\documentclass[svgnames, onlydoc]{l3doc} \usepackage{litetable, twemojis, titlesec} \usepackage[mono = false]{libertine} \usepackage[fontset = none]{ctex} \setlength \parindent {0pt} \setCJKmainfont{LXGW WenKai} \setCJKsansfont[AutoFakeBold]{LXGW Marker Gothic} \setCJKmonofont{LXGW WenKai Mono} \titleformat*{\section}{\sffamily\Large\bfseries} \AddToHook{env/function/before}{\vspace*{-.65\baselineskip}} \AddToHook{env/syntax/after}{\par\vspace*{.15\baselineskip}} \makeatletter \def \@key #1{\textcolor{red}{\textbf{\texttt{#1}}}~\normalfont \texttt{=}~} \def \s@key #1{\textcolor{red}{\textbf{\texttt{#1}}}} \DeclareRobustCommand \key {\@ifstar\s@key\@key} \def \val #1{\meta{\textup{#1}}} \def \TFF {true\textbar \textbf{false}} \def \TTF {\textbf{true}\textbar false} \def \HoLogo@ApTeX #1{\HOLOGO@mbox {Ap\kern -.1667em\TeX}} \newlist{keyval}{itemize}{10} \setlist[keyval]{leftmargin = 0pt, labelsep = 0pt} \makeatother \makeindex \title{% \sffamily \cls{litetable} 文檔類 --- 多彩嘅課程表\thanks{% \url{https://github.com/myhsia/litetable}, \url{https://ctan.org/pkg/litetable} } } \author{% 夏明宇 \texttt{<\href{mailto:myhsia@outlook.com}{myhsia@outlook.com}>}\thanks{ \href{https://github.com/ljguo1020}{郭李軍} 開發咗讀取 \meta{left} \cmd[no-index]{->} \meta{right} 型數據結構嘅接口, 並為低版本 \hologo{TeX} Live 做兼容. } } \date{Released 2025-03-02\quad \texttt{v3.3B}} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{介紹} \cls{litetable} 文檔類提供咗一個多彩嘅課程表設計, 基於 \pkg{tikz} 由 \pkg{expl3} 開發. 其兼容發行版 \hologo{TeX} Live 2019 及更高版本, 支持 \hologo{pdfLaTeX},\hologo{XeLaTeX},\hologo{ApTeX} 和 \hologo{LuaLaTeX} 等多種編譯方式. 點擊跳轉至手冊嘅 \href{litetable-en-us.pdf}{[\textsf{English Version}]} \href{litetable-zh-cn.pdf}{[\textsf{官话版本}]}. \section{用戶接口} 要加載此宏包,只需寫下 \begin{quote} |\usepackage{litetable}| \end{quote} \DescribeEnv{litetable} 環境 \env{litetable} 可生成空白課程表框架, 需在命令 \cs{timelist} 和 \cs{weeklist} 後執行 \begin{quote} |\begin{litetable}| \oarg{keys} \marg{title} \oarg{keys}| ... |% |\end{litetable}| \end{quote} 強制參數用於設定課程表標題, 可選參數接受以下鍵 \begin{keyval} \item [\key{color}] \val{color} 可設置課程表框架嘅背景色 (默認值:\cmd[no-index]{gray}),鍵名可省略. \item [\key{sem}] \val{string} 可設置頁面右上角嘅學期信息. \end{keyval} \begin{function}{\weeklist} \begin{syntax} \cs{weeklist} \oarg{keys} \marg{list} \oarg{keys} \end{syntax} 強制參數接收數組, 用於設置課程表頂部嘅工作日列表和列寬. 可選參數接受以下鍵 \begin{keyval} \item [\key{format}] \val{format commands} 可設置工作日列表格式 (默認值:\cmd[no-index]{\bfseries}). \item [\key{sep}] \val{string} 可設置工作日列表嘅分隔符 (默認為空). \end{keyval} \begin{verbatim} \weeklist [ format = \bfseries \scshape, sep = \textbar ] { Mon -> 1, Tue -> 1, Wed -> 1, Thu -> 1, Fri -> 1 } \end{verbatim} \end{function} \begin{function}{\timelist} \begin{syntax} \cs{timelist} \oarg{keys} \marg{list} \oarg{keys} \end{syntax} 強制參數均接收數組,用於設置課程表嘅左側嘅時間列表. 可選參數接受以下鍵 \begin{keyval} \item [\key{numformat}] \val{format} 可設置時間列表嘅序號字體, (默認值:\cmd[no-index]{\ttfamily} \cmd[no-index]{\bfseries}). \item [\key{timefont}] \val{format} 可設置時間列表嘅時間字體, (默認值:\cmd[no-index]{\ttfamily}). \item [\key{hidetime}] \val\TFF 用於隱藏時間列表中嘅時間,只保留序號. (初始值:\cmd[no-index]{false}). \end{keyval} \begin{verbatim} \timelist [ numformat = \bfseries, timeformat = \ttfamily ] { 08:30 -> 10:00, 10:30 -> 12:00, 13:00 -> 14:30, 15:00 -> 16:30 } \end{verbatim} \end{function} \begin{function}{\course} \begin{syntax} \cs{course} \oarg{keys} \marg{start} \oarg{keys} \marg{end} \oarg{keys} \end{syntax} 用於在當前工作日添加課程盒子, 需在 \env{litetable} 環境中執行. 