################################################################################ # # Example "peg_ini.pl". # # This is user specific code - customize it to your personal preferences :-) # ################################################################################ use strict; use warnings; our %Env; # An undocumented peg feature... # $Env{x} = 'y' acts like $ENV{x} ||= 'y' # ie. the user can override behaviour from the shell. our %Peg_longopt; sub Warn { my $msg = join '', @_; print STDERR "peg_ini: $msg\n"; } sub Die { Warn @_; exit(2); } ################################################################################ # # Define some 'long options': # # Find files matching a given PERLEXPR/ALIAS. # eg% peg -find /foo/ # $Peg_longopt{find} = sub { my $argv_ref = shift; @$argv_ref or die "expected EXTENSION or /PATTERN/ argument"; my $p_arg = shift @$argv_ref; if ($p_arg =~ /^[\w\.\-]{2,}/) { $p_arg = "m," . quotemeta($p_arg) . "\[^/]*\$,i"; } Warn "-find magic: $p_arg"; unshift @$argv_ref, '-Y,p', '+1', '-dlnp', $p_arg; }; # Pipe output thro a pager. # $Peg_longopt{pager} = sub { my $argv_ref = shift; unshift @$argv_ref, '-Y,#', '-##'; $! = $? = 0; open(PAGER_OUT, '|-', "C:/cygwin/bin/less.exe -mR") && !$! && !$? or die "unable to pipe STDOUT via less\n"; *STDOUT = \*PAGER_OUT; $@ and die $@; }; # Option to comment out -pager on cmdline # $Peg_longopt{pagerx} = sub {}; # Option to open files matche by the last run of peg in your editor. # This is _very_ user specific! # Here's mine on Win32 which invokes Crimson Editor. # eg% peg -edit 22 # $Peg_longopt{edit} = sub { my $argv_ref = shift; @$argv_ref or die "expected NUM... arguments"; my @matches = last_matches(1); my $cedt = 'C:/Program Files/Crimson Editor/cedt.exe'; my %done; foreach my $n (@$argv_ref) { if ($n =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) { # RANGE push @$argv_ref, $1..$2; next; } $n =~ /^\d+$/ or die "bad integer: $n"; $n = @matches if $n > @matches; next if $done{$n}++; my $file = $matches[$n-1]; my $size = -s $file; if ($size > 10_000_000) { Warn "file $n too large $file: $size"; next; } print "= $file\n"; $file =~ s|/|\\|g; system "\"$cedt\" \"$file\""; } exit; }; # Determine total file size of cwd or the given directory. # $Peg_longopt{dirsize} = sub { my $argv_ref = shift; Warn "dirsize!"; unshift @$argv_ref, ( '-dPP', q[ $Z += -s $_; return; ], '-PPPP', q[ if ($Z > 1024*1024) { print +int($Z / (1024*1024)), " Mb"; } elsif ($Z > 1024) { print +int($Z / 1024), " Kb"; } else { print "$Z b"; } ], 'die("should not see this")', ); }; # Get full #if context. # eg% peg -ifdef WHATEVER foobar.h # $Peg_longopt{ifdef} = $Peg_longopt{define} = sub { my $argv_ref = shift; # Turn on both context matchers, but don't match. # We then set the #ifdef context into $Context_line2 using -P code. unshift @$argv_ref, "-z", "+0", "-zz", "+0"; $Env{PEG_CONTEXT_FORMAT2} = '$_'; $Env{PEG_Z_INDEPENDENT} = 1; unshift @$argv_ref, "-P", <<'EOT'; # NB. some compilers allow whitespace preceding # the '#' in preprocessor lines. if (/^\s*\#/) { my $new_cxt = 1; if (/^\s*\#\s*if(n?def)?\b/) { push @cxt, [$_, $.]; } elsif (/^\s*\#\s*elif\b/) { $cxt[$#cxt] = [$_, $.]; } elsif (/^(\s*\#\s*else)\b/) { my $else_line = $1; my $if_line = $cxt[$#cxt]->[0]; if ($if_line !