#!/usr/bin/perl # # |ped| v0.7 Text Editor in Perl # (C)2005 DaanSystems, Niek Albers # License: PAL (Perl Artistic License) # http://www.daansystems.com # mailto:nieka@daansystems.com use strict; $| = 1; $_ = '' for my ( $x, $y, $topline, $lastxsearch, $lastysearch, $ins, $forceupdate, $cols, $rows, $search, $status, $filename, $dos, $center_line, $lasttopline, $lastnrlines, $searchx, $stty ); my @lines; # catch terminal resize $SIG{WINCH} = sub { get_terminal_size(); $forceupdate = 1; draw(); }; init(); load(); run(); sub init { $lastxsearch = -1; $forceupdate = 1; $ins = 1; $searchx = 0; } sub help { my @help = ( ' ', ' |ped| V0.7 Text editor in Perl ', ' (C)2005 DaanSystems, Niek Albers ', ' http://www.daansystems.com ', ' mailto:nieka@daansystems.com ', '----------------------------------', ' Ctrl+s Save ', ' Ctrl+f Search ', ' Ctrl+d Save+Exit ', ' Ctrl+c Exit ', ' ', ); my $tempx = int( ( $cols / 2 ) - ( length( $help[0] ) / 2 ) ); my $tempy = int( ( $rows / 2 ) - ( scalar(@help) / 2 ) ); foreach my $helpline (@help) { absmove( $tempx, $tempy++ ); print inverse($helpline); } get_escape_sequence() if ( ord( ReadKey() ) == 27 ); $forceupdate = 1; } sub get_terminal_size { ( $rows, $cols ) = split( /\s+/, `stty size` ); $rows -= 2; } sub load { my $regexp = qr/\+(\d+)/; ($filename) = grep { $_ !~ $regexp } @ARGV; if ( !open( FILE, $filename ) ) { @lines = (''); return; } binmode(FILE); foreach my $line (<FILE>) { $dos = 1 if ( $line =~ m/\r\n$/ ); $line =~ s/\r?\n$//; push( @lines, $line ); } close(FILE); $dos = $dos; return 1; } sub save { my $savefilename = $filename || input('Filename'); if ( !open( FILE, ">$savefilename" ) ) { $status = "Save failed $!"; return; } binmode(FILE); my $count = 0; foreach my $line (@lines) { print FILE $line . ( $dos ? "\r\n" : "\n" ); $count++; } close(FILE); $status = "Saved $count lines."; footer(); $filename = $savefilename; return 1; } sub run { get_terminal_size(); my $regexp = qr/\+(\d+)/; my ($center_line_arg) = grep { $_ =~ $regexp } @ARGV; my ($center_line) = $center_line_arg =~ $regexp; $topline = $center_line - ( $rows / 2 ) - 1; binmode(STDIN); ReadMode(5); my $key; while (1) { $lasttopline = $topline; $lastnrlines = get_nrlines(); last if ( !dokey($key) ); draw(); move(); $key = ReadKey(); } ReadMode(0); absmove( 0, $rows + 2 ); print "\n"; } sub get_nrlines { return scalar(@lines); } sub get_escape_sequence { my $esc; while ( my $key = ReadKey() ) { $esc .= $key; last if ( $key =~ /[a-z~]/i ); } return $esc; } sub dokey { my ($key) = @_; my $ctrl = ord($key); if ( $ctrl == 3 ) { return } # Ctrl+c elsif ( $ctrl == 4 ) { return if ( save() ) } # Ctrl+d elsif ( $ctrl == 27 ) { # escape code my $esc = get_escape_sequence(); if ( $esc eq '[A' ) { moveup(1) } # up elsif ( $esc eq '[B' ) { movedown(1); } # down elsif ( $esc eq '[5~' ) { moveup($rows) } # pgup elsif ( $esc eq '[6~' ) { movedown($rows) } # pgdn elsif ( $esc eq '[C' ) { moveright(1) } # right elsif ( $esc eq '[D' ) { moveleft(1) } # left elsif ( $esc eq '[3~' ) { delat() } # del elsif ( $esc eq '[1~' ) { # home moveup( current_line_number() ); } elsif ( $esc eq '[4~' || $esc eq '[7~' ) { # end movedown( get_nrlines() - current_line_number() ); } elsif ( $esc eq '[2~' || $esc eq '[8~' ) { # insert $ins = !$ins; } elsif ( $esc eq '[[A' || $esc eq '[11~' ) { help(); } } elsif ( $ctrl == 8 || $ctrl == 127 ) { # BACKSPACE backspaceat(); moveleft(1); } elsif ( $ctrl == 13 || $ctrl == 10 ) { # newline newlineat(); movedown(1); $x = 0; } elsif ( $ctrl == 11 ) { # Ctrl+K delteol(); } elsif ( $ctrl == 19 ) { # Ctrl+S save(); } elsif ( $ctrl == 6 ) { # Ctrl+F search(); } elsif ( $ctrl == 9 || ( $ctrl >= 32 && $ctrl <= 126 ) ) { setat($key); moveright(1); } return 1; } sub moveright { my ($amount) = @_; $x += $amount; if ( $x > length( line() ) ) { if ( current_line_number() < get_nrlines() - 1 ) { $x = 0; movedown(1); } } } sub moveleft { my ($amount) = @_; $x -= $amount; if ( $x < 0 ) { $x = length2( line(-1) ); moveup(1); } } sub moveup { my ($amount) = @_; $y -= $amount; # check for topline, move up if ( $y < 0 ) { $topline += $y; $y = 0; } } sub movedown { my ($amount) = @_; my $tempy = $y + $amount; my $nrlines = get_nrlines(); # move down if ( ( $topline + $tempy ) >= $nrlines ) { $topline = $nrlines - $rows; $topline = 0 if ( $topline < 0 ); $tempy = $nrlines - $topline - 1; } elsif ( $tempy >= $rows ) { $topline += ( $tempy - $rows + 1 ); $tempy = $rows - 1; } # check for corsormovement beyond line length2 $y = $tempy; } sub search { $search = input('search') if ( !