NAME PINE64::GPIO - Perl interface to PineA64 and PineA64+ GPIO pins SYNOPSIS use PINE64::GPIO; #instantiate PINE64::GPIO object my $p64 = PINE64::GPIO->new(); #export pin 25 (physical pin 40) for output $p64->gpio_enable(25, 'out'); #continuously blink LED for(;;){ $p64->gpio_write(25, 1); sleep(1); $p64->gpio_write(25, 0); sleep(1); }#end for DESCRIPTION This module manipulates the GPIO file system interface of the PineA64 and PineA64+ single board computers so you can control the GPIO pins on the PineA64's PI-2 bus. The PineA64's 40-pin PI-2 bus has the same pinout as the Raspberry Pi's 40-pin GPIO, however this module has it's own GPIO pin numbering convention for the 26 GPIO pins as follows: Module# Physical# A64 sys# ------------------------------------------ 0 3 227 1 5 226 2 7 362 3 11 71 4 13 233 5 15 76 6 19 64 7 21 65 8 23 66 9 29 229 10 31 230 11 33 69 12 35 73 13 37 80 14 8 32 15 10 33 16 12 72 17 16 77 18 18 78 19 22 79 20 24 67 21 26 231 22 32 68 23 36 70 24 38 74 25 40 75 METHODS new() Returns a new C<PINE64::GPIO> object. gpio_enable($pin, 'out') Takes the GPIO pin number and direction as arguments and exports it for use as either an input or output. Valid pin number arguments are 0-15, and the direction is either 'in' or 'out'. $p64->gpio_enable(25, 'out'); gpio_read($pin) Takes pin number as an argument and returns the logic value on the pin. gpio_write($pin, $value) Takes pin number and value as an argument and writes the value to the GPIO pin. Valid values are 0 or 1. gpio_disable($pin) Takes pin number as an argument and unexports the pin in the file system interface. AUTHOR Dustin La Ferney LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is Copyright (c) 2020 by Dustin La Ferney. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)