[](https://github.com/plainbanana/Redis-Cluster-Fast/actions) [](https://metacpan.org/release/Redis-Cluster-Fast) # NAME Redis::Cluster::Fast - A fast perl binding for Redis Cluster # SYNOPSIS use Redis::Cluster::Fast; my $redis = Redis::Cluster::Fast->new( startup_nodes => [ 'localhost:9000', 'localhost:9001', 'localhost:9002', 'localhost:9003', 'localhost:9004', 'localhost:9005', ], connect_timeout => 0.05, command_timeout => 0.05, max_retry_count => 10, ); $redis->set('test', 123); # '123' my $str = $redis->get('test'); $redis->mset('{my}foo', 'hoge', '{my}bar', 'fuga'); # get as array-ref my $array_ref = $redis->mget('{my}foo', '{my}bar'); # get as array my @array = $redis->mget('{my}foo', '{my}bar'); $redis->hset('mymap', 'field1', 'Hello'); $redis->hset('mymap', 'field2', 'ByeBye'); # get as hash-ref my $hash_ref = { $redis->hgetall('mymap') }; # get as hash my %hash = $redis->hgetall('mymap'); # DESCRIPTION Redis::Cluster::Fast is like [Redis::Fast](https://github.com/shogo82148/Redis-Fast) but support Redis Cluster by [hiredis-cluster](https://github.com/Nordix/hiredis-cluster). To build and use this module you need libevent-dev >= 2.x is installed on your system. Recommend Redis 6 or higher. Since Redis 6, it supports new version of Redis serialization protocol, [RESP3](https://github.com/antirez/RESP3/blob/master/spec.md). This client start to connect using RESP2 and currently it has no option to upgrade all connections to RESP3. ## MICROBENCHMARK Simple microbenchmark comparing PP and XS. The benchmark script used can be found under examples directory. Redis::Cluster::Fast is 0.084 Redis::ClusterRider is 0.26 ### mset ### Rate Redis::ClusterRider Redis::Cluster::Fast Redis::ClusterRider 13245/s -- -34% Redis::Cluster::Fast 20080/s 52% -- ### mget ### Rate Redis::ClusterRider Redis::Cluster::Fast Redis::ClusterRider 14641/s -- -40% Redis::Cluster::Fast 24510/s 67% -- ### incr ### Rate Redis::ClusterRider Redis::Cluster::Fast Redis::ClusterRider 18367/s -- -44% Redis::Cluster::Fast 32879/s 79% -- ### new and ping ### Rate Redis::ClusterRider Redis::Cluster::Fast Redis::ClusterRider 146/s -- -96% Redis::Cluster::Fast 3941/s 2598% -- # METHODS ## new(%args) Following arguments are available. ### startup\_nodes Specifies the list of Redis Cluster nodes. ### connect\_timeout A fractional seconds. (default: 1.0) Connection timeout to connect to a Redis node. ### command\_timeout A fractional seconds. (default: 1.0) Specifies the timeout value for each read/write event to execute a Redis Command. ### max\_retry\_count A integer value. (default: 5) The client will retry calling the Redis Command only if it successfully get one of the following error responses. MOVED, ASK, TRYAGAIN, CLUSTERDOWN. `max_retry_count` is the maximum number of retries and must be 1 or above. ## <command>(@args) To run a Redis command with arguments. The command can also be expressed by concatenating the subcommands with underscores. e.g. cluster_info It does not support (Sharded) Pub/Sub family of commands and should not be run. # LICENSE Copyright (C) plainbanana. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR plainbanana <plainbanana@mustardon.tokyo> # SEE ALSO - [Redis::ClusterRider](https://github.com/iph0/Redis-ClusterRider) - [Redis::Fast](https://github.com/shogo82148/Redis-Fast)