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Aion::Format - Perl extension for formatting numbers, colorizing output and so on




use Aion::Format;

trappout { print "123\n" } # => 123\n

coloring "#red ~> #r\n" # => \e[31m ~> \e[0m\n
trappout { printcolor "#red ~> #r\n" } # => \e[31m ~> \e[0m\n


A utilities for formatting numbers, colorizing output and so on.


## coloring ($format, @params)

Colorizes the text with escape sequences, and then replaces the format with sprintf. Color names using from module `Term::ANSIColor`. For `RESET` use `#r` or `#R`.

coloring "#{BOLD RED}###r %i", 6 # => \e[1;31m##\e[0m 6

## printcolor ($format, @params)

As `coloring`, but it print formatted string.

## warncolor ($format, @params)

As `coloring`, but print formatted string to `STDERR`.

trapperr { warncolor "#{green}ACCESS#r %i\n", 6 }  # => \e[32mACCESS\e[0m 6\n

## accesslog ($format, @params)

It write in STDOUT `coloring` returns with prefix datetime.

trappout { accesslog "#{green}ACCESS#r %i\n", 6 }  # ~> \[\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\] \e\[32mACCESS\e\[0m 6\n

## errorlog ($format, @params)

It write in STDERR `coloring` returns with prefix datetime.

trapperr { errorlog "#{red}ERROR#r %i\n", 6 }  # ~> \[\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\] \e\[31mERROR\e\[0m 6\n

## flesch_index_human ($flesch_index)

Convert flesch index to russian label with step 10.

flesch_index_human -10   # => несвязный русский текст
flesch_index_human -3    # => для академиков
flesch_index_human 0     # => для академиков
flesch_index_human 1     # => для академиков
flesch_index_human 15    # => для профессионалов
flesch_index_human 99    # => для 11 лет (уровень 5-го класса)
flesch_index_human 100   # => для младшеклассников
flesch_index_human 110   # => несвязный русский текст

## from_radix ($string, $radix)

Parses a natural number in the specified number system. 64-number system used by default.

For digits using symbols 0-9, A-Z, a-z, _ and -. This symbols using before and for 64 NS. For digits after 64 using symbols from CP1251 encoding.

from_radix "A-C" # -> 45004
from_radix "A-C", 64 # -> 45004
from_radix "A-C", 255 # -> 666327
eval { from_radix "A-C", 256 }; $@ 	# ~> The number system 256 is too large. Use NS before 256

## to_radix ($number, $radix)

Converts a natural number to a given number system. 64-number system used by default.

to_radix 10_000 				# => 2SG
to_radix 10_000, 64 			# => 2SG
to_radix 10_000, 255 			# => dt
eval { to_radix 0, 256 }; $@ 	# ~> The number system 256 is too large. Use NS before 256

## kb_size ($number)

Adds number digits and adds a unit of measurement.

kb_size 102             # => 102b
kb_size 1024            # => 1k
kb_size 1023            # => 1\x{a0}023b
kb_size 1024*1024       # => 1M
kb_size 1000_002_000_001_000    # => 931\x{a0}324G

## matches ($subject, @rules)

Multiple text transformations in one pass.

my $s = matches "33*pi",
    qr/(?<num> \d+)/x   => sub { "($+{num})" },
    qr/\b pi \b/x       => sub { 3.14 },
    qr/(?<op> \*)/x     => sub { " $& " },

$s # => (33) * 3.14

## nous ($templates)

A simplified regex language for text recognition in HTML documents.

1. All spaces from the beginning and end are removed. 
2. From the beginning of each line, 4 spaces or 0-3 spaces and a tab are removed. 
3. Spaces at the end of the line and whitespace lines are replaced with `\s*`. 4. All variables in `{{ var }}` are replaced with `.*?`. Those. recognize everything. 
4. All variables in `{{> var }}` are replaced with `[^<>]*?`. Those. do not recognize html tags. 
4. All variables in `{{: var }}` are replaced with `[^\n]*`. Those. must be on the same line. 
5. Expressions in double square brackets (`[[ ... ]]`) may not exist. 
5. Double parentheses (`(( ... ))`) are used as parentheses. 5. `||` - or.

my $re = nous [
	<h2><a href={{> author_link }}>{{: author_name }}</a><br>
	{{ title }}</h2>
    <li><A HREF="{{ comments_link }}">((Comments: {{ comments }}, last from {{ last_comment_posted }}.||Added comment))</A>
	<li><a href="{{ author_link }}">{{ author_name }}</a>
	[[ (translate: {{ interpreter_name }})]]
	 (<u>{{ author_email }}</u>) 
	<li>Year: {{ posted }}
	<li><B><font color=#393939>Annotation:</font></b><br><i>{{ annotation_html }}</i></ul>
	<!----------- The work itself --------------->
	{{ html }}

my $s = q{
<h2><a href=/to/book/link>A. Alis</a><br>
Grivus campf</h2>

Any others...