~ /^\s*\#\s*elif/) { $if_line =~ s/[\n\r\t ]+\z//; $else_line = "$else_line /* $if_line */$::Newline"; } else { $else_line = $_; } $cxt[$#cxt] = [$else_line, $.]; } elsif (/^\s*\#\s*endif\b/) { pop @cxt; } else { $new_cxt = 0; } if ($new_cxt) { if (@cxt) { $Context_line2 = ''; foreach my $cxt (@cxt) { my ($line, $lineno) = @$cxt; $Context_line2 .= "($lineno)\t$line"; } } elsif ($Printed_Context_line2) { $Context_line2 = '*none*' . $::Newline; } if (defined $Printed_Context_line2 and $Context_line2 eq $Printed_Context_line2) { # Ensure we don't reprint the same context. undef $Context_line2; } } } EOT }; # Option to open a file in the "vim" editor. # eg% peg -vim 22 # $Peg_longopt{vim} = sub { my $argv_ref = shift; my $n = shift @$argv_ref or die; my @matches = last_matches(); $n = @matches if $n > @matches; my $file = $matches[$n-1]; system "vim \"$file\""; exit; }; # Option to ignore files within the specified directory. # eg% peg -idir CVS whatever # $Peg_longopt{'ignore-dir'} = $Peg_longopt{'idir'} = sub { my $argv_ref = shift; my $dir_name = quotemeta shift @$argv_ref or die; unshift @$argv_ref, "-p", qq{ \$File !~ m:(^|/)$dir_name/: }; }; ################################################################################ # # General peg configuration variables: # # This is the key to getting good performance for recusive finds on Win32: my $qfind = $::Bin_dir . "qfind.exe"; $Env{'PEG_R_CMD'} = $qfind if -f $qfind; # This looks good on a black background: $Env{'PEG_COLOR'} = 'f=dg,c=dy,l=dc,b=dm,n=dw,m=dr,z=wob,y=dyor'; # Default options: $Env{'PEG_OPTIONS'} = '-JJJss#+_'; ################################################################################ # # Define some -p ALIASes: # $Env{'PEG_P_C'} = '/\.(?:c|cpp|h|hpp|xs)$/i'; $Env{'PEG_P_H'} = '/\.(?:h|hpp)$/i'; $Env{'PEG_P_P'} = '/\.(?:pm|pl|t)$/i'; ################################################################################ # # Define some -z ALIASes: # # C functions/struct/template/#define context. # $Env{'PEG_Z_C'} = <<'EOT'; # PEG_FAST_Z_CONTEXT (/^\w[\w\s\*\&:~]*\(/ and not /^(?:if|for|switch|while)\b/ and (($L = $_), ($L =~ s/\/\*.*?\*\/|\/[\*\/].*//g), ($L !~ /[!^%;"]/))) or (/^typedef\s+struct\s*(?:\{[^\}]*)?$/ and do {{ # Read forward to find the struct name! Do the entire file in one pass. unless ($::Last_file eq $File) { $::Last_file = $File; %::Typedef_struct = (); my $start_pos = tell(F); my $start_line = $.; my $typedef_struct_line = $.; my $inside = 1; while (<F>) { if ($inside) { if (/^\}\s+(\w+)/) { $::Typedef_struct{$typedef_struct_line} = $1; $inside = undef; } } elsif (/^typedef\s+struct\s*(?:\{[^\}]*)?$/) { $typedef_struct_line = $.; $inside = 1; } } # Restore IO position. $. = $start_line; seek F, $start_pos, 0 or die "PEG_Z_C: cannot seek back in $File: $!\n"; } my $found; if (exists $::Typedef_struct{$.}) { $_ = "typedef struct " . $::Typedef_struct{$.} . " {" . $::Newline; $found = 1; } $found; }}) or (/^(?:typedef\s+struct|struct|template)\s+\w+/ and not /[,;\)]/) or (/^\#\s*define\s+\w+.