#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Publish code on the WWW in a reasonably attractive format. # # Copyright (c) Patrick W. Bryant, 1998. GPL. # # <pbryant@gsu.edu> # ####### History ################################# # # 12-14-1998 v0.3 First public release # 12-15-1998 v0.4 Corrected pod stuff (whoops!) # 12-16-1998 v0.41 Fixed "noecho" bug # 1-25-1999 v0.5 Added configuration file ################################################# ############ Begin config section ############### ## Change this to Your path delimiter: my $pd = "/"; ## Change this to where you want output to go by default. Users must ## have write access to this dir! my $DEFAULT_DIRECTORY = "/usr/local/apache/share/htdocs/source/"; ############# End config section ############### my $VERSION = 0.5; my $gpl_main; my $gpl_this; $gpl_this = qq( sourceit v$VERSION: a Perl script for publishing code examples on the WWW. It processes any text file (or STDIN) and outputs HTML to a local file, a file on a remote server, or STDOUT. Copyright 1998 Patrick W. Bryant for Georgia State University College of Arts & Sciences Internet Technology Services. ); $gpl_main = qq( This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See <a href="http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html">the GNU General Public license for more details</a>; write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA for more information or to obtain a copy. ); sub copy() {print "$gpl_this $gpl_main"; exit; } sub help() { use Pod::Usage; pod2usage(VERBOSE=>1); } use IO::File; use Net::FTP; use IO::Handle; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns); my $ifh = new IO::File; my $ofh = new IO::File; my $netfh; my $ftp; my $gpl; my $info; my $hm = "Use $0 -h for details\n"; my $userid; my $pass; my $server; my $path; my $wrap; my $ifile; my $ofile; my $link; my $nowrap; my $nonum; my $sout; my $sin; my $bgcolor; my $headcolor; my $headtextcolor; my $tablecolor; my $textcolor; my $tablewidth; my $noname; my $config; my $rc; my %prefs; my $proc = GetOptions('o|out' => \$sout, 'i|in' => \$sin, 'p|path=s' => \$path, 'f|file=s' => \$ofile, 'l|link=s' => \$link, 'w|wrap=s' => \$wrap, 'n|nowrap' => \$nowrap, 'c|cols=i' => \$columns, 'nonum' => \$nonum, 'noname' => \$noname, 'bgcolor=s' => \$bgcolor, 'tablecolor=s' => \$tablecolor, 'headcolor=s' => \$headcolor, 'headtextcolor=s' => \$headtextcolor, 'textcolor=s' => \$textcolor, 'tablewidth=i' => \$tablewidth, 'config=s' => \$config, 'copy' => \©, 'g|gpl' => \$gpl, 'info=s' => \$info, 'h|help' => \&help); if (!$proc) { use Pod::Usage; pod2usage(VERBOSE=>0); } if ($config) { $rc=$config; }else{$rc = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.sourceitrc"} if (-e $rc) { open RC, "<$rc"; ## p. 299, Perl Cookbook while (<RC>) { chomp; s/#.*//; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; next unless length; my ($var, $value) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $_, 2); $prefs{$var} = $value; } ########################################### } if (!$path){$path = $prefs{"path"}} if (!$path){$path = $DEFAULT_DIRECTORY} $path =~ s/$pd$//; ## Strip trailing path delim so we can add it back later if ($path =~ /\@/) { use Term::ReadKey; my @tmp = split(/[\@,:]/, $path); $userid = $tmp[0]; $server = $tmp[1]; $path = $tmp[2]; ReadMode(2); print "Password: "; chomp($pass = ReadLine 0); print "\n"; ReadMode(0); } ### Set defaults from rcfile or command line. (cl takes precedence) if (!$wrap){$wrap = $prefs{"wrap"}} if (!$wrap){$wrap = "WRAP->"} if (!$columns){$columns = $prefs{"columns"}} if (!$columns){$columns = 80} if (!$bgcolor){$bgcolor = $prefs{"bgcolor"}} if (!$bgcolor){$bgcolor = "#6666bb"} if (!$tablecolor){$tablecolor = $prefs{"tablecolor"}} if (!$tablecolor){$tablecolor = "white"} if (!