Lingua::DetectCyrillic. The package detects 7 Cyrillic codings as
well as the language - Russian or Ukrainian. Uses embedded frequency dictionaries;
usually one word is enough for correct detection.


First, install packages Unicode::Map8 and Unicode::String required by the package
(available at

Then install as usual:

perl Makefile.PL
	- or -
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/mydirectory LIB=/home/mydirectory

make test
make install

On win32 platform use Microsoft nmake.exe instead of make (can be downloaded
from Microsoft site).


  use Lingua::DetectCyrillic;
   -or (if you need translation functions) -
  use Lingua::DetectCyrillic qw ( &TranslateCyr &toLowerCyr &toUpperCyr );

  # New class Lingua::DetectCyrillic. By default, not more than 100 Cyrillic
  # tokens (words) will be analyzed; Ukrainian is not detected.
  $CyrDetector = Lingua::DetectCyrillic ->new();

  # The same but: analyze at least 200 tokens, detect both Russian and
  # Ukrainian.
  $CyrDetector = Lingua::DetectCyrillic ->new( MaxTokens => 200, DetectAllLang => 1 );

  # Detect coding and language
  my ($Coding,$Language,$CharsProcessed,$Algorithm)= $CyrDetector -> Detect( @Data );

  # Write report
  $CyrDetector -> LogWrite(); #write to STDOUT
  $CyrDetector -> LogWrite('report.log'); #write to file

  # Translating to Lower case assuming the source coding is windows-1251
  $s=toLowerCyr($String, 'win');
  # Translating to Upper case assuming the source coding is windows-1251
  $s=toUpperCyr($String, 'win');
  # Converting from one coding to another
  # Acceptable coding definitions are win, koi, koi8u, mac, iso, dos, utf
  $s=TranslateCyr('win', 'koi',$String);