兩個強制參數分別用於設置課程嘅開始和結束序號. 可選參數接收下列鍵 \begin{keyval} \item [\key{color}] \val{color} 用於設置課程盒子嘅顏色, (默認值:\cmd[no-index]{teal}). 鍵名可省略. \item [\key{subject}] \val{string} 用於設置課程名稱. \item [\key{location}] \val{string} 用於設置課程地點. \item [\key{lecture}] \val{string} 用於設置授課教師. \item [\key{comment}] \val{string} 用於給課程添加腳注. \end{keyval} \begin{texnote} \begin{itemize}[leftmargin = 2em] \item 若 \meta{start} \cmd[no-index]{=} \meta{end}(課程盒子嘅高度為 $1$), 則 \key*{location} 和 \key*{lecture} 將輸出在同一行, 並且 \key*{comment} 將隱藏. \item 即使誤將 \meta{start} 與 \meta{end} 寫反, 模板也會自動糾正. \item 若 \key*{location} 和 \key*{lecture} 均未使用, 則 \key*{subject} 將輸出在課程盒子嘅 竪直方向中心. \item 超出課程表範圍嘅課程盒子將不顯示, 並會返回警告. 輸入用例見 Appendix \ref{mwe}. \end{itemize} \end{texnote} \end{function} \begin{function}{\newday} \begin{syntax} \cs{newday} \oarg{integral value} \end{syntax} 使其後面添加嘅課程盒子後移 \meta{intergal value} 個工作日. 可選參數嘅默認值為 \cmd[no-index]{1}. \end{function} \begin{function}{\more} \begin{syntax} \cs{more} \marg{comment} \end{syntax} 在課程表嘅右下角添加備注. \end{function} \appendix \linespread{1.05} \section{工作範例} \label{mwe} \begin{verbatim} \weeklist [ format = \bfseries \scshape, sep = \textbar ] { \texttwemoji{1f312} Mon -> 1, \texttwemoji{1f525} Tue -> 1, \texttwemoji{1f30a} Wed -> 1, \texttwemoji{1f332} Thu -> 1, \texttwemoji{1fa99} Fri -> 1 } \timelist [ numformat = \ttfamily \bfseries, timeformat = \ttfamily ] { 08:05 -> 08:50, 08:55 -> 09:40, 10:00 -> 10:45, 10:50 -> 11:35, 11:40 -> 12:25, 13:30 -> 14:15, 14:20 -> 15:05, 15:15 -> 16:00, 16:05 -> 16:50, 18:30 -> 19:15, 19:20 -> 20:05, 20:10 -> 20:55 } \begin{litetable} [ MidnightBlue, sem = SEM 7 ] { Course Schedule } \course [ subject = interface3, comment = \TeX{} Live 2025, lecture = The \LaTeX{} Project, DarkBlue ] {4} {5} \newday \course [ subject = expl3, lecture = The \LaTeX{} Project ] {8} {8} \newday \course [ subject = Keep on \TeX ing, lecture = Donald E. Knuth, location = Stanford University, Purple ] {10} {11} \newday \course [ subject = Ti\textit k\/Z, lecture = \textsc{pgf}, Crimson, comment = Version 3.1.10 ] {3} {5} \more { Programme Duration: 09 / 2021 -- 07 / 2025 } \end{litetable} \end{verbatim} \PrintIndex \weeklist [ format = \bfseries \scshape, sep = \textbar ] { \texttwemoji{1f312} Mon -> 1, \texttwemoji{1f525} Tue -> 1, \texttwemoji{1f30a} Wed -> 1, \texttwemoji{1f332} Thu -> 1, \texttwemoji{1fa99} Fri -> 1 } \timelist [ numformat = \ttfamily \bfseries, timeformat = \ttfamily ] { 08:05 -> 08:50, 08:55 -> 09:40, 10:00 -> 10:45, 10:50 -> 11:35, 11:40 -> 12:25, 13:30 -> 14:15, 14:20 -> 15:05, 15:15 -> 16:00, 16:05 -> 16:50, 18:30 -> 19:15, 19:20 -> 20:05, 20:10 -> 20:55 } \begin{litetable} [ MidnightBlue, sem = SEM 7 ] { Course Schedule } \course [ subject = interface3, comment = \TeX{} Live 2025, lecture = The \LaTeX{} Project, DarkBlue ] {4} {5} \newday \course [ subject = expl3, lecture = The \LaTeX{} Project ] {8} {8} \newday \course [ subject = Keep on \TeX ing, lecture = Donald E. Knuth, location = Stanford University, Purple ] {10} {11} \newday \course [ subject = Ti\textit k\/Z, lecture = \textsc{pgf}, Crimson, comment = Version 3.1.10 ] {3} {5} \more { Programme Duration: 09 / 2021 -- 07 / 2025 } \end{litetable} \end{document}