$search ); my $found; for ( my $i = current_line_number() ; $i < get_nrlines() ; $i++ ) { $found = index( lc( $lines[$i] ), lc($search), $searchx ); if ( $found != -1 ) { $x = $found; $searchx = $found + 1; $y = 0; $topline = $i; move(); last; } else { $searchx = 0 } } if ( $found == -1 ) { movedown( get_nrlines() - current_line_number() ); $status = 'Reached end of file.'; $search = '' } } sub delteol { line( 0, substr( line(), 0, $x ) ); delat() if ( $x == 0 ); } sub newlineat { my $begin = substr( line(), 0, $x ); my $end = substr( line(), $x ); line( 0, $begin ); splice( @lines, current_line_number() + 1, 0, $end ); } sub delat { my $len = length2( line() ); if ( $x < $len ) { my $begin = substr( line(), 0, $x ); my $end = substr( line(), $x + 1 ); line( 0, $begin . $end ); } else { line( 0, line() . line(1) ); splice( @lines, current_line_number() + 1, 1 ); } } sub backspaceat { if ( $x <= 0 && $y > 0 ) { $x = length2( line(-1) ) + 1; line( -1, line(-1) . line() ); splice( @lines, current_line_number(), 1 ); moveup(1); } else { my $begin = substr( line(), 0, $x ? $x - 1 : 0 ); my $end = substr( line(), $x ); my $line = $begin . $end; line( 0, $line ); } } sub line { my ( $offset, $text ) = @_; $offset ||= 0; my $pos = current_line_number() + $offset; if ( defined($text) ) { $lines[$pos] = $text; } else { return $lines[$pos]; } } sub setat { my ($key) = @_; my $begin = substr( line(), 0, $x ); my $end = substr( line(), $ins ? $x : $x + 1 ); line( 0, $begin . $key . $end ); } sub error { die "failed: @_"; } sub clear { print "\e[2J"; } sub header { absmove( 0, 0 ); print inverse( ' ' x ( $cols - 1 ) ); absmove( 0, 0 ); print inverse( '|ped| ' . ( '+-------' x ( ( $cols - 7 ) / 8 ) ) ); } sub footer { absmove( 0, $rows + 2 ); print inverse( ' ' x ( $cols - 1 ) ); absmove( 0, $rows + 2 ); print inverse( '[' . ( $filename || 'Untitled' ) . ']' . ' ' . ( $status || '' ) ); my $xy = 'HELP=F1 ' . ( $dos ? 'DOS' : 'UNIX' ) . ' ' . ( $ins ? 'INS' : '' ) . ' [ ' . ( $x + 1 ) . '/' . ( length( line() ) + 1 ) . ':' . ( current_line_number() + 1 ) . '/' . get_nrlines() . ' ]'; absmove( $cols - length2($xy), $rows + 2 ); print inverse($xy); } sub current_line_number { return $topline + $y; } sub draw { my $len = length( line() ); $x = $len if ( $x > $len ); if ( $topline < 0 ) { $topline = 0; $x = 0; } # update only current line if ( $lasttopline == $topline && $lastnrlines == get_nrlines() && !$forceupdate ) { absmove( 0, $y + 2 ); print "\e[K"; drawline( current_line_number() ); } else # update screen { clear(); header(); absmove( 0, 2 ); for ( my $pos = $topline ; $pos < $topline + $rows && $pos < get_nrlines() ; $pos++ ) { drawline($pos); } $forceupdate = 0; } footer(); } sub drawline { my ($pos) = @_; my $line = $lines[$pos]; # expand tabs 1 while $line =~ s/\t+/' ' x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e; my $realx = getrealx( $lines[$pos] ); if ( $realx < $cols - 7 ) { $line = substr( $line, 0, $cols - 7 ); } else { $line = substr( $line, $realx - ( $cols - 7 ), $cols - 7 ); } my $posstring = sprintf( '%5d', $pos + 1 ); print inverse($posstring) . ' ' . $line . "\r\n"; } sub absmove { my ( $x, $y ) = @_; print "\e[" . $y . ';' . $x . 'f'; } sub getrealx { my ($line) = @_; return length2( substr( $line, 0, $x ) ); } sub move { my $realx = getrealx( line() ); print "\e[" . ( $y + 2 ) . ';' . ( $realx + 7 ) . 'f'; } sub inverse { my ($text) = @_; return "\e[7m" . $text . "\e[m"; } sub input { my ($text) = @_; absmove( 0, $rows + 2 ); print inverse( ' ' x ( $cols - 1 ) ); absmove( 0, $rows + 2 ); print "\e[7m"; print "$text: "; ReadMode(0); my $result = ReadLine(); ReadMode(5); $result =~ s/\r?\n$//; print "\e[m"; $forceupdate = 1; return $result; } sub length2 { # calculate length with tabs expanded my ($text) = @_; 1 while $text =~ s/\t+/' ' x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e; return length($text); } sub ReadKey { my $key = ''; sysread( STDIN, $key, 1 ); return $key; } sub ReadLine { return <STDIN>; } sub ReadMode { my ($mode) = @_; if ( $mode == 5 ) { $stty = `stty -g`; chomp($stty); system( 'stty', 'raw', '-echo' ); } elsif ( $mode == 0 ) { system( 'stty', $stty ); } }