An experiment for generating CMap-like "2004-{H,V}"
                                              2013.4.3 Hironori KITAGAWA

This is an experiment for generating CMap-like "2004-{H,V}",
which maps JIS X 0213:2004 8-bit code to Adobe-Japan1-6,
using the following information:
 * "Mapping table between JIS X 0213:2004 8-bit code and Unicode"
 * UniJIS2004-UTF32-{H,V}: by Adobe
 * "fwid" feature table of Kozuka Mincho Pr6N R

 $ texlua mk_jis_to_aj16_cid.lua
obtains two generated files, "2004-H" and "2004-V".


 * JIS X 0213:2004 has several characters which is not expressible 
   by one Unicode character. For them, we use another table (nonuni_cid).
 * Because we use JIS X 0213:2004 8-bit code, 
   plane 2 of JIS X 0213 is located on 0xA1A1--0xFEFE.
 * We prefer full-width variant glyphs, except for 0x2900--0x2B7E.

 * We didn't simply composite three tables which are described above,
   but did several fine adjustments by hand.
   See "replace(...)" lines in the script.


 * mk_jis_to_aj16_cid.lua: main script
 * cmapdec.lua:            subroutine
 * jisx0213-2004-8bit-std.txt
          "Mapping table between JIS X 0213:2004 8-bit code and Unicode"

 * jis-h04-httk.{tex,pdf}: comparison between 2004-H and JISX0213-2004-H
 * jis-v04-vttk.{tex,pdf}: comparison between 2004-V and JISX0213-2004-V

 * 2004-{H,V}:             generated CMap-like files