*\\$/) EOT #$Env{'PEG_ZZ_C'} = '/^class\s+\w+/ and not /;/'; $Env{'PEG_Z_P'} = '/^(?:\s*sub\s+\w|=head|__(?:END|DATA)__)/'; $Env{'PEG_Z_T'} = '/^\s*(?:proc|namespace)\b/'; ################################################################################ # # Some -P code ALIASes: # NB. if these contain a comment matching "/# -(P+)/", then this is used # as the -P option. (This feature is not documented). # # Process backslashed lines as one. $Env{'PEG_CODE_BS'} = <<'EOT'; # -P # PEG_SAFE_BEFORE_CONTEXT if (defined $orign) { $. = 1 + $orign; $orign = undef } if (/\\$/) { $startn = $. unless defined $l; $l .= $_; next } if (defined $l) { $_ = $l . $_; $orign = $.; $. = $startn; $l = undef } EOT # Ignore Perl 'block' comments $Env{'PEG_CODE_IPC'} = <<'EOT'; # -P last if /^__END__/; next if /^=head/ .. /^=cut/; EOT # Ignore C comments $Env{'PEG_CODE_ICC'} = <<'EOT'; # -P # BEGIN { $Opts{W} = 1 }; # restore the comments in the output s|/\*.*?\*/||g; # /* ... */ s|/\*.*$||; # /* ... s|//.*$||; # // ... s|^\s*\*.*$||; # * ... EOT # -PP code to print checksums $Env{'PEG_CODE_CKSUM'} = <<'EOT'; # -PP print $Col{filename}, $File, $Col_Reset, "\t= ", cksum($Filepath), "\n"; push @Matched_files, $File; return; EOT # -P code to shrink whitespace $Env{'PEG_CODE_SHRINK'} = <<'EOT'; # -P s/^[ \t]+//; s/[ \t]+$//; s/[ \t]+/ /g; EOT ################################################################################ # # -S code. # # Relies on the availability of the following external programs: # tar, unzip, gzip & pdftotext. # %::Peg_S = ( 'pdf' => \&process_pdf, '*gz' => \&process_gz, '*tar' => \&process_tar, '*tar.gz' => \&process_targz, '*zip' => \&process_zip, ); # The routines below do 'quick' scans _unless_ the -pp option is specified, # in which case each file within each archive is individually processed. sub process_tar { return process_tar_slow(@_) if pp(); Warn "use -pp /./ to search each file within the tar file" unless $::Done_process_archive_warning++; return process_tar_fast(@_); } # process_tar sub process_targz { return process_targz_slow(@_) if pp(); Warn "use -pp /./ to search each file within the tar.gz file" unless $::Done_process_archive_warning++; return process_targz_fast(@_); } # process_targz sub process_zip { return process_zip_slow(@_) if pp(); Warn "use -pp /./ to search each file within the zip file" unless $::Done_process_archive_warning++; return process_zip_fast(@_); } # process_zip sub process_tar_slow { my ($file, $fullpath) = @_; my $cmd = "tar -tf \"$file\""; Warn "running $cmd" if $::Verbose; my @filelist = `$cmd`; if ($? # Heuristic - seen "tar -tf" give correct results AND error code! and @filelist < 3 ) { Warn "failed to get file list from $fullpath: $?\n", @filelist; return 0; # signal to process the file as usual } foreach my $f (@filelist) { $f =~ s/\015?\012\z//; next if $f =~ m|/$|; # skip directory names next unless pp($f); $cmd = qq(tar -xOf "$file" "$f"); Warn "running $cmd" if $::Verbose; open(my $fh, "$cmd|") or Die "can't extract $f from $fullpath: $!"; S($fh, "$fullpath # $f", 1); close $fh; } return 1; } # process_tar_slow sub process_tar_fast { my ($file, $fullpath) = @_; my $cmd = "tar -xOf \"$file\""; my $fh; Warn "running $cmd" if $::Verbose; if (!open($fh, "$cmd|")) { Warn "can't extract $fullpath: $!"; return 0; } S($fh, $fullpath); close $fh; return 1; } # process_tar_fast # Process the contents of a .tar.gz file by file. sub process_targz_slow { require File::Temp; my ($file, $fullpath) = @_; my ($fh, $tempfile) = File::Temp::tempfile("peg-targz-XXXXX", SUFFIX => '.tar', UNLINK => 1); close $fh; my $cmd = qq(gzip -dc "$file" > "$tempfile"); Warn "running $cmd" if $::Verbose; system $cmd and Die "error: $cmd: $?"; process_tar_slow($tempfile, $fullpath); unlink $tempfile; return 1; } # process_targz_slow # Process the contents of a .tar.gz as one entity. sub process_targz_fast { my ($file, $fullpath) = @_; my $cmd = qq(gzip -dc "$file" | tar -xOf -); Warn "running $cmd" if $::Verbose; my $fh; if (!open($fh, "$cmd|")) { Warn "can't extract $fullpath: $!"; return 0; } S($fh, $fullpath); close $fh; return 1; } # process_targz_fast # Process each individual file within a ".zip" file. sub process_zip_slow { my ($file, $fullpath) = @_; my $cmd = "unzip -Z1 \"$file\" 2>&1"; Warn "running $cmd" if $::Verbose; my @filelist = `$cmd`; if ($?) { Warn "unzip failed with $fullpath: $?\n", @filelist; return 0; # signal to process the file as usual } Warn "zip contains @{[ scalar @filelist ]} files" if $::Verbose; foreach my $f (@filelist) { $f =~ s/\015?\012\z//; next unless pp($f); my $cmd = qq(unzip -p "$file" "$f"); Warn "running $cmd" if $::Verbose; open(my $fh, "$cmd|") or Die "can't extract $f from $fullpath: $!"; S($fh, "$fullpath # $f", 1); close $fh; } return 1; } # process_zip_slow # Process the entire contents inside a ".zip" file as one. sub process_zip_fast { my ($file, $fullpath) = @_; my $cmd = qq(unzip -p "$file"); Warn "running $cmd" if $::Verbose; open(my $fh, "$cmd|") or Die "can't unzip $fullpath: $!"; S($fh, $fullpath); close $fh; return 1; } # process_zip_fast sub process_gz { my ($file, $fullpath) = @_; my $cmd = qq(gzip -dc "$file"); Warn "running $cmd" if $::Verbose; open(my $fh, "$cmd|") or Die "error: $cmd: $!"; S($fh, $fullpath); close $fh; return 1; } # process_gz sub process_pdf { require File::Temp; my ($file, $fullpath) = @_; my ($fh, $tempfile) = File::Temp::tempfile("peg-pdf-XXXXX", SUFFIX => '.pdf', UNLINK => 1); close $fh; my $cmd = "pdftotext \"$file\" $tempfile"; Warn "running $cmd" if $::Verbose; system $cmd; if ($?) { Warn "pdftotext failed: $?"; unlink $tempfile; return 0; } unless (open($fh, "<", $tempfile)) { Warn "could not open $tempfile: $!"; unlink $tempfile; return 0; } S($fh, $fullpath); close $fh; unlink $tempfile; return 1; } # process_pdf ################################################################################ # # Misc functions available to PERLEXPR: # sub say { my $msg = join '', @_; $msg =~ s/[\012\015]+\z//; print $msg, $::Newline; } # say sub mv { @_ == 2 or die "Usage: mv(SRC, DEST)\n"; require File::Copy; File::Copy::move(@_); } # mv sub cp { @_ == 2 or die "Usage: cp(SRC, DEST)\n"; require File::Copy; File::Copy::copy(@_); } # cp # Provide a checksum subroutine: sub cksum { require Digest; my $file = shift; open my $fin, "<", $file or return "cksum: can't open $file: $!"; binmode $fin; my $ctx = Digest->new("MD5"); $ctx->addfile($fin); return $ctx->b64digest() . "-" . sprintf('%x', -s($file)); } # cksum # Avoid "used only once" warnings. 1 or ($::Newline, $::Bin_dir, %::Peg_S, %::Peg_S); 1;