|                                frenchspacing                                |
Abbreviation:  ã|noneã%
Parameters:    ã|noneã%
By  default, TEXT1  will  double space  after hard  punctuation,  unless the
letter  prior  to  the punctuation  is  a  capital  letter.     To make  all
interword  spacing  the  same,  regardless  of punctuation,   you can  enter
the  \frenchspacing  markup.      This  will  turn  off  the  extra  spacing
following  punctuation for  the rest  of a  document or  until TEXT1  sees a
\nonfrenchspacing markup.
Consider this bibliographic entry:
Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes
in the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
Publications, International.
Without \frenchspacing it might print as:
|                                                                             |
| Grabens, Gruss M.  1970.  Mechanical Processes  in the Human Geomechanism.  |
|    Winston:  Geomedical Publications, International.                        |
|                                                                             |
If you had specified \frenchspacing,
Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes
in the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
Publications, International.
it would print as:
|                                                                             |
| Grabens, Gruss  M. 1970. Mechanical  Processes in  the Human Geomechanism.  |
|    Winston: Geomedical Publications, International.                         |
|                                                                             |