => { "string" => "string" }, "ExpressionAttributeValues" => { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } }, "Key" => { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } }, "ReturnConsumedCapacity" => "string", "ReturnItemCollectionMetrics" => "string", "ReturnValues" => "string", "TableName" => "string", "UpdateExpression" => "string" } - SEE [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API\_UpdateItem.html](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API_UpdateItem.html) ## delete\_item Deletes a single item in a table by primary key. - Request Data { "ConditionExpression" => "string", "ConditionalOperator" => "string", "Expected" => { "string" => { "AttributeValueList" => [ { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } ], "ComparisonOperator" => "string", "Exists" => "boolean", "Value" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } } }, "ExpressionAttributeNames" => { "string" => "string" }, "ExpressionAttributeValues" => { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } }, "Key" => { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } }, "ReturnConsumedCapacity" => "string", "ReturnItemCollectionMetrics" => "string", "ReturnValues" => "string", "TableName" => "string" } - SEE [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API\_DeleteItem.html](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API_DeleteItem.html) ## create\_table Adds a new table to your account. - Request Data { "AttributeDefinitions" => [ { "AttributeName" => "string", "AttributeType" => "string", } ], "GlobalSecondaryIndexes" => [ { "IndexName" => "string", "KeySchema" => [ { "AttributeName" => "string", "KeyType" => "string" } ], "Projection" => { "NonKeyAttributes" => [ "string" ], "ProjectionType" => "string" }, "ProvisionedThroughput" => { "ReadCapacityUnits" => "number", "WriteCapacityUnits" => "number" } } ], "KeySchema" => [ { "AttributeName" => "string", "KeyType" => "string" } ], "LocalSecondaryIndexes" => [ { "IndexName" => "string", "KeySchema" => [ { "AttributeName" => "string", "KeyType" => "string" } ], "Projection" => { "NonKeyAttributes" => [ "string" ], "ProjectionType" => "string" } } ], "ProvisionedThroughput" => { "ReadCapacityUnits" => "number", "WriteCapacityUnits" => "number" }, "TableName" => "string" } - SEE [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API\_CreateTable.html](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API_CreateTable.html) ## delete\_table Deletes a table and all of its items. - Request Data { "TableName" => "string" } - SEE [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API\_DeleteTable.html](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API_DeleteTable.html) ## describe\_table Returns a information abount the table, including the current status of the table. - Request Data { "TableName" => "string" } - SEE [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API\_DescribeTable.html](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API_DescribeTable.html) ## update\_table Updates the provisioned throughput for the given table, or manages the global secondary indexes on the table. - Request Data { "AttributeDefinitions" => [ { "AttributeName" => "string", "AttributeType" => "string" } ], "GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates" => [ { "Create" => { "IndexName" => "string", "KeySchema" => [ { "AttributeName" => "string", "KeyType" => "string" } ], "Projection" => { "NonKeyAttributes" => [ "string" ], "ProjectionType" => "string" }, "ProvisionedThroughput" => { "ReadCapacityUnits" => "number", "WriteCapacityUnits" => "number" } }, "Delete" => { "IndexName" => "string" }, "Update" => { "IndexName" => "string", "ProvisionedThroughput" => { "ReadCapacityUnits" => "number", "WriteCapacityUnits" => "number" } } } ], "ProvisionedThroughput" => { "ReadCapacityUnits" => "number", "WriteCapacityUnits" => "number" }, "TableName" => "string" } - SEE [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API\_UpdateTable.html](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API_UpdateTable.html) ## query Uses the primary key of a table or a secondary index to directly access items from that table or index. - Request Data { "AttributesToGet" => [ "string" ], "ConditionalOperator" => "string", "ConsistentRead" => "boolean", "ExclusiveStartKey" => { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } }, "ExpressionAttributeNames" => { "string" => "string" }, "ExpressionAttributeValues" => { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } }, "FilterExpression" => "string", "IndexName" => "string", "KeyConditionExpression" => "string", "KeyConditions" => { "string" => { "AttributeValueList" => [ { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } ], "ComparisonOperator" => "string" } }, "Limit" => "number", "ProjectionExpression" => "string", "QueryFilter" => { "string" => { "AttributeValueList" => [ { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } ], "ComparisonOperator" => "string" } }, "ReturnConsumedCapacity" => "string", "ScanIndexForward" => "boolean", "Select" => "string", "TableName" => "string" } - SEE [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API\_Query.html](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API_Query.html) ## scan Returns one or more items and item attributes by accessing every item in a table or a secondary index. - Request Data { "AttributesToGet" => [ "string" ], "ConditionalOperator" => "string", "ExclusiveStartKey" => { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } }, "ExpressionAttributeNames" => { "string" => "string" }, "ExpressionAttributeValues" => { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } }, "FilterExpression" => "string", "IndexName" => "string", "Limit" => "number", "ProjectionExpression" => "string", "ReturnConsumedCapacity" => "string", "ScanFilter" => { "string" => { "AttributeValueList" => [ { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } ], "ComparisonOperator" => "string" } }, "Segment" => "number", "Select" => "string", "TableName" => "string", "TotalSegments" => "number" } - SEE [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API\_Scan.html](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API_Scan.html) ## batch\_get\_item Returns the attributes of one or more items from one or more tables. - Requset Data { "RequestItems" => { "string" => { "AttributesToGet" => [ "string" ], "ConsistentRead" => "boolean", "ExpressionAttributeNames" => { "string" => "string" }, "Keys" => [ { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } } ], "ProjectionExpression" => "string" } }, "ReturnConsumedCapacity" => "string" } - SEE [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API\_BatchGetItem.html](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API_BatchGetItem.html) ## batch\_write\_item Puts or Deletes multiple items in one or more tables. - Request Data { "RequestItems" => { "string" => [ { "DeleteRequest" => { "Key" => { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue } "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } } }, "PutRequest" => { "Item" => { "string" => { "B" => "blob", "BOOL" => "boolean", "BS" => [ "blob" ], "L" => [ AttributeValue ], "M" => { "string" => AttributeValue }, "N" => "string", "NS" => [ "string" ], "NULL" => "boolean", "S" => "string", "SS" => [ "string" ] } } } } ] }, "ReturnConsumedCapacity" => "string", "ReturnItemCollectionMetrics" => "string" } - SEE [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API\_BatchWriteItem.html](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference//API_BatchWriteItem.html) # CONTRIBUTORS kablamo # LICENSE Copyright (C) Kazuhiro Shibuya. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Kazuhiro Shibuya <stevenlabs at gmail.com>