NAME ngstatistics - Generates statistics from a local news spool SYNOPSIS ngstatistics [*options*] *newsgroup* DESCRIPTION NGStatistics is an advanced newsgroup statistics program. With the help of the *News::Scan* module, NGStatistics scans the articles in the newsgroup of your choice and prints various statistics from them. You could look at these statistics for your own amusement, or you post them to a newsgroup. OPTIONS Debugging/Help Options --usage, --help, -?, -h Prints a short usage message, then exits. --verbose, -v Enables a few helpful debugging messages. Might also be useful for submitting bug reports. This facility is turned off by default. --no-post, -np This option specifies whether the file should be posted to the newgroup that's being scanned. If this option is not specified, then the default option will be used. The default option posts the message to the newsgroup. --emailstat, -e Email to statistics file to someone. This option is turned off by default. --emailaddress, -ea This is the 'from' Email address that will be used if the statistics are to be emailed. This option is only used if the '--emailstat' option is chosen The default from address is 'root@localhost' --emailname, -en This is the 'from' Email name that will be used in conjuction with the 'from' Email address. This option is only used if the '--emailstat' option is chosen The default from name is 'Root' --emailtoadd, -eta This is the 'to' Email address that will be used if the statistics are to be emailed. This option is only used if the '--emailstat' option is chosen The default to address is 'root@localhost' --emailtoname, -et This is the 'to' Email name that will be used if the statistics are to be emailed. This option is only used if the '--emailstat' option is chosen The default to name is 'Root' --confirm, -c This option when set will ask for confirmation before posting the message to the newsgroup. This setting has no effect if the '--no-post' option is set. The default is that the message is posted to the group. Scan Options --days Sets the number of days in the past NGStatistics should scan. The default is one week (i.e. 7 days). See the section on "NOTES". --ranklarge, -l Sets the number of items printed in the 'major' categories. Both of the 'Posters' and 'Threads' categories are considered major. The default is 25. --ranksmall, -s Sets the number of items printed in the 'minor' categories. Both of the 'Original Content Ratings' categories and the crossposting category are considered minor. The default is 10. Formatting Options --width, -w Sets the width of the printed lines in columns. The default is 72 and should be acceptable for most purposes. --headstrip, -H This option enables the use of the "headstrip" routine. This routine attempts to remove the email address from poster names before printing out results. If you do not want this, or if your *Mail::Address* module is buggy, then set this option to off The default is on. Input Options --spool-base, -s Sets the base directory of your local news spool. This specifies the root of your spool, not the exact directory where articles are stored. The default is: */var/spool/news* --dotted, -d Replace '.' with '/' in newsgroup names. This only applies when using the --spool-base option. The default is to do the replacement. Output Options --output-file, -of Specifies a single file to store statistics in. The default is set to *output-file* ENVIRONMENT NGStatistics reads the contents of the environmental variable "NGSTATS" on startup. If you want to set default options for this program, put them here. They will be read as if they were normal command line options. Default variables can also be set by editing this script at the start. NGStatistics also makes use of the "HOME" variable to determine where to place output files in the event that the --output-file option was specified. EXAMPLES Scan 'rec.arts.drwho' from seven days ago until now, getting articles from "/var/spool/news", putting the output file into "/News/STATS": ngstatistics --group rec.arts.drwho -of=/News/STATS Scan 'rec.arts.drwho' from seven days ago until now, getting articles from "/var/spool/news", putting the output file into "/News/STATS", do not post them, but email them to '' from '', where both the email to and from names are 'Toto'. Also use the verbose and confirm options: ngstatistics --group rec.arts.drwho -of=/News/STATS -np -e -en Toto -emailaddress -eta -et Toto -v -c Scan three days of 'alt.sysadmin.recovery', getting articles from "/tmp/asr" and putting output into "/tmp/asr-stats.txt": ngstatistics --spool-base=/tmp/asr -of=/tmp/asr-stats.txt --group alt.sysadmin.recovery Scan the top 50's for '' with default options: ngstatistics -N50 -n50 --group NOTES In order to use the --days option, you must have that many days of articles in your 'spool-base'. If you don't, NGStatistics will not correct your error and the stats will be skewed. This means that if you want to use the default, you must have *at least* a week's worth of articles on spool. If you are constantly resetting the defaults, you may want to define the "NGSTATS" environmental variable. In ~/.bashrc (Unix platforms): export NGSTATS=options In AUTOEXEC.BAT (M$-DoS type systems): SET NGSTATS=options You can also edit the default options by modifying the start of the script. WARNINGS If you post statistics about a newsgroup to that newsgroup on a regular basis, you may end up starting a series of everlasting flamewars. Be warned! BUGS Still quite a few. Email me with any bugs that you find at: <>. AUTHOR NGStatistics was written by Neil Lombardo <>. HISTORY NGStatistics is based on GroupSTAT, which was written by H. Alex LaHurreau <> which was originally based upon StatNews by Davide G. M. Salvetti <>. COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2002 Neil Lombardo. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SEE ALSO You may find the News::Scan manpage of interest. Also at: My homepage at has very little perl stuff on at the moment, but that's because I'm still new at releasing software!