NAME Confluent::SchemaRegistry - A simple client for interacting with Confluent Schema Registry. SYNOPSIS use Confluent::SchemaRegistry; my $sr = Confluent::SchemaRegistry->new( { host => '' } ); DESCRIPTION "Confluent::SchemaRegistry" provides a simple way to interact with Confluent Schema Registry (<>) enabling writing into Apache Kafka (<>) according to *Apache Avro* schema specification (<>). HEAD UP Confluent Schema Registry documentation Full RESTful API documentation of Schema Registry is available here: < =2.234767710.1188695207.1526911788-1213051144.1524553242#> Avro package Avro package is a dependency of *Confluent::SchemaRegistry* but is not available in CPAN index. Perhaps you may find and download it directly from GitHub repository at <>. Please, refer its documentation for installation. Constructor new( [%config] ) Construct a new "Confluent::SchemaRegistry". Takes an optional hash that provides configuration flags for the REST::Client internal object. The config flags, according to "REST::Client::new" specs, are: host The host at which *Schema Registry* is listening. The default is <http://localhost:8081> timeout A timeout in seconds for requests made with the client. After the timeout the client will return a 500. The default is 5 minutes. cert The path to a X509 certificate file to be used for client authentication. The default is to not use a certificate/key pair. key The path to a X509 key file to be used for client authentication. The default is to not use a certificate/key pair. ca The path to a certificate authority file to be used to verify host certificates. The default is to not use a certificates authority. pkcs12 The path to a PKCS12 certificate to be used for client authentication. pkcs12password The password for the PKCS12 certificate specified with 'pkcs12'. follow Boolean that determins whether REST::Client attempts to automatically follow redirects/authentication. The default is false. useragent An LWP::UserAgent object, ready to make http requests. REST::Client will provide a default for you if you do not set this. METHODS "Confluent::SchemRegistry" exposes the following methods. get_response_content() Returns the body (content) of the last method call to Schema Registry. get_error() Returns the error structure of the last method call to Schema Registry. add_schema( %params ) Registers a new schema version under a subject. Returns the generated id for the new schema or "undef". Params keys are: SUBJECT ($scalar) the name of the Kafka topic TYPE ($scalar) the type of schema ("key" or "value") SCHEMA ($hashref or $json) the schema to add TODO ... AUTHOR Alvaro Livraghi, <> CONTRIBUTE <> BUG Please use GitHub project link above to report problems or contact authors. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2018 by Alvaro Livraghi This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.