$headcolor){$headcolor = $prefs{"headcolor"}}; if (!$headcolor){$headcolor = "beige"} if (!$headtextcolor){$headtextcolor = $prefs{"headtextcolor"}}; if (!$headtextcolor){$headtextcolor = "navy"} if (!$textcolor){$textcolor = $prefs{"textcolor"}} if (!$textcolor){$textcolor = "black"} if (!$tablewidth){$tablewidth = $prefs{"tablewidth"}} if (!$tablewidth){$tablewidth = "560"} ################## Setup ifile and ofile ############################# if (!$sin) { $ifile = $ARGV[0] || die "Error: I need some input to process!\n"; my @path = split("$pd", $ifile); if (!$ofile){$ofile = $ARGV[1] || $path[-1]} } elsif ((!$ofile)&&(!$sout)) { $ofile = $ARGV[0] || die "Must provide a filename to write in STDIN mode.\n$hm"; $noname="TRUE"; } ################# Build the Head and Tail strings ########################## my $head; $head .= "<html>\n <head>\n<title>"; if (!$noname){$head .= "Source of $ifile"} $head .= qq( </title> </head> <body bgcolor="$bgcolor" text="$textcolor"> <center> <table width=$tablewidth border=2 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="$tablecolor" cellpadding=5> <tr><td bgcolor="$headcolor"><blockquote><font color="$headtextcolor"> ); if ($info) { open INFO, $info; while (<INFO>){($head .= $_) =~ s/\n{2,}/<p>/g;} close INFO; } if ($gpl) { ($head .= "<p>" . $gpl_main) =~ s/\n{2,}/<p>/g; } if (($gpl)||($info)){$head .= "<hr>\n"} if (!$noname) { $head .= "<p>Source of "; my @tmp = split $pd, $ifile; if ($link){$head .= "<a href=\"$link\">$tmp[-1]</a>"} else {$head .= $tmp[-1]} } $head .= "</font></blockquote></td></tr><td><xmp>\n"; my $tail = "</xmp>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</center>\n</body>\n</html>\n"; ##################################################################### # If we're in STDIN mode, create a filehandle to pass to "process," # otherwise, open the input file and pass its filehandle ###################################################################### if ($sin) { my $fh = new IO::Handle; process($fh->fdopen(fileno(STDIN),"r")); } else { if (-T $ifile){ $ifh->open("< $ifile"); process($ifh); } else {print "$ifile ain't no text file!\n"; exit} } sub process() { my $of; my $input = $_[0]; if (!$sout) { if ($userid) { $ftp = Net::FTP->new($server); $ftp->login($userid,$pass) || die "Login Failed\n"; $ftp->pasv(); $of = ".tmp.$ofile"; if ($path) { $ftp->mkdir($path, 1)||die "Can't make $path on $server\n"; $ftp->cwd($path)|| die "I Can't get into $path on $server\n"; } } else {$of = $path .$pd . $ofile . ".html"} $ofh->open("> $of")||die "Can't open $of for some reason.\n"; select $ofh; } print $head; my $num = " "; while (<$input>){ s/<\/xmp>/<!\/xmp>/gi; if (!$nonum){$num = $. . " "x(7- length $.)} if ((length $_ > ($columns - 3))&&(!$nowrap)) { print wrap("$num", "-$wrap "." "x(9- length $wrap),"$_"); } else { print "$num$_"; } } print $tail; if (!$sin){$ifh->close}; if (!$sout){$ofh->close} if ($ftp) { $ftp->put($of, $ofile.".html"); unlink $of; $ftp->close; } } __END__ =pod =head1 NAME sourceit - a script for publishing source code examples on the Web. =head1 DESCRIPTION B<sourceit> builds a (more or less) attractive Web page around your source code. By default, it provides line numbers for the source code and a I<beautiful> color scheme for the page. You can change all that if you want. It can also publish your page on a remote server if you need it to. =head1 AUTHOR Patrick W. Bryant C<pbryant@gsu.edu> =head1 PREREQUISITES You gotta have a lot of modules if you wanna use this script: C<strict>, C<Net::FTP>, C<IO::File>, C<Getopt::Long>, C<Term::Readkey>, C<Pod::Usage>, and C<Text::Wrap>. If you don't have them, you need them anyway. Having lots of modules is good for the soul. =head1 README Before you use this script, edit the "config