(newarticle.1) <Editorial> (section.1.1) <Calling on you> (section.1.2) <Looking different> (section.1.3) <Sad resignation of {\relax \fontsize {8}{9}\selectfont \abovedisplayskip 4\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ plus\p@ \belowdisplayshortskip 3\p@ plus\p@ minus2\p@ \def \leftmargin \leftmargini \parsep \z@ \topsep 2\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \itemsep \z@ plus.1\p@ {\leftmargin \leftmargini \topsep 1\p@ plus1\p@ minus1\p@ \parsep \z@ \itemsep 2\p@ }\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip UK}TUG\ committee member> (section.1.4) <Whither \LaTeX ?> (newarticle.2) <Cathy Booth Memorial> (newarticle.3) <Cathy Booth 1952--1991> (newarticle.4) <Honorary Member> (newarticle.5) <Letter to the editor> (newarticle.6) <Using Adobe Type 1 Multiple Master fonts with \TeX > (section.6.1) <Introduction> (section.6.2) <Multiple Master overview> (section.6.3) <Multiple Master Font Programs> (section.6.4) <Using Multiple master fonts with TeX{}> (section.6.5) <In practice> (newarticle.7) <Maths in \LaTeX : Part\nobreakspace {}5, Getting started on arrays> (section.7.8) <Mathematical arrays> (section.7.9) <Tables of data> (newarticle.8) <Report of visit to CERN to attend presentation of $\Omega $> (section.8.1) <Introduction> (section.8.2) <What \emph {is} \Om ?> (section.8.3) <Why Unicode?> (section.8.4) <Virtual Metafont and Fonts to Support Unicode> (newarticle.9) <A.N.Other's Gleanings> (section.9.1) <Framed, or a boojum?> (section.9.2) <Lettres> (section.9.3) <To be taken daily> (section.9.4) <Web> (section.9.5) <Deathwish 1996> (section.9.6) <Another famous Belgian> (section.9.7) <Thank you> (newarticle.10) <New PostScript font metrics for \LaTeX > (newarticle.11) <Standard for TeX\ Directory Structures> (newarticle.12) <The 1995 Annual General Meeting> (newarticle.13) <The UK TeX\ Users Group> (section.13.1) <Group aims and activities> (section.13.2) <Programme of meetings for 1995> (newarticle.14) <Obtaining TeX> (newarticle.15) <Membership Data> (section.15.1) <Membership Services>