csswatcher [](https://travis-ci.org/osv/csswatcher) ======= Generate completion suitable for [ac-html](https://github.com/cheunghy/ac-html), [company-web](https://github.com/osv/company-web) Used by [ac-html-csswatcher](https://github.com/osv/ac-html-csswatcher) project to provide emacs CSS, LESS class names completion. ## Installing Using cpan: ``` sudo cpan i CSS::Watcher ``` Using cpanminus from source: ```shell git clone https://github.com/osv/csswatcher.git cd csswatcher curl -L https://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus sudo cpanm -v -i . ``` or: ``` perl Makefile.PL make make test sudo make install ``` More info after installation. ```shell man csswatcher ``` ## File .csswatcher May be used like .projectile or .git for setting project home directory and setup ignored files: ```shell % cat .csswatcher # ignore minified css files "min.css" ignore: min\.css$ # ignore bootstrap css files ignore: bootstrap.*css$ # skip recursive scanning node_modules, it may be slow! skip: node_modules ``` Another example: ```shell % cat .csswatcher # ignore all css except app.css ignore: \.css$ use: app\.css # and skip recursive scanning node_modules, it may be slow! skip: node_modules ``` See also https://github.com/osv/ac-html-csswatcher