section" at the beginning of the file to reflect your path delimiter and default publication directory. =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES CPAN/Misc. WWW/Tools =head1 SYNOPSIS =over 2 =item B<sourceit> [options] inputfile creates inputfile.html from source of inputfile =item B<sourceit> [options] inputfile outputfile creates outputfile.html from source of inputfile =item B<sourceit> [options] -i|--in outputfile creates B<outputfile.html> from B<STDIN> =item B<sourceit> [options] -o|--out inputfile writes HTML to STDOUT from inputfile =item B<sourceit> [options] -i|--in -o|--out] writes HTML to STDOUT from STDIN =head1 OPTIONS =over 2 =item B<--bgcolor> color Use "color" for background color instead of default (#6666bb). *All colors are HTML syle, i.e., either plaintext (e.g., blue) or rgb (e.g., #0000ff). =item B<--cols, -c> cols Wrap text at "cols" instead of default (80). =item B<--copy> print copyright stuff (GPL) and exit =item B<--file, -f> filename Write output to "filename" instead of default (inputfile.html). This option is redundant. It's better to specify an alternate outputfile as the second argument after options (see above). =item B<--gpl, -g> Print the GNU Public License (along with a link to FSF) in the header cell. Use with C<--info> to add stuff specific to your code to the GPL. =item B<--headcolor> color Use "color" for the background color of the header cell instead of the default (beige). *All colors are HTML syle, i.e., either plaintext (e.g., blue) or rgb (e.g., #0000ff). =item B<--headtextcolor> color Use "color" for the text color of the header cell instead of the default (navy). *All colors are HTML syle, i.e., either plaintext (e.g., blue) or rgb (e.g., #0000ff). =item B<--help, -h> Show this message =item B<--info> filename Insert contents of "filename" in header cell before any other text. =item B<--link> URL Create a download link to the actual source file at "URL". =item B<--noname> Don't print the filename in the header. =item B<--nonum> Don't number the lines of the source. =item B<--path, -p> dirname | userid@server:path Either save output in local "dirname," OR login to "server" as "userid" and upload output to "path" (prompts for password). =item B<--tablecolor> color Use "color" for the background color of the main table instead of the default (white). *All colors are HTML syle, i.e., either plaintext (e.g., blue) or rgb (e.g., #0000ff). =item B<--tablewidth> width Use "width" (in pixels) for content table instead of default (560). =item B<--textcolor> color Use "color" for text in the main table instead of the default (black). *All colors are HTML syle, i.e., either plaintext (e.g., blue) or rgb (e.g., #0000ff). =item B<--wrap> string Use "string" to indicate wrapped lines instead of default ("-WRAP-"). =item B<--config> filename Use "filename" for configuration parameters instead of default ($HOME/.sourceitrc). See I<configuration files> below. =head1 CONFIGURATION FILES As of v0.5, sourceit supports simple configuration files to affect all color parameters plus the "wrap" string, "cols" argument, and "path" for publishing web pages (note that, while the "path" spec in a config file can specify a remote server, it cannot contain username and password). The syntax is trivially simple: =item B<parameter = value> where "parameter" is one of the command-line argument words (not a single character) and "value" is the value you want. To set the background color to black, for example, you could use =item B<bgcolor = black> =head1 *** One parameter per line, white space is ignored, comment character is "#". Command-line parameters override those in the config file. The config file is I<$HOME/.sourceitrc> by default, but can be changed with the --config switch. =cut