{ "abstract" : "Working with non-static IP-addresses can become tricky. This set of tools was written to automate the IP-address handling when it changes. Typical way sysadmins approach the dynamic IP-addresses is to manually configure everything, and react after it changes. That is, if/when they notice the address change occurred.", "author" : [ "Jari Turkia <jatu@hqcodeshop.fi>" ], "dynamic_config" : 1, "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.34, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010", "license" : [ "artistic_2" ], "meta-spec" : { "url" : "http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?CPAN::Meta::Spec", "version" : 2 }, "name" : "App-DHCPClientUtils", "no_index" : { "directory" : [ "t", "inc" ] }, "prereqs" : { "build" : { "requires" : { "Test::More" : "0" } }, "configure" : { "requires" : { "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0" } }, "runtime" : { "requires" : { "Getopt::Long" : "2.40", "Net::IP" : "1.26", "Net::ISC::DHCPClient" : "0.12", "Net::Interface" : "1.012", "Template" : "2.20", "perl" : "5.014" } } }, "release_status" : "stable", "version" : "0.07", "x_serialization_backend" : "JSON::PP version 2.97001" }