<!----------- The work itself --------------->
This book text!

$s =~ $re;
my $result = {%+};
$result # --> {author_link => "/to/book/link", author_name => "A. Alis", title => "Grivus campf"}

## num ($number)

Adds separators between digits of a number.

num +0         # => 0
num -1000.3    # => -1 000.3

Separator by default is no-break space. Set separator and decimal point same as:

num [1000, "#"]         		# => 1#000
num [-1000.3003003, "_", ","]   # => -1_000,3003003

See also `Number::Format`.

## rim ($number)

Translate positive integers to **roman numerals**.

rim 0       # => N
rim 4       # => IV
rim 6       # => VI
rim 50      # => L
rim 49      # => XLIX
rim 505     # => DV

**roman numerals** after 1000:

rim 49_000      # => XLIX M
rim 49_000_000  # => XLIX M M
rim 49_009_555  # => XLIX IX DLV

See also:

* `Roman` is simple converter.
* `Math::Roman` is another converter.
* `Convert::Number::Roman` is OOP interface.
* `Number::Convert::Roman` is another OOP interface.
* `Text::Roman` convert standart and milhar roman numbers.
* `Roman::Unicode` use digits ↁ (5 000), ↂ (1000), and so on.
* `Acme::Roman` added support roman numerals in perl code (`I + II -> III`), but use `+`, `-` and `*` operations only.
* `Date::Roman` is Perl OO extension for handling roman style dates, but with arabic numbers (id 3 702).
* `DateTime::Format::Roman` is roman date formatter, but with arabic numbers (5 Kal Jun 2003).

## round ($number, $decimal)

Rounds a number to the specified decimal place.

round 1.234567, 2  # -> 1.23
round 1.235567, 2  # -> 1.24

## sinterval ($interval)

Generates human-readable spacing.

Width of result is 12 symbols.

sinterval  6666.6666 	# => 01:51:06.667
sinterval  6.6666 		# => 00:00:06.667
sinterval  .333 		# => 0.33300000 s
sinterval  .000_33 		# => 0.3300000 ms
sinterval  .000_000_33 	# => 0.330000 mks

## sround ($number, $digits)

Leaves `$digits` (0 does not count) wherever they are relative to the point.

Default `$digits` is 2.

sround 10.11        # -> 10
sround 100.11       # -> 100
sround 0.00012      # -> 0.00012
sround 1.2345       # -> 1.2
sround 1.2345, 3    # -> 1.23

## trans ($s)

Transliterates the russian text, leaving only Latin letters and dashes.

trans "Мир во всём Мире!"  # => mir-vo-vsjom-mire

## transliterate ($s)

Transliterates the russian text.

transliterate "Мир во всём Мире!"  # => Mir vo vsjom Mire!

## trapperr (&block)

Trap for STDERR.

trapperr { print STDERR 123 }  # => 123

See also `IO::Capture::Stderr`.

## trappout (&block)

Trap for STDOUT.

trappout { print 123 }  # => 123

See also `IO::Capture::Stdout`.

## TiB ()

The constant is one tebibyte.

TiB  # -> 2**40

## GiB ()

The constant is one gibibyte.

GiB  # -> 2**30

## MiB ()

The constant is one mebibyte.

MiB  # -> 2**20

## KiB ()

The constant is one kibibyte.

KiB  # -> 2**10

## xxL ()

Maximum length in data LongText mysql and mariadb.
L - large.

xxL  # -> 4*GiB-1

## xxM ()

Maximum length in data MediumText mysql and mariadb.
M - medium.

xxM  # -> 16*MiB-1

## xxR ()

Maximum length in data Text mysql and mariadb.
R - regularity.

xxR  # -> 64*KiB-1

## xxS ()

Maximum length in data TinyText mysql and mariadb.
S - small.

xxS  # -> 255

## to_str (;$scalar)

Converts to string perl without interpolation.

to_str "a'\n" # => 'a\\'\n'
[map to_str, "a'\n"] # --> ["'a\\'\n'"]

## from_str (;$one_quote_str)

Converts from string perl without interpolation.

from_str "'a\\'\n'"  # => a'\n
[map from_str, "'a\\'\n'"]  # --> ["a'\n"]



Yaroslav O. Kosmina <dart@cpan.org>


âš– **GPLv3**


Aion::Format is copyright © 2023 by Yaroslav O. Kosmina. Rusland. All rights reserved.