ShiftJIS::CP932::MapUTF version 1.03


ShiftJIS::CP932::MapUTF - transcode between Microsoft CP932 and Unicode


    use ShiftJIS::CP932::MapUTF;

    $utf8_string  = cp932_to_utf8($cp932_string);
    $cp932_string = utf8_to_cp932($utf8_string);


This module provides the following functions:

    cp932_to_utf8()    converts CP932 to UTF-8.
    cp932_to_utf16le() converts CP932 to UTF-16LE (little endian).
    cp932_to_utf16be() converts CP932 to UTF-16BE (big endian).
    cp932_to_utf32le() converts CP932 to UTF-32LE (little endian).
    cp932_to_utf32be() converts CP932 to UTF-32BE (big endian).

    utf8_to_cp932()    converts UTF-8    to CP932.
    utf16le_to_cp932() converts UTF-16LE to CP932.
    utf16be_to_cp932() converts UTF-16BE to CP932.
    utf32le_to_cp932() converts UTF-32LE to CP932.
    utf32be_to_cp932() converts UTF-32BE to CP932.

    utf16_to_cp932()   converts UTF-16   to CP932.
    utf32_to_cp932()   converts UTF-32   to CP932.

In addition, the XSUB edition supports the following functions
(REQUIRES Perl 5.6.1 or later).

    cp932_to_unicode() converts CP932 to Unicode [*].
    unicode_to_cp932() converts Unicode [*] to CP932.

    [*] .. Perl's internal format. see perlunicode.pod in Perl 5.6.1 or later.


XSUB edition:   Perl 5.6.1 or later

Non-XS edition: Perl 5.003 or later
               (Perl 5.005 or later Recommended)


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

If Perl 5.6.1 or later, XSUB will be installed.
If you don't have a C compiler, try to install pure Perl as below.

If Perl 5.6.0 or before, XSUB will be automatically disabled
and pure Perl will be installed.

If you have a C compiler and want to use XSUB edition,
type the following (!! "enableXS" must run before "Makefile.PL" !!):

   perl enableXS
   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

If you decide to install pure Perl (i.e. non-XS) edition after trying
to build XSUB, type the following:

   make clean
   perl disableXS
   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


(1) The file MapUTF.pmN is required to build XSUB.
    Don't delete it before the install completes.

(2) Pure Perl edition, MapUTF.pmN, may work without any other file
    in this distribution (it must be renamed, though)
  * Tests (in t/*.t files) require MapUTF/, too.


SADAHIRO Tomoyuki <>

Copyright(C) 2001-2007, SADAHIRO Tomoyuki. Japan. All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.